Heatstroke (Niall)

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I wrote this WEEKS ago and I hate this chapter.. But I don't know what to change.. So I'm publishing it anyway. Hope you enjoy. 1530 Words.

It was a nice day. Niall and Liam had the day off and spend it all day in their pool since it was unbelievable hot outside. They played some ball games in the pool or they just relaxed. After good three hours chilling in the pool Liam had enough. It was getting bored,  a little cold and he was desperate for a wee. With that thought he got out of the pool and went inside. Niall stayed in the water for about 30 more minutes before he decided he had enough aswell since it was boring without Liam. Also he started to get a headache. Probably from the smell of the chlorine.

After he took a shower to get rid of the chlorine. Dressed in some shortd and a tanktop, he went to the living room where Liam was watching Family Guy. He plopped down next to him with a can of coke in his hands. "That was nice" he mumbled and Liam only nodded in response, too concentrated in watching his favorite cartoon. Niall closed his eyes, he totally could do a nap now. The blonde boy started to doze off just as Liam started laughing loudly about a stupid joke. But Niall fell asleep anyway. As Liam saw that Niall had fallen asleep he took the coke out of his hands to avoid a mess and turned the volume of the tv down.

About two hour later Niall woke up because Liam had a laughing fit, again. "Are you still watching this? How long did a sleep?" He mumbled sleepy, looking around for a clock. "2 hours I think.." Liam said, eyes glued on the TV. 2 hours? How can he watch Family Guy for such a long time without getting stupid? Feeling extremly thirsty, Niall decided to empty his full coke within a few seconds. He finished it with a burp. "Wow Mate that was sick!" Liam said and laughed even more. Now Niall knew how Liam could watch Family Guy this long without getting stupid. Liam was already stupid. Liam looked at Niall "I think you got yourself a little sunburn in your face"  he said with a frown as he saw the angry red color on Nialls cheeks and shoulders "I told you to put sun creme on every once in a while."

Niall shrugged, still feeling extremely tired but he decided he had slept long enough. After he saw some delicious looking toast on the table, he nuged Liam and asked "Can I have that?". Liam grinned a bit "Of course. I made it while you were sleeping. I'm full now." he responded. Niall greatfully grabbed it and took a few bites before he noticed how uncomfortable it settled in the stomach with his coke. The gulped down the fifth bite and put it back on the table. "Does it not taste good?" Liam asked frowning, Niall would never let something to eat unfinished. "It tastes good.. But it settles awkward in my stomach with the coke.." Niall mumbled, leaning on Liams side, he was a person that immediately tell someone if he doesn't feel well. "I'm not sure about your face color either." Liam said getting a bit worried. He knew that Niall was usually pale he seems a bit greenish around his mouth, maybe its just the light. "Do you feel alright? I wouldn't be surprised if you got a heatstroke out there without a hat."

Niall shrugged once again "I've got a bit of a headache in the pool.. I feel tired too.. But I'm sure its not a heat stroke" he mumbled and rolled his eyes before laying down, his head this time in Liams lap. They knew each other for such long time, it wasn't a big deal for both of them anymore. "You should drink something.. " Liam said softly as he gave him his own water bottle. "I just did.." Niall whined, not feeling like wanting more into his stomach. "Yeah but it was only coke.. Please just a few sips. You know that coke will trigger your acid reflux when you lay down without drinking water." Liam said to him. Remembering last time Niall emptied a coke like that and went to sleep. He ended up with a terrible heartburn for the next hours. Niall whimpered as Liam mentioned his acid reflux and took a few sips. "Thanks.." Liam said as he put the bottle away and laid a pillow on his lap before Niall rested in his head there again.

Liam softly stroke through Nialls hair as the boy started to drift off again. Around 30 minutes later Niall started to toss around in his sleep and Liam could feel that Niall was warmer than usual. Also Nialls face colour worried him again, now he was greenish around his mouth for sure. Liam turned the tv off to focus on Niall.

The Irish lad tossed around for good 20 minutes. Liam played with Nialls soft and fluffy blonde hair until niall woke up and groaned. Liam was about to ask him how he was feeling but his question got answered as Niall sat up and mumbled quickly "Gonna puke". Without thinking Liam guided Niall as fast as possible to the bathroom. But it wasnt fast enough. A few feet before the bathroom Niall lurched forward and threw up. Liam grimaced at the spattering sounds of vomit hitting the hardwood floor. "Aww Niall its alright" Liam rubbed his back and guided the boy around the puddle into the bathroom. Niall knelt down infront of the toilet where he just lost more of his stomach content. Liam didn't left him. He just sat next to him and rubbed his back, pushing his hair out of Nialls face every once in a while just to notice his  hot forehead.

"I'm so dizzy.." Niall groaned as he got a break from throwing up, gripping tightly on the toilet. "Alright.. I've got you" Liam told him, holding him and making sure he is alright. Niall started shivering " 'm done.." he mumbled and added "An' cold..". Liam nodded and helped him, he held him steady as he rinsed his mouth out over the sink after flushing the toilet.

They both went back to the livingroom "isn't the livingroom over there?" Niall asked confused, turning around. Liam shook his head worried "No its not.. Look.." they entered the bathroom and Liam situated Niall on the couch. "I'm gonna go grap some things. Stay here." Liam told him before he left the fetch a thermometer, a bowl, a bottle of cold water and an ice pack. "Alright Niall. Tell me exactly what is bothering you." Liam sat down and Niall laid down.

As Liam placed the ice pack on Nialls neck he hissed "Cold.. Anyway.. Uh.. My head really hurts.. I'm dizzy.. Uh.. Uhm.. Mmm.." Niall stopped. "Niall?" Liam frowned concerned. "Uh.. What?" Niall asked completely confused. "Answer please.." Liam rubbed his back. "Ah.. Yeah.. So.. I feel sick.. I'm cold.. Feel tired and weak.." Niall slurred a little bit. Liam frowned "Alright.. Sounds like a heat stroke to me.."  Liam pointed out as he saw Nialls eyes dropping. "Hey Niall. Stay with me okay?"  Niall hummed.

Liam frowned and grabbed the thermometer. He carefully put it in Nialls mouth, he barely touch Nialls tongue with it but it was enough to trigger Nialls sensitive gag reflex. "Its okay Ni.. Nearly over.." Liam tried to calm him down as he saw Niall tearing up. Liam took the thermometer out after it beeped. It read 40,1 (104,2). "Alright. Thats too high.. I don't fucking know what to do so I'm gonna call an ambulance."  Liam told Niall who hummed and mumbled weakly "Li.. My heart's stumbling.."  Liam tried not to panic. He placed his hand on the place where Nialls heart was, feeling it racing. Liam took his phone and called an ambulance.

Liam looked at Niall while he was talking. "He's conscious.. Yeah.." Liam told the lady on the phone, trying to stay calm. "He seems really confu-" Liam stopped as he saw Niall started to roll his eyes back and he felt him tensing up. "something is happening."  Liam lost it as Niall started shaking violently, all cramped up, rolling his eyes back. "He is having a seizure!  Help!" Liam was terribly panicking and started crying because he felt so helpless.

The woman on the phone told him what to do. Liam gently pushed his chest down, making sure he wasn't hurting himself. The woman staid on the phone until an ambulance arrived and Liam hang up. The paramedics took niall into the ambulance and they drove to the hospital as quick as possible.

It took Niall a few days to recover and he can't remember what happend after he threw up at home. It was one of the most scariest days in Liams and Niall life. Niall had learned to always wear a hat on sunny hot days. He never wanted to experience something like that again.

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