An Urgent Need [NSFW]

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[Warning - Depictions of non-consensual sexual acts}

Kirishima's words were halted by the sudden thrust of Bakugo's lips onto his own.

Kirishima sputtered, pulling away anxiously.


He felt a heat in his cheeks as he looked down at his best friend. The trembling had stopped at least, surely that meant he was coming out of whatever that quirk had done to him... Right?

Bakugo raised his eyes up at Kirishima and he was startled by the intensity of his gaze. Bakugo's eyes were half lidded, lust filled, and fixated on his own.

Kirishima stuttered, butterflies swarming in his stomach.
"B-Bakugo we really need to be focused... I uh, I think this would be better d-discussed in private... um I'm glad you feel this way but-"
Kirishima felt Bakugo's hands wrap around him as he sat up slightly, bringing their faces even closer together.

"You talk too much Eijiro."

He just called me by my first name.

Kirishima was suddenly all too aware of the way they were positioned, his lower body pressed firmly into Bakugo. Kirishima squirmed in his arms but was held forcibly in place.

The others will see us, isn't Bakugo worried about that?

It was then that Kirishima noticed the light pink tint to the whites of Bakugo's eyes. This was the quirk.

Kirishima felt his heart sink. Bakugo was under the control of a quirk, he wasn't actually attracted to him, he was just being manipulated.

Kirishima opened his mouth to protest but was immediately silenced by Bakugo's soft lips pressing into his own. He let out a noise of surprise when he felt Bakugo's teeth bite into his lower lip.

This isn't the place for this to happen. I need to stop this, Bakugo wouldn't want me to take advantage of him like this.

The ash blonde moaned against his lips, sliding his tongue into Kirishima's mouth and causing a zing of excitement to rush through his heart. Bakugo ran his hands up Kirishima's back, sending shivers down his spine. Kirishima felt himself kissing back, melting into Bakugo's embrace.

No. I have to stop this. This isn't right.

Pulling away with a gasp, Kirishima pushed himself back into the dirt. He couldn't do this to Bakugo, it wasn't right. He felt his heart throbbing in pain and tears forming in his eyes. This wasn't fair. He wanted this so badly, why couldn't it be real.

He was startled to hear Bakugo's dirty talking as the blonde's arms crashed down over him. Bakugo loomed over him, lowering his head to suck and nip at his neck. Kirishima fought back the groan that was threatening to escape his lips as he felt Bakugo's tongue swirl over his throat.

"Fuck Eijiro, don't play hard to get."

Kirishima fought against the automatic urge to harden his skin as Bakugo bit into him roughly, sending sharp pain shooting through him. A part of Kirishima decided he was staying soft to protect Bakugo, he couldn't let him break his teeth on his neck. But deep down Kirishima knew he was acting greedily, he wanted to feel everything Bakugo was doing to him.

Passion on Display [KiriBaku]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora