Henry bowers smut

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"So where are you guys going?"

"A family reunion in the middle of nowhere." Patrick shrugs, scraping the remains of a fly off his ruler and into a worn out pencil box. It was a disgusting hobby to watch and you flinch away when he pushes the box near your face to give you a 'better peek inside'.

"How long will you be gone?"

"All of spring break."

"Got anyone watching the house?"

"I don't know." He groans, swatting a hand in the air. You constant questions were becoming a nuisance. "You looking for a job?"

"Yeah kinda." You answered honestly, looking down. You were becoming strap for cash seeing how schoolwork has made it near impossible to get hold a job—no it wasn't just that. You could find time for a job if you really wanted one but that would take away all your free time with Henry and... well, you had your priorities.

He traces the lines of your curves with his eyes and you feel nervous under his intent focus, squirming a little to straighten up in your seat. Patrick only averts his gaze when he feels another pair of eyes watching from the distance. In the background, almost a blur, Henry Bowers keeps tabs on his girlfriend. If looks could kill...

Patrick's lips curl back around white teeth in a smile, meeting Henry's judgmental stare with a dangerous glint of mischief. "Sure, I can put in a good word for you with my old man."

"That would be great." You smile.

He mimics the expression with an exaggerated twist, leaning in just enough to force Henry to straighten up. When Patrick reaches out under false pretenses of brush away a few stray hairs from you face, caressing your cheek in the process, Henry's already stalking towards you.

Patrick greets Henry in a sickeningly sweet voice way before Henry's even close enough to lay a finger on him. A move that proves its usefulness as you get out of your chair to hug your boyfriend, slowing his pace to a stop. 

"Hey baby." You greet Henry with a kiss on the cheek, resting a hand on his chest as he slips his around your waist, pressing your body closer to his. "I've missed you."

"Yeah?" He murmurs, too busy having a staring match with Hockstetter to fully appreciate how much you missed him.

Not one to be shown up, you play coy to the testosterone saturated atmosphere, drawing imaginary patterns against his chest. "Yeah. I really missed you." You clarify, using a tone reserved solely for when you were in the mood. He catches on and from how Patrick was leering at you, it was safe to assume he picked up on it too.

The bell couldn't have been programmed for a better time to ring. While your classmates drop off their trays and trash the three of you linger.

Patrick is the first to back down, "I'd love to stay and watch, but I have a test next period." As if he gave a damn about his grades, but it serves as a reminder for you, having nearly forgotten about the chemistry test in the next period you both shared.

"Oh shit that's right." You look at Henry, whose eyes have grown a tad softer. "If I skip out my dad will kill me. We'll pick this up after class." You try to untwine from his grasp but he holds tight and presses a light kiss on your shoulder, more for marking his territory than tenderness; a not so friendly reminder to those watching that you were his girl.

"Be a good girl."

Three days later you were given the job. You were so thrill you made the mistake of hugging Patrick. Henry's first collided with Patrick's nose when the taller teen put his hand on your ass.

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