Long Time No See (Louis)

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I enjoyed writing this and I am so satisfied about how it turned out. Thanks for the great request. I'm still working on a lot of them. 2.290 Words. I love it.

Louis hasn't seen Zayn since 2015 as he left their band

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Louis hasn't seen Zayn since 2015 as he left their band. Since they were really good friends they staid in contact for a year. But as Louis mother passed away and Zayn didn't show up to his X-Factor performance to support him Louis stopped replying to Zayn texts or answering his phone calls. He felt betrayed. After a couple of weeks Zayns messages and calls got less and less until a few months later they stopped. In 2019 Louis was pretty much over it. He had his solo career going on and he barely thought about Zayn anymore.

Until one day he got a message from an unknown number:

Hey Louis, you probably won't even read this. I'm sorry for what I have done. I was acting like a selfish jerk three years back. I'm sure this apology is coming way to late and I understand if you ignore me. I have changed since the last time we talked. I really have. You don't have to forgive me because I let you down in the moment you needed us all. There is nothing that can make it up again. But at least I'm asking for a second chance. I miss you Buddy and I'm sorry. I fucked up. I'll make time any day you want.

Louis didn't know what to reply and thought about it for days before finally deciding that everyone needs a second chance. So he gave Zayn his. They texted a couple of times and Louis asked if Zayn could come over on Friday in two weeks. Zayn agreed on the spot, cancelling an interview and flying over to England just for Louis. In that moment Louis realized how serious Zayn was about that thing.

The evening before Zayn was supposed to come over Louis laid on his couch. He started getting some doubts about it and questioned himself it was the right thing to do. The TV was playing in the background while he was lost in his thoughts. So many old and new feelings were coming up:

Sadness, anger, fear, nervousness, doubt.

His stomach began to churn and twist uncomfortably due to all the different thought running through his head. Louis didn't think much about it. A few hours past as Louis was laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling above him and thinking.  With the time passing  his twisting stomach turned into an nauseating stomachache. Louis pushed it off to his nerves.

At 1 am he got quite tired and got up from his position on the couch. The sudden movement hit him like a punch in the stomach and the sudden urge to puke caused Louis to freeze in his move. But just after a few second the urge faded and Louis went upstairs into his bathroom to get ready. He took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before going into his bedroom. Once he was all snuggled up in his bed he managed it to fall asleep even though his stomach was still hurting since he was pretty tired.

Normally Louis was quite a heavy sleeper but this night he tossed around and woke up several times. He was only awake for a minute or two but it happened over and over again. Due to his stomachache and the slight nausea he couldn't get as comfortable as usually. Besides the nasty feeling in his stomach Louis started having a nightmare early in the morning which caused him to joilt up in his bed with gasp.

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