Luke Hemmings smut

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She tapped her pencil against her journal, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration at the math problem scribbled upon the lined paper. She had just learned the lesson days ago, how could she already have forgotten how to solve derivatives in less than a week? She groaned, rolling over to lay on her back on her comfortable mattress. She shut her eyes, resting a forearm on top of them as she attempted to recall the lesson her teacher had so poorly administered earlier in the week. Her mind flashed with memories of white chalk on the board and the monotonous voice of her AP Calculus teacher; but in regards to how to properly derive a function, nothing came to mind.
Just as she was on the verge of convincing herself to grab the textbook for guidance, the familiar male laughs from outside hindered her movements. She sucked in a deep breath, recognizing the husky voices nearly instantly. When her elderly next-door neighbors had decided to retire into a nursing home six months ago, the empty house was sold to a lovely family of five, consisting of three sons: two presumably in university (seeing as she rarely saw them around aside from the holidays) and one in her year named Luke. Since Luke first settled into his new home, he held band practices in his basement at least three times a week without fail, not including the excerpts of melodies he seemed to strum on his acoustic guitar nightly before bed. Having bedrooms directly across from each other on the side of their houses, Y/N had the fortune of tuning into his private concerts every night while she laid soundlessly under her sheets (as well as the many awkward moments of brief eye-contact when they both coincidentally decide to look out their windows at the same time).
By now, Y/N could easily differentiate the several voices she heard from Luke's front porch. As creepy as she felt doing it, Y/N couldn't help herself from peeking out her window behind the curtains in the past (more times than she's willing to admit) to get a glimpse of the faces that belonged to the voices she so constantly heard. Luke's front door slammed shut, stilling her body as she waited in anticipation for the best part of every Saturday evening. The faint tuning of electrical instruments and occasional bang of the drumset seeped through the thin walls of Luke's house and danced into hers, making Y/N grin as she pictured the boys lazily readying themselves for their rehearsal. God, how she longed to sit in front of them and listen intently to every crisp sound wisping from their instruments, her legs lazily sprawled out over the rugged couch she saw Luke hauling through the backdoor a couple months ago. If only she could grow the balls to ask.
There was a moment of silence before the evening air filled with the melodious tunes of a single guitar, joined promptly by two others. The deep voices and beat of the drums followed soon afterward while Luke cheerily (and flawlessly) belted the theme song of one of Y/N's favorite 2000's shows: What I Like About You, starring Amanda Bynes years before she went crazy. She subconsciously nodded her head in rhythm to the beat and hummed along lightheartedly as the band next door ran through their set, performing a compilation of covers and seeming original songs.
Y/N was utterly enchanted by their music to say the least. So when the set abruptly ended and a string of screeching microphones sounded, Y/N snapped her eyes open and instinctively sauntered towards her window. Her eyebrows furrowed, she sat on her knees as she watched Luke stand on his driveway and bid his goodbyes to his fellow bandmates gathering into a vehicle. She took this time to admire Luke (as she had done so often from afar since he moved in); the way his black skinny jeans hugged his legs as if another layer of skin, the way his styled quiff seemed to slouch after a long day without further gel reinforcement, the way she could spot his sexy fucking lip-ring dozens of feet above the ground. Everything about Luke was surreal, so surreal that she let out a loud sigh of adoration. She immediately slapped a hand to her mouth as her eyes grew wide, unable to grasp the fact she practically just moaned from looking at him and praying to whatever God there was that he hadn't heard her.
He did. Luke's face scrunched up in curiosity, turning his body towards her house to search for the origin of the noise. She hardly had time to react, but managed to remove the hand shielding her mouth as soon as Luke locked eyes with her. They seemed to freeze in place, struggling to formulate words as they simply gazed at each other.
A few seconds of agonizing silence later, Luke gathered the courage to break the ice. "Hey!" He smiled and threw a hand up to wave, but immediately directed it to scratch at the back of his neck once he realized how awkward he must look.
Y/N's eyes lit up, her stomach erupting in butterflies as it had done so every time they exchanged small smiles and hellos while checking their mailboxes or retrieving the morning newspaper in their pajamas. She grinned back a bit too wide, "Hi! Sorry, I-I was just seeing what all the commotion was about."
Luke's eyes widened and his voice rushed out in one breath, "Oh, I'm sorry! I—we didn't mean to disturb you or anything. I didn't...I didn't know your window was open, I'm sorry."
Y/N shook her head from left to right, hurriedly rejecting his assumption. "No, don't be sorry! You weren't disturbing anything. I was actually just curious as to why you guys stopped so soon. I-I was really enjoying hearing you all play." She bit her lip nervously, her face heating up in embarrassment at her revelation.
Luke's cheeks grew rosy as he stuttered his next few words with an undeniable grin, "Y-You were?"
Y/N let out an airy chuckle, running a hand through her silky hair as she leaned her elbows against the window sill. "Yeah, a lot actually. I look forward to it every week." Luke raised his eyebrows, to which Y/N replied with a grin, "The walls are thinner than you'd think."
Luke smiled shamelessly, his dimples dipping into his cheeks as he fumbled nervously with his fingers. "Well I wish you had told me sooner. I would've gladly hooked you up with front row seats."
Y/N bit her lip, nodding her head in mock casualty, attempting to appear calm (though her insides were anything but), "Next time then."
Luke grinned, imitating her nods as he spoke, "Yeah, for sure. Next time." A silence fell between them as they stared at each other, both their palms becoming clammy from the nerves of holding a conversation that lasted longer than 10 seconds. They hid their attraction to each other well. Terrified of rejection from their dream girl and guy, neither of them blatantly flirted with the other or even attempted to make the first move.
"Well, l, uh, I'll see you around then, Luke." Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, attempting to gain some of her dignity back as she stood from her knees and bent over to look through the window. "Bye," She chirped quietly and waved, a small smile gracing her full lips.
Luke rubbed his lips together, holding up his hand to unwillingly wave goodbye. "See you," He choked out. He watched Y/N stand up to her full length, her mind-boggling physique slowly making its way out of vision from the tiny square screen of her window. He gulped, feeling a sudden impulse to act upon his desires, "Wait! Y/N?"
Her legs bent at the knees as her face came into vision again, Luke's breath hitching in his throat upon seeing her. "Yes?" She asked politely, her eyebrows raised while she pulled a loose piece of hair from her face.
Luke could feel his heart pounding against his chest as she questioned, a nervous reaction he'd inherited from his father. He wasn't entirely sure he could form a cohesive sentence upon seeing her irresistible puzzled look, but his mouth (thankfully) seemed to have a mind of its own. "Would you maybe want to hang out tonight? You said you liked our music, I-I could show you around the set or something." He fumbled with the hems of his long-sleeved shirt while quickly adding, "If you want."
Y/N face broke into a full-blown smile, her cheeks reddening with every passing second. "Yes!" She blurted out almost automatically. She mentally smacked herself in the face at her overt enthusiasm, instantly trying to regain her composure as she continued slightly calmer, "I would love to. I'll uh, I'll meet you out there."
Luke let out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding. Smiling, he replied without thinking, "Awesome. I'll be here!"
Y/N shot him another quick smile before disappearing from the window. Luke shut his eyes and internally groaned at his redundant remark; obviously you'd be there Luke, where else would you be?
Y/N scampered frantically around her room, tossing shirts over her shoulder left and right before slipping on a pair of leggings. She applied a few brushes of mascara before smothering her lips in cherry chapstick, turning them a light shade of pink. Everything she did was rushed, messy—she was eager to embark on her fantasy of spending quality time with Luke, even if it was just looking at his guitars for a couple of minutes.
She nearly tripped over her feet as she stumbled down the steps in a rush. She swung her front door open, causing Luke to immediately divert his attention from his feet to her. He stood there speechless, nibbling on his lip ring as he took in every inch of her. She never failed to enchant him; every aspect of her seemed beautiful. He'd been dying to ask her out since day one, his mind constantly running marathons at all the amazing, dirty se—
"Hi." She said softly, breaking his train of thought as she sauntered towards his driveway with a sweet smile, her arms dangling on either side of her tempting body. He cleared his throat, attempting to shake the filthy thoughts flooding his consciousness, "Hey, you look very nice." Truth be told, Luke thought she looked way better than merely 'nice.'
She blushed at his commentary, making Luke internally pat himself on the back for making her feel good. "Thank you. So do you." She replied modestly. Luke grinned back, nodding his head towards the door before lightly grazing her back, "Right this way."
He guided her inside, his hand resting at the small of her back and sending waves of heat to her core just from a simple touch. Once they reached the top of the staircase leading to the basement, Luke reluctantly detached his hand from her to grasp the door handle. Swinging it open, Luke began his descent down the steps, Y/N following hot on his trail. "So, yeah the boys and I decided to cut rehearsal a little short today. Apparently Michael wants to 'get a head start on his physics lab.'" He tossed a knowing glance over his shoulder that told Y/N that was the last thing on Michael's mind. She let out a tiny giggle as Luke clarified with a tight-lipped smile, "That's what he told us anyway."
"Very believable." Y/N said sarcastically, nodding her head in mockery to which Luke laughed out loud. Turning a corner, the pair of them voyaged to the center of the basement. Luke stuffed his hands in his pockets as Y/N's bright eyes perused the premises with wondrous curiosity. Next to the sliding back door stood four tall microphone stands (the one next to the drums lowered), an impressive drum set, and an electric guitar plugged into a large black speaker. Just as she had pictured, the green, ruggedy couch was set directly under the multi-colored twinkling Christmas lights, the only sources of illumination in the dark room. Luke followed her gaze before gesturing towards the couch, "Our mums like to watch us every now and then. A little pathetic to say, but I think they're our biggest fans."
Y/N spun around to face Luke, her lips curving into a cocky grin, "I'd beg to differ."
Luke cocked an eyebrow up in interest, crossing his arms against his chest as he spoke, "Oh?"
"Mmmhm. If we're being honest, I'd consider myself your bands' biggest fan." Y/N replied jokingly with a smirk, walking over to the drum sets and running her slim fingers along the material, causing the smallest sound to emit from the percussions.
Luke walked over to join her as he grinned to himself; she was just as lovely as he assumed. "So how long have you been a band?" Her eyes lifted in genuine interest from the copious sheets of music spread across a coffee table to look at Luke. He cleared his throat before responding, "Uh, about a year now. We've had a few gigs but nothing serious."
"Still, that's awesome! All bands have to start somewhere. Don't hesitate to invite me to your next show." She grinned, her attention diverted from Luke to pick up a sheet of music.
"Will do." Luke said a hell of a lot more casually than he felt. His heart had been beating against his chest for the past few minutes as the rough material of his jeans tightened significantly solely from her presence. He watched her pupils run horizontally across her eyes as she perused over the music. He rubbed the back of his neck gingerly before questioning, "Do you play any instruments?"
She looked up from the music with her eyebrows raised, "God, I wish. I'm talentless in practically everything music wise."
"Oh, c'mon I'm sure that's not true—"
Y/N set the sheet down neatly on the table as she paced back towards Luke, her eyes wide. "No, believe me. I love music, but I'm a horrific musician."
"Well have you tried?" Luke cocked an eyebrow up, to which Y/N furrowed hers in query as she questioned out loud, "What do you mean?"
Breaking his gaze away from her, he sauntered into an unopened room before exiting moments later with an acoustic guitar in hand. Holding the instrument for her to take, he said with a small smile, "I'll teach you."
Y/N eyed the string instrument tentatively, sporting an adorable expression that verged on fear. "I-I don't wanna break your instrument, Luke."
He grinned back, unable to process how she managed to look flawless even while flustered beyond belief. "Don't worry about it, it's an old guitar." She still seemed unconvinced, so he grabbed her by the hand (which was just as soft as it looked) and lead her to the green couch to sit. Setting the guitar in her lap, he handed her a red pick that had the signature of his favorite singer scribbled on in sharpie.
"Luke, this is going to be so embarrassing." She groaned, tapping the pick against the wood nervously.
"Shhhh," he murmured as he placed her hands and fingers in the desired locations. Once everything was settled, he sucked in his lip ring and looked up at her worried expression, instantaneously having to hold back a chuckle. "I'm about to teach you how to play the greatest instrument on the planet. Don't act so excited." He teased, lightly bumping shoulders with her in an attempt to pacify her worries.
"Let's hope I don't pluck every one of these strings out." She breathed out.
Grinning, Luke pointed to the last string and guided her fingers across the spine of the guitar. "Press your fingers down there—yes perfect. Okay, now pluck—"
She plucked the string with great force, causing the string to bellow in a cry of help. It sounded like it was seconds away from snapping, turning Y/N's face a furious shade of red as she bit her lip. Luke grimaced, shrieking his head back with a laugh. "Jesus, let's try plucking it a little more gentle this time, please." Y/N repositioned herself as she let out a long exhale, shaking her head in knowing while she muttered, "Told you."
Luke smiled. Her cuteness was through the roof, and he couldn't help but brutally reprimand himself for not growing the testicles to ask her out earlier. "Try again, you can do it." Luke encouraged, nodding his head toward the chord. Y/N repeated the process, plucking the identical jolt of the string that made the sound of nails on a chalkboard sound pleasant. She squealed in embarrassment as she said half-heartedly, "I can't, Luke. Oh my god."
He laughed again, slapping a hand to his knee before rubbing it profusely. He suddenly felt nervous. "Here, let's uh... Let's try something." He mumbled, moving from the edge of the couch to hover behind her. He plopped down, his legs slowly straddling her body from behind, causing her entire form to instantly tense up at the feel of him so close to her. He wrapped his arms around her, his skilled fingers resting on top of hers. She felt her heart skip a beat and her thighs clench beneath her as he spoke.
"This okay?" He whispered in her ear, tickling the sensitive skin of her neck with his breath. "Y-Yes." She managed to mutter back.
Luke guided her fingers with his, easily covering her entire hands with his large ones. He directed her hesitant fingers to pluck the string again; this time, the room filled with the melodious tune of a single, beautiful chord. Luke savored the sound, closing his eyes momentarily as he hummed in her ear, "You did it."
She grinned back, feeling her body melt into his as his head rested on her shoulder. She licked her lips and whispered back, "Thanks to you." She glanced at him sideways, her eyes falling from his ethereal blue eyes to his pouty lips. His urges were at an all time high and he couldn't resist; Luke leaned in, closing the space between them and softly pressing their lips together. He let out a low groan at the feel of her soft lips moving against his; it was everything he dreamt of and more. Their lips moved slowly in sync, both of their bodies growing rapidly heated with arousal as it carried on.
Y/N pulled away slowly but kept her eyes shut and her distance to Luke close. "You're not so scary." She muttered as Luke gazed at her with dark eyes.
"What do you mean?" He asked breathlessly, leaning in to place a lingering kiss on her jaw. She set the guitar down by their feet, throwing her head back for Luke's lips to venture to her neck, placing kisses up and down the sweet skin as his hands wrapped around her hips. She hummed in satisfaction as her eyes opened lazily to look into his, "Do you have any idea how intimidating you are?"
"What are you— I am?" He sputtered in genuine disbelief, pulling away from her neck to look at her.
Y/N raised her eyebrows in amusement, "Oh completely. You're like a damn enigma, Luke Hemmings." She raised a tender hand to stroke his cheek as she said notably quieter, "But I guess that's why I like you."
Luke looked at her incredulously, as if she suddenly grew two heads and one of them was a dude, "You like me?" She paused as she considered her next move, still deciding whether it was a mistake revealing her infatuation with him. After a brief moment, she slowly, almost regrettably, nodded 'yes.'
"Y/N," he chuckled in disbelief as he rubbed the side of his temple, "I've crushed on you since the first day I moved here. I-I'll never forget those adorable Hello Kitty slippers you had on when your mum introduced you." Y/N let out a groan at the memory as Luke grinned, slapping a hand to her face as she shook her head shamefully. Luke took her hand in his, removing it from her face as he muttered against her cheek, "You're beautiful, you know." He closed his eyes and breathed in her sweet scent before adding, "'Smell great too."
Y/N smiled back in relief, unable to control herself from leaning in and reconnecting their lips in greedy fervor. The kiss deepened, causing Luke to flip them over so that Y/N laid flat on her back as he hovered on top of her, their stomachs flush against each other. He cocked his head to the side, allowing him to properly kiss her as their bodies molded perfectly into one. His tongue brushed her willing lips, groaning when she opened instantly and he received the first taste of her. Their tongues embraced each other as they explored every inch of their mouths, Y/N's legs wrapping around his waist instinctively to bring him closer. She wanted to feel every centimeter of his body against hers, his eagerness matching if not more desperate than hers. His member was practically growling in discomfort against his skin-tight jeans, but nevertheless he continued to kiss her passionately, trying to convey as much emotion into the action as he'd suppressed for half a year.
He felt Y/N's tiny hands find the hem of his shirt and tug on it. He sat up, releasing her lips only to remove his shirt and toss it over his shoulder somewhere. He reattached their lips, emitting loud sucking noises as his hand crept under her shirt, slowly rubbing up and down her sides. With one swift movement, he slipped his hand under her back, unlatching her bra before pulling the offending materials off her torso, his dick nearly bursting out of his jeans upon seeing her tits out for display. He grabbed at his crotch almost wincing, attempting to adjust his firm erection as he muttered to himself, "My god, you're perfection."
"Luke..." She said weakly, squeezing his bicep in an attempt to direct his attention back to touching her. He happily complied, leaning back down to capture her nipple in his mouth as he groped the other. Small moans of encouragement slipping from her lips, Luke licked and nibbled her hardened nipple greedily, his saliva completely covering it as it shined proudly under the dim lights; Luke was certain he'd never get tired of that visual.
He voyaged lower, pressing chaste kisses down her stomach to her hips, his hands softly running up and down her sides. He stopped right above the waistband of her jeans, halting his hands and looking up at her to search for any signs of discomfort. Her eyes were locked on him as she nodded furiously, begging him to move on. He smirked, unbuttoning her jeans before sliding them agonizingly slowly down her legs. Tossing the denim over his shoulder to land on the ground with a plop, Luke sinked his teeth into his bottom lip, his entire body tensing at the sight of Y/N in her panties alone, the thin fabric slightly damp above her heat.
He pressed a kiss to either of her hip bones before looking up at her with cloud-lusted eyes, "I love these, don't get me wrong." Luke snapped the elastic of her panties, causing her to hiss in both pain and pleasure. "But I think they'd look even better off."
"Yeah?" She asked with a giggle, lifting her hips as Luke slid her panties down her slender legs. He stuffed them into his jeans pocket, smirking at her furrowed eyebrows and bewildered stare. "You're not getting these back, Y/N. They're mine now."
She pouted her lip out and opened her mouth to speak, but instead let out a sudden moan as Luke slid his calloused fingers up and down her slit. He watched her expression with a satisfied grin, "You're mine now." He rubbed faster, drowning his fingers in her arousal before bringing them to his lips, a clear strand of liquid connecting his digits to her pussy. His mouth enveloped his soaked fingers, sucking and swallowing every drop of her essence. He moaned at her sweet taste, dropping to his stomach as he leveled with her aching core, "You taste like heaven."
He went face first into her pussy, sucking on the lips briefly before licking his way to her clit. He flicked his tongue teasingly over the bud, latching his lips on it and sucking as Y/N arched her back and pulled at his hair, her constant moans music to his ears. His thumb replaced his mouth as he stuck his tongue between her folds, plunging in and out and lapping at her juices while she squealed in ecstasy. His thumb rubbed rough figure eights on her pulsing clit as his tongue thrusted in and out of her, Y/N grasping the fabric of the couch while failing to suppress her moans.
She was moments away from release when she gripped onto Luke's hair, pressing his head into her pussy as her entire body clenched. Luke held her by the ass as he nuzzled his head into her as deep as he could go, her arousal dripping down his chin when she screamed in pleasure. "Right...right there, Luke. OH...MY—OH MY GOD." Her orgasm crashed over her, her entire body tingling as her eyes flew shut and her thighs shook. She grinded her pussy into his face as he continued to lap at her release, helping her ride out her high.
He separated from her heat after a final slurp, a childish grin plastered on his face as he took in her flustered expression, her eyes still shut and her chest heaving. He pressed a kiss to her stomach, his thumbs rubbing soft circles on her hips. She fluttered her eyes open upon feeling his aching hard-on poke her thigh, sitting up instantly while moving to straddle Luke. His back was pressed against the cushion of the couch as she grinded slowly on his lap, his dick stirring beneath her as she purred in his ear, "Now I've got to take care of you, Hemmings." His breathing quickened as she placed a wet kiss to his jaw before settling onto her knees on the floor before him. She maintained sensual eye-contact as she popped open the restricting button of his jeans, sliding them completely off his legs to pool around his ankles when he lifted his hips.
Luke instantly reached to palm his erection, feeling a million times more comfortable without the tight confines suffocating his manhood anymore. Y/N slapped his hand away, scolding him for touching himself as she ran a finger along the length of his cock over his briefs. His breath hitched in his throat as his hands balled into fists, "Please, Y/N. N-no teasing."
"Your cock is so hard for me, Lukey." She breathed, bringing her face so close to his clothed member it took everything in him not to thrust up and fuck her face right there. She smirked confidently when she saw Luke's face contorted in frustration, her fingers playing with the waistband of his underwear.
"Want me to take these off for you?" She teased, knowing his reponse long before he answered. "God, yes, Y/N. Please." Luke begged, eyeing her with furrowed eyebrows. Just the sight of her on her knees for him made him want to bust. She slipped her tiny fingers under the fabric, pulling them down to join his jeans wrapped around his ankles. He groaned when his dick was finally set free, slapping his toned stomach while the tip seeped with precum. Y/N licked her lips at the visual, never having the urge to suck someone's cock so desperately as she did in that moment.
She grabbed his member in her hand and pumped slowly, the soft skin of her fingers making Luke groan at her first touch. She ran her tongue up the bulging vein on the underside of his cock, the area so sensitive Luke let out a tiny gasp as his fists tightened on either side of his waist. She slid an inch of him into her mouth tantalizingly, licking and sucking at his tip while her hand pumped the rest of him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he groaned, his hands coming to pull at the ends of his hair as she slowly slid more of him in. The wet cavern of her mouth encompassed his cock as Y/N hallowed her cheeks, bobbing her head up and down the length of him now. She shook her head back and forth as she dug his cock down her throat, her eyes watering when her nose brushed against the skin of his waist. "Y/N...oh my god, y-you're amazing." Luke fisted his hand through her silky hair, guiding her head up and down his needy cock; he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her pretty mouth taking him in.
She detached her lips from his cock with a pop, keeping her hand slowly pumping him as she stared into his flustered eyes, "Do you want to fuck me, Luke?" She grinned at his reaction, his eyes widening as he nodded his head incessantly. "F-fuck yes, Y/N. But only, only if that's what you want. We don't have to." His eyes gradually shut as he spoke, the pace of Y/N's hands quickening. "But you have to s-stop that if you want me to last, holy shit."
She released his dick instantly, hurrying to her feet before straddling Luke again. He opened his eyes as his chest glistened with sweat, settling his hands on her hips as she positioned herself over his pulsing cock. Just as she began to lower herself, his tip right at her entrance, Luke halted her movements, "Wait, Y/N I-I don't have a condom." Y/N groaned impatiently, "I'm on the pill, it's okay." Luke groaned in relief as she continued to sink onto him, taking in every inch of his thick cock as she moaned into his shoulder, "Y-you feel so fucking good, Luke."
His dick felt miles deep inside of her as she sat motionlessly on his lap, trying to accommodate his large size. She abruptly slid off his dick completely before slamming back down, causing a deafening scream to release from the pair of them. "Fuck! Keep going, baby, fuck." Luke edged on, his eyes falling on her bouncing tits as she lifted and lowered herself once again.
She bounced on his dick hungrily, ignoring the aching pains from her thighs as she rode him. She gripped onto his shoulders for leverage as cries slipped out of every corner of her mouth, his cock hitting places inside of her she didn't even know existed. Luke grunted, placing a sloppy kiss on her neck as he asked frantically, "You like that, baby? Hmm? Does my girl want more?"
She nodded her head ferociously, unable to form words as she grinded on his dick. He gripped her body with a growl, flipping them over so that she laid flat on her back against the couch. One of Luke's legs bent as it settled onto the cushion, the other standing straight as he balanced himself on the floor. He guided his dick to her soaking core with his lip between his teeth, sliding it up and down her slit before she groaned in annoyance. "C'mon Lukey," she purred, running her finger up his bicep. "Don't hold back. Pound me."
He grunted, feeling the blood in his dick tingle at her crude words. Who knew the nice girl from next door could be so damn naughty. "As you wish," he said through gritted teeth, pistoning his hips as he slammed into her. The air filled with moans and grunts and the sound of skin slapping skin as Luke thrusted into her with no restraint, forming a symphony that, Luke decided, was arguably the most beautiful thing he's ever heard. He grabbed her hips and plunged into her repeatedly, watching her scrunched up face wither in pleasure.
Her slick walls hugged his cock as he reached down to rub the small bud above her pussy, grunting as he continued to slam into her sweet pussy. She clenched around his dick involuntarily, feeling the pit of her stomach tingle with the beginnings of the familiar sensation. "You're close," Luke said through gritted teeth, throwing his head back as he slowed down his pace, undoubtedly attempting to elongate the session. "Can feel you fucking squeezing me, babe."
She nodded in confirmation, throwing her head back as he picked up his pace again, his balls slapping her ass as if for punishment. He leaned down to latch his lips on her neck, biting the skin before soothing it with his tongue. His grunts and groans were sent directly into her ears, making his rough thrusts that much more mind-bogglingly pleasurable.
Her climax was climbing rapidly, she could feel her body racing to the finish line when Luke thrusted particularly deep into her. "Luke! I-I'm... Fuuuuuuck." Her voice shook as she moaned, her entire body shaking as she experienced her second piercing orgasm of the night. Luke continued to thrust into her, his eyes fixated on her face as she hit her high. Her walls gripped his cock with all the strength she could muster, instantly causing Luke's orgasm to hit him hard and fast. He let out his loudest groan of the night, his cock jerking inside of her as he shot his hot load. His eyes shut, he thrusted into her one more time before falling limp. He rested his head in the space between her shoulder and neck, their chests heaving in sync as they attempted to recover from their highs.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Luke opened his eyes, gazing at Y/N adoringly while she stroked the back of his head. She smiled weakly at him, resting her hand around his neck. Luke grinned at the sight of her disheveled face, perspiration budding at her forehead. "You know, I thought you looked beautiful before, but after seeing you cum..." He shook his head back and forth slowly, brushing a finger across her plump lips. "You're a goddess, Y/N."
She grinned, her cheeks reddening at his compliment. "I'm glad you finally invited me over."
"God, me too." He breathed, leaning in to press a kiss to her chest as she giggled. He looked up at her hopefully, his hands rubbing circles along her sides. "And I-I meant it when I said you're mine now." His lips curved into a small, sheepish smile, "No one else's allowed to have you after that."
Y/N smiled, seeming to light the entire room up with her dazzling grin. "I wouldn't have it any other way." She whispered. Luke grinned, leaning in to press their lips together for a soft, meaningful kiss.
Out of nowhere, Ashton's singsong voice echoed throughout the basement, "Luke? Huke Lemmings, where are you?"
"Shit." Luke mumbled, grabbing a blanket from behind the couch as they hastily sat up. Y/N pulled her knees to her chest hurriedly as Luke tossed the blanket over both of their shoulders, just in time for Ashton to stroll into the center of the basement.
His attention swiveled from the band equipment to look at the pair of them, both Luke and Y/N feigning innocence, but the clothes scattered haphazardly across the vicinity and their tousled hair told otherwise.
"What do you need, Ashton?" Luke asked sternly, his jaw clenching at the inopportuneness of the entire situation.
"I just forgot to grab my sweatshirt, but more importantly, who's this?" Ashton looked at Luke as he gestured towards Y/N, a suggestive glint in his eyes and a cocky smile that told Y/N perhaps he already knew.
Y/N felt Luke tense up next to her, his mouth sealed shut. She looked from him to Ashton, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." She smiled politely as Ashton's smile widened, his head nodding encouragingly.
"Oh! So you're Luke's-hot-neighbor-Y/N. I thought I recognized you from your Instagram!" He looked from Y/N's bewildered face to Luke's red one, nodding his head in agreement with a devilish grin. "You were right Luke, she's even prettier in person."
To this, Y/N giggled and nudged her shoulder with Luke's. "Awww, stalking me on social media, have you? I love it."
Luke groaned in embarrassment, allowing his head fall onto her shoulder as he spat at Ashton, "Piss off."
"Um, pardon me if I'm mistaken, but was it you who had to sit in your kitchen for forty minutes while listening to you two go at it like a bunch of animals?" Ashton raised an eyebrow in query, smiling cockily at Y/N and Luke's sheepish, blank faces. He was clearly amused by the whole scenario and wanted to milk whatever entertainment he could out of it. He smirked before adding, "You've got some thin walls, Lukey."

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