I chuckled at this sarcastic statement.

"Well, then I'll get going. Is there anything else you need?"

"U-Uhm... Nope, I'm fine.", I smiled reassuringly.

"Hah... Girl stuff?"


"Alright. And next time - Just tell me. I'm not an idiot, I know how girls function.", he smirked and left.

It didn't take long until I fell asleep again, thinking about how lucky I am to have nqrse worry about me.


About 1 hour later, I woke up and heard the front door click.

"I'm back. You still there?", he asked, entering my room without knocking.

"I am. But could you please learn how to knock? What if I was changing?"

"And what would be the problem if I saw?"

I blushed at his statement, making him smirk.

"Shall we try?"

He took a few steps closer to me.

"No thanks, I-I'm fine."

"Your loss. Anyways, here's you medicine. I didn't know what you usually take, so bought some random stuff."

"Oh, I normally don't take medicine."


"Yep. So I bet you probably bought something helpful."

"Yeah, I bought the stuff I usually take. I don't know if it works on you, but I guess we have to try."

"Did I thank you properly?"

"You may as well do it now."

His grin made my heart pound.

Is it really a good idea to let him tend to me?
My cold could actually grow worse, my heart's already pounding too fast...

"While you try the medicine... Do you have something to eat?"

"Oh, are you hungry? I'm sorry, I'll go get something for-"

"No you dumbass. I was asking for you."

"... Oh."

"God, why am I even here..."

"Don't be so rude."

"Hah, you're right, I'm here to help you. So, do you have food or not? I brought you something sweet, but you need to eat properly."

I think I'm in heaven.
He even bought me sweets?
He's being so nice to me, even though we don't even count as friends.

We're just classmates...

"I don't think we do..."

"Good thing I also bought stuff to cook. Take the medicine, I'll be back after I finished cooking."

"n-nqrse! Thank you so much. Without you, I may have blacked out back there. And I would probably be depressed because no one's here to help me. But... You stayed, and you can't believe how glad I am about that."

I just had the urge to properly thank him.
It's not natural to just stay and help.

"No problem. If I stay I won't have to worry about you. So please just listen to what I say, okay?"


We exchanged a smile and he left me alone again.

'I can't believe this is really happening...'

Utaite OneShots [On Hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें