Chapter 44: Shuttered silent one

Start from the beginning

She exhaled, finding the right words to use. But despite the amount of seconds she needed, the two siblings will always be there to listen. As of this period of time, the six have considered that being a ninja doesn't only consider punching down the throats or villains or using elemental powers to brag at people. No, it was all about protecting Ninjago's residents as well as their loved ones. Listening their loved ones talk out their demons was considered apart of the list from now on. "It's just so guys. Keeping up with all this and...frankly, I still blame myself for all of this happening. It's my fault Garmadon is resurrected and is probably doing horrible things to Lloyd right now. I'll always be the silent leader responsible." She brought her hand to cover her forehead. The two siblings watched as Harumi basically facepalmed, disappoint in herself. Has she not let go of the past? Then again, the return of her adoptive parents could be a very reasonable motif to do so.

Nya walked over to Harumi then patted her back gently. "Hey hey cheer up, this whole battle has its pros and cons, don't feel too bad about it. For example, if you didn't resurrect Lloyd's father, he wouldn't have spent time with him." She suggested one pro. But Harumi was stil still in denial. "If I didn't resurrect him, then Lloyd wouldn't have his entire world shattered like from the start. I hurt him, I didn't want to...but my anger got to me." She explained briefly. "Why am I even in the resistance? I'm no hero..." she muttered, loud enough for them to hear. No hero? That wasn't complete nonsense. It didn't take someone to be a hero to become apart of Ninjago's resistance. "Harumi, just you wait. Everyone here will become heroes when we stop Garmadon once and for all. Remember, a hero saves others. You saved Lloyd countless of times and not to mention, you even saved me from doing something reckless." Nya assured her.

It didn't quite reassure her, she just buried her head in her knees. "It's just so hard to let go of the past. Each time Lloyd goes missing, I just can't help but feel guilty that...I'm basically the indirect cause of Lloyd's kidnappings and second, the direct cause of Garmadon's reign! I-I never..." She paused to sharply exhale. A fresh set of tears welled up in her eyes. No, she had to stay strong. Don't cry now. The two ninjas are here, it'll be embarrassing. Nya and Kai stayed silent, waiting for the girl to continue. But she never did, Harumi had burst involuntarily into tears, sobbing softly on her actions inside of the madness called life. "N-Now...w-we don't know where L-Lloyd..." she was stopped by the male ninja. He shook his head.

"Don't you worry about a thing. Lloyd is brave and wherever he is, he'd want you to stop crying. He wants you to stay tough, determined and happy. That's what he'd want. So please, won't you fulfill that request?" Kai asked politely, attempting to cheer up. The white haired girl only changed the subject. He would have changed it back himself but realized that her question asked could be one of her longtime doubts. "D-Do I even deserved to b-be saved? I-I was already a blessing when L-Lloyd agreed to help m-me..." she lifted her head up from her knees. Her bedsheets were now soaked in her tears.
Nya brushed a few away from her cheeks.

"Lloyd is Lloyd, he helps anyone despite them being a villain." The water ninja carefully chose her words. But it did make sense though, Lloyd tries to help everyone. Even his father for instance. But that was his father, alright, take Harumi and her SOG guards as an example. The blonde had nothing to do with Killow nor Violet, but still delivered in the end of the day. "I-Is it the right choice though? D-Do bad people really d-deserve a second chance?" Her eyes flickered with tears. It seemed that she was starting to calm down. Nya and Kai had to keep it that way. Both inhaled. "You bet. Even though they did bad actions in the past. Everyone isn't born in an isolated cold atmosphere. Everyone has been somewhat kind in the past towards others. You can't deny it. Remember, you were such a wholesome little girl in the past. But even though you were alone after the events of the Great devourer, you embraced your parents' passing and went on with your plans for revenge. However, it is still shown that you're not a bad person deep deep down. You began to notice that Garmadon wanted you dead, you didn't humour him. You still reached out to Lloyd to help you." Nya cheered her up, little by little.

Harumi sniffled. "I miss the past...I want to see my parents again. Not in the dream-world." She admitted. That was when Kai stepped in. He walked to her side then lowered himself down to her level. "For the longest time, me and my sister thought that our parents were dead. We always saw ourselves as orphans however, do you know what we realized? It's that around the world, even though they're subtle, signs are left for you. By who? Well by your departed loved ones. You might say it's a coincidence but maybe...having Lloyd open up to you and have you reunite with the emperor and empress is a sign left by your parents to say: 'Keep your chin up! There's more to life than grief!'" He told her with a big smile. That made the white haired girl smile back at him. "Yeah..." she softly mumbled in agreement. She looked up to the two other ninjas in the room with her. "But...why did you suddenly want to cheer me up?"

Nya and Kai glanced at each other before chuckling. "Harumi, welcome aboard, you've been in the family for so long, you should have realized that, little sister." The water ninja wrapped an arm around her small body. Harumi was about to interject however she noticed that Kai seem fond of the 'little sister' title given to her by Nya. Could it be that he was alright with having her as family? But didn't he hate for tricking them? For becoming their recent enemy? "But Kai...don't you.." She was interrupted by the red ninja copying his younger sister's exact move, he wrapped an arm around Harumi's other side. Both ninjas were hugging her now. "I learned to trust you. Sis was right, people can definitely change. Harumi, I consider you my family now." Kai told her. With that, the former quiet one had no doubts, the tears trickling down her cheeks dried up. "Thanks a lot...big brother." She returned with a sweet smile.

Kai nodded, showing her that he has in fact heard that. Yet, he wasn't ever going to forget this moment. Even though it might be a little embarrassing for Harumi. There may be times that Harumi will think back on the past but she can always count on her older siblings cheering her back up again. "Don't cry because you believe you're weak, cry because you've kept strong for so long." Both siblings whispered to her.
A/N Heya guys! LillaSmolBean here with chapter 44 of Reconciled hearts! If you liked the chapter, please leave a vote and comment down below your thoughts! Well, wasn't this a fun topic for a chapter? Angst's so my thing so I had fun writing this! Actually, I finished writing this chapter on Wednesday 1:15AM due to paranoia do not finishing my assigned chapter for the week, thanks a lot busy schedule. But anyways, how did you find the scene? Wasn't it nice of Kai to help Nya cheer Rumi up? There may have been some tension between them in the past. But it's all gone now! For the better! Alright, that's it for this author's note, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Cya cya!^^

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