"Hey man," Kirishima started, rubbing the back of his neck. Surely Bakugo wasn't angry at him. Why did he feel so hesitant to sit?

"You gonna sit or just eat while standing?" Bakugo growled, shoveling a bite of food into his mouth, before locking eyes with him.

"Y-Yeah, of course,"  Kirishima said, sliding into the chair and setting his food down. "Man, you haven't exploded my face in a while. You ok?"

Bakugo slurped loudly before swiping his lips with the back of his hand. "Yeah I'm good." He huffed, stirring again. "Are you good?" He was quiet again as Kirishima swallowed his mouthful of beef. The blonde's next words were so quiet it was a wonder Kirishima could hear them over the dull roar of the cafeteria. "You're acting like you're fucking ashamed of me or something."

"What?!" He nearly choked, reaching out hastily to grasp Bakugo's wrist, jolting it and spilling broth on the table.

"Oi! That's hot, Hair for Brains!" Bakugo howled, snatching a napkin and rubbing it over his arm.

"I, uh, sorry, I just-"

"It's fuckin' fine. I shouldn't have said anything." His eyes dropped again as he said it.

"No, Bakugo, you're wrong. I'm not ashamed, ok? I'd kiss you right here and now and never regret it."

"Shut up, you sappy shit," Bakugo growled, but the corner of his mouth had turned up, and Kirishima smiled. He placed his hand back more gently now, sliding his thumb over the rough skin on his wrist.

"Look here! It's the love birds everyone has been talking about." The voice was shrill and annoyingly familiar. Kirishima's eyes darted angrily towards the sharp tongued blonde who was now looming over their table.

Monoma. Just who I didn't want to see.

Bakugo's arm tensed under his hand, and his boyfriend's words came booming outwards. "You're the spineless shit-stain that posted that video!" Bakugo lurched to his feet, immediately gripping the other boy's shirt in his fists. "I'm going to turn you to ash, you little-"

"You turn me to ash, I'll turn it right back on you." The boy growled, tugging himself in an attempt to get out of Bakugo's grip. "It's such a shame that you two tarnished Class 1A's reputation so badly. It's not like Class 1B has any sort of scandal happening, and you all are supposed to be so much better! I wonder-"


"Katsuki," Kirishima tugged desperately on Bakugo's sleeve, moving forwards to place himself between the two. "Remember the meeting? One more fight?" His eyes were pleading and he grabbed tightly onto his boyfriend's jacket.

Bakugo's eyes were dark, but his face twitched irritably and he loosened his grip on the other boy's shirt enough for him to rip his way out of his grasp.

"Hah! I knew you were too afraid to fight me! Truly class 1B is better than you, you just have to admit this to yourself! I"m sure the whole world thinks it by now! Don't you-"

His tirade was interrupted again by the swift hands and apologetic eyes of his classmate Kendo.

"I'm sorry.." She murmured, "About all of this," she shifted her weight before continuing. "I really thought he was better than this. He's going through a tough time, and I know that's not an excuse, but please don't hurt him too badly." Her eyes darkened a bit as she glanced down at her classmate. "Class 1B is all very angry at him right now, and Vlad Sensei is already talking with Mr Aizawa about proper repercussions... It was actually me and Toru who told him about the video. 1B really does feel bad about all that happened, so please don't hold it against the rest of us." She tightened her grip on the unconscious blonde, "This idiot just can't tell when he's crossing a line anymore."

Bakugo's shoulders were still tense, but he grunted in reply, reaching down to grip Kirishima's wrist and tugging him along as they made their way from the cafeteria.

I wasn't done eating though... He thought, glancing back longingly at his steak before following Bakugo's lead out of the cafeteria.

Word Count: 1350

Hey there everyone! I'm not dead! Here's another chapter for you all. I finally have some free time to write now that spring break is here. :)

I'm planning to finish the last two chapters of this story over the break, and possibly write the first few for the continuation of this book: "My Greatest Weakness," so totally stay tuned for that! It's going to have a lot of action and fluff!

For this story there will be one last NSFW chapter (next chapter) and then the final chapter before book two begins.

Sorry for all the inactivity, this year hit me like a truck, but I'm so happy to be writing again. It's good to be back! :)

I hope you all are staying safe with this deadly virus running rampant around the world. Please stay indoors and keep it safe.


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