Cafeteria Chaos

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"Man I'm hungry!" Kirishima said, glancing back to see Bakugo, Sero, and Jiro slowly following along.

"Yeah! That lesson lasted forever, I wasn't sure if Present Mic was ever going to stop apologizing," Sero laughed, walking a bit faster to keep pace with the hungry redhead.

Kirishima watched as Sero glanced over his shoulder at the blonde who was now grunting in reply to Jiro excitedly thrusting her pearly pink MP3 player in his face. According to Denki's earlier ramblings, she and the other class 1A girls had plans for a karaoke night this weekend as a sort of friendship-rekindling activity. Naturally she wanted to gather Bakugo's input alongside their other classmates on songs to download.

"So how are things with you and Bakubro?" Sero's voice was neutral, but Kirishima could see the hesitant worry dwindling in his dark eyes. "Things seemed kinda tense in there. And now he's oddly quiet... in a scary Bakugo way, I mean."

Kirishima nodded, glancing back at his boyfriend. His eyes were distant, looking out the windows as they passed through the hallways. He was sure that Bakugo wasn't happy with the way things had happened. Hell, he was sure he was worried about his future. Students who were gay didn't usually tell other students about that sort of thing, and especially not about their sex lives. It simply wasn't done. Regardless of Bakugo's seemingly thoughtless and impulsive mannerisms, Kirishima knew he was very much aware of the new pressure that surrounded their relationship as openly gay lovers. Even as an advanced human society, being gay in Japan still wasn't looked very kindly upon.

"I'm sure he's just worried." Kirishima sighed at last, slowing his pace a bit as they neared the line from the cafeteria's entrance. "To be honest, I'm a bit worried too. I don't want all these incidents to negatively affect our hero careers."

"What do you mean?" Sero asked, his eyebrows quirked up some as his eyes followed Bakugo and Jiro moving to join them at last.

"Well... I'm just wondering if this will affect my ability to pledge as a sidekick to a hero who might not like that sort of thing." Kirishima said flatly, his eyes wandering before landing on the soft tufts of ash blonde hair that had finally reached his side.

"You really want to work for some useless B-Lister?" Bakugo grunted suddenly, his eyes glued to his phone before flitting up quickly to catch Kirishima's.

"Well, ah, yeah. I mean who else is going to want me? I'm not really the best at-"

"Shut the Hell up, moron," Bakugo snarled, his hand slamming onto Kirishima's face and startling him into hardening. It was lucky he did from the small blast that followed, jarring the students nearby.

"THE USE OF QUIRKS OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM IS PROHIBITED, BAKUGO!" Iida's voice chimed from the distance, and Bakugo snarled again, huffing and slamming his fists deep into his pant's pockets.

"Your self confidence is the only thing lacking, you dumbass," he grumbled, raising his eyes to meet Kirishima's once more, the raging fire that glowed in them seeming more ablaze than ever. "You saying I'm dating a loser? Cuz that's not what I think." He punctuated his last words by shoving past Kirishima into the cafeteria, the line had cleared now and he walked quickly out of the red head's line of sight.

"Geez, you were right," Sero sighed, rubbing his temple, "He really is riled up."

"Let's just grab some food before the period is over. He'll cool off." Jiro said, tugging on both boy's sleeves as they entered the cafeteria.


After fixing himself a plate heaped with rice and meat, Kirishima wandered a bit before finding Bakugo, sitting by himself at the windows, stirring his spoon in his bowl and looking so moody it was as if a dark aura loomed over him.

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