Cheeks as Red as His Eyes

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The sun was bright as the students stepped out into the large parking lot. Heroes and students alike were mingling and ordering up into teams all around their class and Bakugo wondered vaguely what team he would be placed into. Present Mic was the last to exit the bus as he had been sleeping through the ride. Running a hand through his spiky hair, Bakugo huffed in annoyance. Was everyone lacking proper sleep these days?


Bakugo winced slightly at the volume of Present Mic's voice as the class turned to face him.


As though they had appeared out of nowhere, four Pro Heroes approached the class. Two men and two women walking towards the front of their group. Mr. Aizawa looked slightly more grouchy than usual as they came to stand next to him. The heroes each gave their names and where they were from, Bakugo was barely interested. In fact he was more intrigued by the flush of red that tainted his teacher's face.

"OhmygoshthisissocoolIneverwouldhaveguessedthaywe'dgettomeetLadyLibertyANDStValentine!! They'reProHerosofLegend!!theyvestoppedsomanyconflictsintheirtimethisissoexciting!"

"Shut up, damn nerd!" Bakugo growled at the green haired boy who was squealing from behind him.

Heroes of legend eh? Maybe I should pay more attention to them then.. it would be so satisfying to crush a hero legend from another country.

Just the thought of it made Bakugo's eyes narrow in delight.
Taking in the heroes in front of him, he read their names and country off the pins adorning their costumes.

Tch, name tags are for babies, he thought as he read them one by one. Closest to Mr. Aizawa was a hero by the name of St Valentine, his country was France. His ridiculous outfit consisted of a tight pink and black leotard with hearts decorating the front. He had a large, ornate bow and daintily colored quiver slung over his shoulder and wore heavy white gloves. Bakugo snorted under his breath at the ridiculousness of it all.

Next to him was a woman hero by the name of Lady Liberty. Her country was the United States of America and her outfit was slightly less ridiculous. She wore a light green suit with gold and bronze detailing. Her neck and arms appeared to be wrapped in a similar fabric and her sandals had sinister looking spikes on their tips. Interesting.

Next to her was a hero named Chameleon. He was from Africa, his skin was dark and his outfit was a bright metallic silver that clung close to his hyper muscular body. He wore large goggles on top of his head and was smiling at something the hero next to him was saying. Turning his attention to her, he read her name as TimePiece, from England. She had a large clock face on her exposed chest, she still wore clothes, she was just a little more scantily clad then the other three... well if you didn't count the leotard wearing Cupid man.

Bakugo rolled his eyes as he heard Mineta not so silently begging the Gods to be placed in TimePiece's group.

Sudden loud and obnoxious laughter interrupted his thoughts as he glanced over to see Present Mic wheezing with his arm rested on Mr Aizawa's shoulder.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Valentine!" he came out with suddenly, his eyes watering from laughter. Valentine smiled down at him and then met eyes with the angry and flustered looking Aizawa.

What the fuck is happening?

"After what happened when we last met I assumed you two would try to avoid one another as much as possible!!" Present Mic's boisterous laughter interrupted and drew the attention of the other heroes who had just finished telling the class about themselves.


God, his laughter is annoying as hell. Bakugo thought bitterly as he watched Aizawa grit his teeth and look away from the two.

"Remember at the Shinkari Restaurant?" Present Mic shrieked to Shitty Cupid. The other man smiled broadly, "How could I forget! That was the funniest sight!"

"I know! HAH! He just about stripped completely naked! I thought-"


Aizawa's eyes glowed as red as his cheeks as he shoved Present Mic's arms off of him. Turning quickly towards the gaping mouthed class he calmly brought out a sheet of paper.

"I will now read out your team assignments. You will go to the field designated by your group number."

Bakugo smirked as he noticed the light tremble in Mr Aizawa's hands. What kind of trouble had he gotten himself into back then? He never would have expected a behavior like that from the ever calm and calculating Aizawa.

"Group One will be Kaminari, Tokoyami, Asui, Mineta, and Iida. Your hero is Chameleon."
He heard Mineta groan in anguish behind him and a corner of his mouth turned up. Served him right.

"Group Two will be Bakugo, Midoria, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Todoroki. Your hero is St Valentine."

Shit. Both the half and half bastard and the shit nerd?!

Bakugo grumbled quietly and rolled his eyes. On top of that he'd been paired with shitty Cupid. A sudden voice beside him caught him off guard.

"Lucky that we get to work together, eh Bakugo?"

Bakugo grunted in agreement as Kirishima laid his arm across his shoulders. He stiffened at his touch as an unexpected jittery feeling rose in his stomach.

"We're going to crush that Pro Hero!"
He offered his free hand for a fist bump and Bakugo half heartedly touched knuckles with him.

"And finally Group Four will be Aoyama, Ojiro, Sato, Koda, and Shoji with Lady Liberty. We will all be heading to building three." Aizawa gazed out at all of them, his piercing eyes daring any of them to interrupt.

"Groups One and Two will meet in field five for their event and groups three and four will meet in room 19 for a session before they get to do field exercises."
Mr Aizawa turned sharply on his heel, leaving no room for comment and quickly lead the students and hero's towards the correct building.

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