6 Words - No Ships

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I was watching Operation Zero, and I thought this would be cute for our favorite ninja. Hope you like it!

It was dark, and grey clouds covered the sky. It was raining, but that did not faze the citizens of Ninjago. People walked out of their homes, carrying flowers and notes.  A young girl, holding 6 letters and 6 bouquets of flowers, walked slowly to the park.  She was holding her parents' hands. She was on the verge of tears. She was in the front of the crowd when it happened.

The party had ended when everyone had been evacuated. There was a loud alarm going off in the distance. Screaming could be heard from the basement.

"I can't stop it!" A female voice said, "It won't open!"

"We're so hooped! We're not going to make it!" A squeaky voice yelled frantically.

"My sensors indicate we have a 5% chance of survival."

"I guess this is it, isn't it?" A semi-deep voice asked.

"Yeah... I just want to say its been an honor knowing you guys." This voice was softer, and kinder. "I love you guys..."


"I do too."

"I also agree."


"Love you too."

The bomb went off, and the building was lit up in flames.

*End Flashback*

Everyone was gathered in the park, around 6 graves. Flowers and letters covered all of them. The young girl started to make her way to the front of the crowd.  She began to read all the tombstones aloud. She started with the far left.

Kai Smith
The most hotheaded of the ninja. He was the Fire Elemental.  While he tended to jump into everything, he was said to be a caring brother, and an incredible friend. He believed everyone was brave in their own way.
"A ninja NEVER admits defeat.  A ninja ALWAYS picks himself up when he's down."

She left a small card and some of the flowers on his grave. The young girl moved on to the next grave. She could feel hot tears beginning to stream down her face.

Jay Walker
The comedy relief of the ninja. He had been the Lightning Elemental. He used jokes as a way to stay positive throughout trouble. He was a great ninja, and a kind person to all. He believed positivity would always overcome negativity.
"Hey! If I'm going down, I may as well go down laughing!"

More tears streamed down her face as she kneeled down next to the grave, giving Jay the same things she had given to Kai. She moved on to the next grave. Her eyesight was getting blurry, but she was determined to continue.

Nya Smith
While she was part of the team for a while, she refuses to be known as the female ninja. She was the Water Elemental. She had helped Ninjago citizens, even before she was a ninja. She was a smart, and good person. As well as a role model for young girls. She believed everyone was equal, and girls can do everything boys can
"Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow."

Another letter was left on the grave, along with more flowers. The young girl continued crying. Nothing mattered to her. Not now, at least.

Lloyd Garmadon
The Green Ninja. The Leader. Elemental Master of Energy. Lloyd believed no matter who you are, or what you have done in the past, you could be a great person. He was the most forgiving of the ninja. He was said to be the reason the ninja were so close.
"This is about what is RIGHT..."

Two graves remained. She had dropped off more flowers and another letter.

Cole Brookstone
The Earth Elemental. Cole believed you could be anything you want to be, and you don't need to be what others want you to be. You can be yourself.
"Some of us may look a little different. But like our team, some things never change."

The young girl did the same thing she did to the other graves, and continued to the final grave. Tears flooded her eyes, leaving her almost unable to see.

Zane Julien.

Nindroid, and Ice Elemental. He was the intelligence as the team. He believed it does not matter if you are a human or not, because you are still important.
"I am a nindroid. And ninja NEVER quit!"

The young girl placed the remaining flowers and letter on his grave. Dry tears covered her face. On each grave had a word on it. The words on each grave formed a sentence.

We Are The Protectors Of Ninjago

Hope you guys liked it! I'm starting school so I might not update as much. This was dedicated to Hermione. Thanks for reading!

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