Classmate Confessions

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"That's a terrible idea Yamada." Aizawa growled, rubbing his temple. "What good is a simple child's game going to do for the situation? You're speaking nonsense."

Yamada's face melted into a look of giddy excitement as he pulled a small black box from his bag. "I borrowed a truth cube from detective Naomasa Tsukauchi! I'll be able to figure out exactly what happened!"

Aizawa's eyes glowed a fearsome crimson. "You can't manipulate the children. I won't let you. Besides, this has nothing to do with English class."

Yamada held up his hands in defense. "Calm down! I know what I'm doing!"

"Yamada..." Aizawa's voice teetered on the edge of both threatening and warning, but Hizashi had already left the lounge. "Trust me, everything will be A-OK!"


"Excuse me Sensei, but how does a game called "Truth or Dare" have anything to do with learning English?" Iida called from his seat, his hand swishing mechanically through the air.

Present Mic chuckled at that, setting the mysterious box down on the teacher's desk.

"Don't worry young listener, I'll explain everything."

Kirishima sighed, slumping back into his hand and beginning a new doodle on his English vocabulary sheet. The last thing he wanted to do was play a game with the students that hated him for no reason. He raised his eyes to look at his blonde boyfriend and was surprised to see him looking back at him.

Present Mic's booming voice drew his attention from the familiar pair of simmering rubies and he huffed once more, turning to face their loud, blonde Sensei.

"Alright students! For this game, we will start with one person who gets to ask another person, TRUTH OR DARE-AH! If you prefer Truth you must answer honestly, or my interrogation box will detect your lie!" Yamada, plopped the black cube onto the desk. "If you choose Dare then you must do a simple task! You may not ask the person who asked you first! AND you must use ONE ENGLISH WORD in each truth or dare! UNDERSTOOD?"

The whole class was chittering with excitement, but none louder than Mineta.

"I can make a girl do anything I want?! Anything?! I can also ask anything? I'll finally be able to know Yaoyorozu's cup size!!" Mineta's drooling face was jolted forwards from the force of Tsuyu's tongue smacking the back of his head.

"That reminds me! No inappropriate questions!"

"Sensei, how will the box tell us if someone's lying?" Uraraka's voice came from the back of the room.

"Good question!" The loud man chirped, flicking a switch on the bottom of the box before setting it down on his desk. The cube lit up in a rush of white light and the class let out an astonished gasp. "When someone tells the truth, the box lights up green, and when someone tells a lie, the box lights up red! For example! My birthday is July 7th!" The box lit up a bright green and the class was abuzz with excitement. "So bring the desks into a circle! YEAHH!"

The sounds of scraping chairs filled the small room and Kirishima found himself sitting between Mina and Kaminari. He gazed at the grumpy blond sitting directly in front of him. He was busily drumming his fingers against his crossed arms as he glared at the floor. Clearly he was just as thrilled as Kirishima at the situation. The group settled in at once, watching as Present Mic set the cube on a single desk in the center of all of them. "This is going to be just like the game from my magazine!" Mina hissed out at him before turning and giggling with Uraraka.

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