🍋 SoraNaru//そらなる 🍋

Start from the beginning

Well he was cute, there is no denying that.

But since Soraru is the tsundere we all know, he tried to deny his obvious words.

"I-I did not say such a thing."

"Acting all formal all of a sudden, huh? You do that when you're nervous."

"I do not."

"You do."

"I do not."

"You do."

"I do not!"

"Should I ask Mafu-san then?"

Soraru was speechless.

"I thought so. So, you wanna shower first? Go ahead, I think I'll take a nap, looking all sweet.", he smirked again.

'Teasing Soraru feels quite nice.', he noticed to himself.

"Y-Yeah, I'll go showering... Don't sleep too long, we still have to rehearse right after."

"Yeah yeah, just go already."


As nqrse drifted off to sleep, water starting to drip could be heard from the hallway.

"So one of them is taking a shower, huh?", Mafu pointed out.

"Or maybe they're showering together?", Amatsuki chuckled.


"Who knows~"


"Okay guys, the sooner we start the sooner we finish and the sooner we finish the sooner we get to eat! So let's give it our best so we can eat quickly!"

"Beautiful speech, Araki-sensei."

"Thanks, nqrse-chan."

The guys seperated themselves into two groups - One to practice dancing and performance and the other to practice singing.

They switched occasionally, depending on who's needed for the current song or performance.

The electricity between certain utaite could practically be felt.

A perfect example would be UraSaka - If they might accidentally touch the other, they would blush and get all nervous.

It was obvious that these two had a crush on each other, but neither wanted to admit it and take the first step.

Soraru didn't think that way about anyone - At least that's what he thought.

He caught himself staring more often at a certain brunette recently.

He didn't understand why.

They only played some games together, right?

Why is it that he's now feeling so attached to him?

But what he didn't know was that nqrse felt exactly the same, the only difference being - he didn't act so tsundere about it.

"That was really good guys! Let's wrap things up for today!", luz announced and Araki cheered, finally getting his food.

Soraru realized that he had been staring at nqrse once more.

'What's wrong with me...?'

Somewhere along the way, nqrse noticed someone's gaze on him.

He was happy that it was Soraru, but he still kinda liked to tease him, so he decided that it would be funny to see if he could make him jealous.

"Oi, Senra."

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