Henry Bowers

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"It would never happen."

Greta Keene and Patrick Hockstetter both stared down the second floor hallway at the fight unraveling between Henry Bowers and Y/N Kaspbrak. It appeared that the scuffle had been caused by your purposely knocked over textbooks, but it could've been over anything. You'd pick fights every week, each more frequent and more bitter than the last. Students flowed past the spat from their separate classes, the lunch bell ringing for the second time.

"Pick up my fuckin' books, Bowers."

"I thought you jumped at the chance to get on your knees, Y/N."

A loud laugh. "Hockstetter told me the same thing about you, that's funny."

The bickering loudened as Greta turned to look at an obviously amused Patrick. It was the day before Halloween, and the kids walking past were chattering so loud, laughing so excitedly over the anticipation that they drowned out the rest of the nearby show.

"I know for a fact that it would. They'd fuck hard, if they got the chance." Greta confidently assured.

Patrick shook his head and nearly giggled at the idea. "Greta, they fuckin' hate each other. They'd kill each other before ever thinking of fucking."

She wore a terribly smug smile. "Does he talk about her a lot?"

Patrick fiddled with his lighter absentmindedly, staring at his best friend across the hall. Narrowing his eyes in thought, it dawned on him. Yeah, Henry did talk about her a lot - almost every single day he'd have something to say about how much Y/N annoyed him, how she was so stuck up, and 'such a freak about shit', just like her little brother.

"Well... Sure. But always about how much he hates her."

"Doesn't matter. Does Henry look at her a lot?"

After some contemplation, Patrick nodded. "Doesn't give her bedroom eyes."

"Doesn't have to. And she complains to me about his stupid ass at least once a week, usually on the edge of tears."

Even more giggles came from the lanky teen. "Are you serious?"

Quickly, Greta nodded. "They'd hate-fuck like nobody else. Just gotta get 'em in a room together. I know it could happen."

A moment of silence between them passed, until Patrick shook his head once more.

"He tried fucking Janie Tremball just the other day, Greta. What about that?"

She cocked an eyebrow. "Did you notice how pissed Y/N got when she heard? And Henry hasn't talked to Janie since. I wonder why." She sarcastically concluded.

It was too hilarious a concept to entertain, but it was nonetheless more interesting than any subject they studied in class. Patrick stared back at the blonde in disbelief.

"I don't believe it. Even if they wanted to fuck, there's no way she'd ever let it happen, and he'd never try."

"You wanna bet on it?" Greta quipped.

Nearly rolling his eyes, he looked at the girl sternly.

"You know what? Yeah, I'd bet on that. But how would you get it to happen?"

She nearly beamed, looking back down the hall at the two future guinea pigs.

"With your help." Her big green eyes met his.

"How much you wanna bet, sweetheart?"

She blinked.

"Twenty bucks."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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