Ditching - Lloyd X Brad

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Does anyone know the name of this ship? I don't know it. BTW, if someone says Dorkley, their making fun of the principle, because they probably hate him.

Lloyd's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. The other kids in my dorm were groaning. There was only a small group of us. I looked around the room, but Brad was missing. I opened my mouth to ask, but Finn beat me to it.

"Where's Brad at?" Everyone shrugged and continued to get into our uniform. I was combing my hair when Brad walked in.

"Get in trouble with Dorkley, Brad?" Gene asked, looking up from the book he had been reading.

"No, just setting up something..." He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled and waved back.

We had finished getting ready, and walked through the halls into the cafeteria. I walked behind everyone, Brad stopped walking and waited for me to catch up. I smiled at the gesture and continued to walk with him.

"You wanna ditch class today?" He whispered to me, not wanting to let anyone overhear.

"Sure, but why?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"I want to show you something." He told me. He began to run to join the others, and I joined them.


No P.O.V.
When the bell rang for first period, Lloyd and Brad snuck down the halls. The security cameras had been previously hacked by Gene a long while ago, and had been replaced with fake footage Finn recorded.

Brad walked to a locker and put in a code. It opened loudly, and the friends rushed into the passageway hidden inside. Lloyd closed the door behind him, and followed Brad up the staircase.

Brad stopped walking and took out a small key. He unlocked a small door, and crawled through. Lloyd followed in pursuit. It only took a few minutes to get to the other side.

The other side was beautiful. It was a large garden, full of colorful plants, and a few birds. There were a few benches on the far side of the garden near a small group of trees.

"Where are we?" Lloyd turned his head, looking over at Brad.

"We're in a room I found. It was empty, so I thought we could hang out here." He replied, walking to where the benches were. Lloyd sat down next to him, enjoying the scenery.

"Its really nice isn't it?" Lloyd nodded, watching the view in front of him. Brad slipped his hand on top of Lloyds. Brad turned his head to the side, trying to keep Lloyd from seeing his blush.

Lloyd looked down and blushed. Brad and Lloyd looked up, making eye contact. They quickly continued looking at the garden in front of him.

"Im really glad we ditched today..." Lloyd said, smiling at Brad.

"Yeah. I am too." Brad and Lloyd stayed there the rest of the day,

Hope you enjoyed. I believe this is called forgiveness shipping, but I have no idea. If you know, comment down below so I can fix this please.

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