Be My Yang? - SmokeShipping

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No P.O.V.

Shade drove his Chevron up to Ash's house. He was wearing a black suit with a grey shirt underneath. Before he had went up to the door, he slipped a small box inside of his suit, into a small pocket.

He went up to the door and knocked three times. Ash came out wearing a similar suit, but he had a different color. He was currently wearing a grey suit, with a white shirt. He gelled his hair back, and grabbed his wallet, walking out the door.

"Are you ready to go Ash?" Shade asked, his nerves nothing himself.

"Are you alright Shady? You look a little sick."

"I'm fine, j-just excited, y'know?" Came the reply. Not lying, but not telling the truth.

"Then let's go!" Ash quickly kissed Shade on the lips before grabbing his hand and walking to the car. Shade hurried down the steps on the porch and opened the door for Ash, before sliding into the front seat.


They made it to the restaurant after a half hour of driving. It was said to be one of the most romantic places to eat in Ninjago.

"Hey, Ash?"


"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if someone did something to change your life?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't?" Ash said, smiling. Shade took a deep breath, and reached into his pocket, squeezing the box.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Shade stood up, walking over to his boyfriends. All eyes turned to Ash and Shade. Ash started to blush.

"What are you doing Shade?" He asked, motioning to all of the customers.

"Something Ike wanted to do for a long time." Was his reply. "Ash, listen. You mean the world to me. I love you, and always have."

Shade kneeled to the ground, pulling out the box and opened it.

"Will you be my Yang Ash?" The room was dead silent. No noise could be heard. All of the focus was on Ash.

"I-I love you too Shady. I will! Of course I will!"

They shared a passionate kiss. Everyone in the restaurant was cheering, and clapping for them. Ash cried into Shades shoulder.

"I love much Shade"

"Love ya too Ash. Love you too."

Ninjago: OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt