Awakening True Rage

Começar do início

Issei saw what I was talking about and laughed slightly.

Issei: "how'd we explain it to mom?"

Y/n: "genetic mutation?"

Issei: "...yeah."

We nodded to one another and charged at one of the dogs. I saw Rias and Akeno with Yubelluna fighting off one of them and I decided.

Y/n: "mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine."

I rammed my shoulder into the dogs side.

Y/n: "Mine!"

Rias: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "I want one, so I'm gonna tame one."

This took her and the others completely off guard and caused Rias to start laughing.

???: "something funny, Miss Gremory?"

I looked up and saw...

Y/n: "HOLY SHIT!!!"

Kokabiel thought that I was afraid...until I started laughing.


This caught him by surprise as he just sat there on his throne with a dumbfounded expression.

Kokabiel: "you...YOU DARE INSULT ME!?!?"

Y/n: "wow, calm down Legolas. Seriously, is crack what you had to resort to after Lord of the rings?"

This pissed Kokabiel off more whilst I laughed harder.

Y/n: "anyway, I'm gonna get me a three headed doggo now."

I turned my attention back to the Cerberus and when it charged at me, I held out my hand and caught it by the snout before pushing it to the ground.

Y/n: "Sit!"

Cerberus struggles to get to its feet and the other two heads kept trying to snap at me. I responded the only way I knew how. By shouting at them.


My dominance had been asserted, I even T-posed for maximum assertion. Cerberus bowed to me when I let him back up. I smiled wickedly and summoned the scythe that Korosensei had given me, then I jumped onto Cerberus' back and pointed towards the stray priests that were giving our sword wielders a hard time.


Cerberus charged at full speed with me cackling like a psychopath on his back, swinging my scythe down and taking out priests left, right and centre.

Y/n: "that's for little Timmy, who's chained up under an altar somewhere!"

Xenovia looked beyond confused at the scene before her.

Xenovia: "What in the world?"

Kiba: "This is what happens when you get crazy, and times it by Y/n."

Meanwhile, I was having a blast and decided to kick it up a notch.

Y/n: "alright, Lulu!"

I summoned my Paolumu familiar and she soared over the priests, picking them up and dropping them from great heights.

Y/n: "focus on helping Kiba and the others!"

I could see her nodding as she dived bombed to kill another one.

I used my Cerberus to provide some assistance with the other two Cerberus'.

Issei looked amazed that I was cutting about on the back of a three headed hellhound.

The Trinity dragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora