Chapter 45: Oni masks acquired

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The Bizarro ninja smiled as they were in a room in borg tower, Bizarro Kai was stirring a potion that was in a cauldron. The three ninja smiled as they got the potion ready. "So are we sure this will work?" Bizarro Jay asked as his comrade stirred the pot. Bizarro Kai shrugged, "I hope this works I want to get rid of that brat as soon as possible." Bizarro Cole smiled. "I'm so excited to get rid of him. All he does is make his father soft and he's supposed to be the dark lord." He protested. "I know cole, don't worry we will get rid of him." Bizarro Jay told him.
Killow and ultra Violet were on the deck of the bounty looking down at the scenery down below. Uv sighed as she looked at her friend, who noticed something was wrong straight away. He looked at his friend. "Hey violet you okay?" the big man asked. The purple coded general sighed. "I'm okay." she admitted, not really sounding very convincing. Killow sighed. "Violet, I know you better than that." he explained, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Please tell me what's wrong." He politely yet nicely asked the girl. "Okay fine, I feel bad, I don't think we are doing the right thing." she told him as she looked at the metal thing that was on top of where Lloyd was being held. Killow sighed, understanding what she meant. "I know, but what are we supposed to do? Break Lloyd free and betray harumi?" Uv sighed. "You're right." she said going over to the latch of the brig. Killow followed her as they peered down, they saw the green ninja sleeping.

The two smiled. "You know he's cute when he's sleeping." Killow cooed. Uv nodded in agreement. "Yeah he is." she agreed. "How do you think garmadon will be when he comes back?" Killow asked her. She shrugged. "I have no idea but I'm nervous about what is going to happen." she admitted. Killow nodded. "Wanna go check to see if everyone is asleep?" He asked. Uv nodded. "We don't have anything else to do so..... yeah let's go see if everyone is asleep." The two headed towards the sleeping corners. Killow and Uv saw everyone was sleeping. "Looks like everyone is asleep." Killow told violet as they walked down the halls of the bounty.

Violet nodded. That was until they saw harumi was in a room and they saw she was looking at a photo. "Is she awake?" Killow asked. Violet nodded. "What is she looking at?" She asked. The big man shrugged, "No idea." he answered. As they looked closer, they saw it was a picture of Lloyd and her. The generals eyes' widened. "Do you see that?" Ultra Violet asked Killow, who nodded, "Do you think she still likes Lloyd?" He asked. Uv shrugged. Harumi sighed. "Am I really doing the right thing? Bringing him back? But if I back out now they will probably think I'm weak. So I have to keep this up, I can't afford them to see my weak side." she told herself. The two generals looked at each other, and they walked away. "Harumi doesn't want to do this." Killow told her. "I saw, but she thinks if she doesn't, the SOG will think she's weak." Uv told him sadly.

"I don't think she's weak, I think she's fully capable of handling herself, I also think she's not weak at all, she's a very strong person." Killow told her. She nodded. "I agree, she can't put herself down like that it's not right." Killow looked at her. "Come on, let's go back outside." She nodded and headed out to the deck. When they got back outside, they saw the sky was blanked with stars. "It's so beautiful." Uv said as she gazes up at the sky. Killow nodded. The two went silent until Uv spoke. "I'm bored, I'm gonna go wake lloyd up!" She said before heading towards the door. Killow shook his head, "Ultra Violet! No! don't! harumi will be furious if you do that! She will think you're helping him escape!" Uv crossed her arms. "But Killow! I'm bored! I want to do something and he will probably know some things we could talk about!" Killow still shook his head at that. Uv groaned. "You're no fun Killow!" She groaned, crossing her arms. "See, I knew you'd come to your senses." he told her. She sighed. "You're right..... Although when have I ever listened?" She runs to get to the brig. Killow's eyes widened. "Violet no!" He yelled as he chased after her. In the brig, Lloyd was sleeping peacefully as much as he could with his chains on him. When Uv busted in, "Wake up!"She yelled at Lloyd.

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