Seasick (Zayn)

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I don't why. But I dreamed about this. So. Here we go.

"Babe hurry up" Zayn groaned as Liam checked their suitcases for the fifth time. While rolling his eyes he added "If we forget anything we can buy it there. It's not like we don't have any money."

Liam Payne and Zayn Malik. Two of the both most famous, british and openly gay musicians were about to go on a vacation in France.

Liam huffed and closed the suitcases "I just want to make sure." The older boy went over to their backpacks and checked them again. Passport, water, food, wallet, a book, headphones and their charger for their phones in Liams backpack. Passport, water, food, wallet, headphones, sketch book and pencils in Zayns bag. Aswell as a handful of sickbags in each of them. They never use them since none of them got ever carsick but its better to have them.

They had decided to drive to France and not to fly because they wanted to make a roadtrip through France and since they both preferred it to drive with their own car. It actually wasn't that far. Two hours until they would arrive in Dover if the traffic wasn't bad. One and a half hours with ferry over to Calais in France. Then one more hour until they arrive at their first hotel.

That made 4 and a half hours in total for the first day. Not that bad right? Wrong.

"Finally." Zayn said as Liam started the engine and pulled out of their driveway. Liam just shook his head while chuckling. During the first 30 minutes they talked about random stuff but it soon died down. Zayn wasn't a person who loved talking and Liam knew that. Around 45 minutes into the drive Zayn pulled his knees up and put his feet on the seat before pulling out his sketchbook, scribbling into it.

The radio was quietly playing in the background. Liam knew that Zayn would freak out if he got disturbed during his drawing process so he kept quiet. Zayn scribbled around and by the time they arrived at the ferry he had drawn a bony looking man. Anorexic would describe it better. Zayn had struggled with an eating disorder in the past but thats a whole different story. He was using his drawings to handle certain things.

Liam parked the car on the ferry and they grabbed their stuff before going to the vip lounge. Obviously. They settled down on a couch like bench. Liam pulled out his book and started reading while Zayn laid down, using Liams thigh as a pillow. His legs were angled and his sketchbook was leaning on his thighs as he continued scribbling on his picture. Liam ran one of his hands through Zayns hair.

15 minutes after they settled like that the ferry started moving and Liam noticed they were alone in the vip lounge besides some staff people. Only 10 minutes into the ride there was an announcement that it was really windy outside and the waves were big. Zayn didn't mind. The swaying was just making him a little sleepy so he put his sketchbook away and closed his eyes for a bit. Bad idea.

Only a few minutes later he opened his eyes again. His stomach churned and he thought he was hungry but soon realized that it there was nausea creeping up from his stomach into his chest. Liam was focused into his book, still running a hand through Zayns hair, only letting go if he had to turn the page.

Zayn turned around so he was laying on his side, legs still angled. He snuggled his face into Liams stomach, still using his tighs as a pillow. "Alright love?" Liam asked and switched from stroking Zayns hair to rubbing his back. It didn't suprise him that he got no response from the younger man.

He shrugged it off since Zayn had such moment two or three times a week where he was just really quiet and doing literally nothing. Sometimes he would cuddle but sometimes he would just stare into the air.

Zayn was a complicated boyfriend for sure. He had so many failed relationships and people saying that they can't deal with him. But then Liam came into his life. Liam found him at a party after the Brit Awards in one of his most vulnerable moments: Crying and purging until he passed out in a bathroom stall.

Liam was different. Of course they had their crisis at the beginning but now, 6 years later, they were doing great. Liam knew how to handle Zayns mood swings and his meltdowns. Zayn felt like Liam was the only person understanding him. Even though it hurt Liam sometimes when Zayn was yelling at him for no reason he still loved him, knowing that he couldn't do anything about it.

Of course sometimes Liam needed a break aswell. Thats why he would stay at his home for 2 or 3 days twice a month to have time for himself.

Liam put his book away after 10 more minutes, feeling a little queasy in his stomach. He was still rubbing Zayns back and looked down at his boyfriend who hadn't moved a muscle since he got into that position. He could tell that he wasn't asleep. "Love?  Could you move your head a small bit? My stomach is a little queasy.."  Zayn changed his head position but his face was still squished into Liam. That small little movement was enough to trigger a burp and some rapid swallowing.

"Aww Zayn. That doesn't sound good. Do you feel sick..?"  Liam asked and Zayn hummed which Liam took as a yes. "Tell me when you feel like something is coming up okay?" Liam told him softly as he reached into the backpack and got one of the bags out.

Zayn kept quiet, not moving an inch.  He could feel his stomach contents sloshing around with every wave that hit the ferry. It got worse every minute.

"You want some chewing gum babe? It could help." Liam asked gently as he took one himself. Zayn held his hand out quietly and Liam put one in Zayns hand.

It did help. It really made him feel better surprisingly. But only for 15 minutes and the nausea started coming back. They were only 30 minutes into the ride. 60 more to go.

Zayn checked his phone he see the time every few moments, causing the time to pass even slower. He groaned quietly as his stomach wouldn't stop churning. Liam rubbed his back gently. He felt sick himself but it wasn't even half as bad as Zayn was feeling.

At one point Zayns nausea got so bad that he couldn't tell if he had to puke or not.  He slowly sat up "bag please.." he whimpered quietly. Liam got a bag out "C'mere love.." 

Zayn sat on Liams lap, chest to chest. He rested his head on Liams shoulder while Liam opened the bag and held it just in case. Zayn was scared to open his mouth.

It didn't took long until he lifted his head up from Liams shoulder. His stomach flipped so badly and he could feel bile rising up his throat. His mouth began to water and he burped sickly. "Aww its okay honey" Liam held the bag under his chin.

Zayns eyes filled with tears before he brought up the first round of stomach content. He tried to take a breath but the second round came up immediately. "Oh boy.." Liam mumbled and patted Zayns back as Zayn held the bag himself.

The younger boy coughed and spluttered. But his stomach wasn't giving him a rest and the next stream hit the bag heavily. After throwing up three times his stomach stopped lurching and he dry heaved a little bit, trying to catch his breath.

Liam rubbed his back gently and asked after Zayn was able to catch his breath. "Done?" Zayn nodded slightly and wiped his mouth with a tissue that Liam gave him. One of the staff guys came over and took the bag from Liam.

Zayn took a few small sips from his water bottle before snuggling into Liams chest.

40 minutes left.

Eventually Zayn fell asleep against Liam. It didn't last long because he woke up 30 minutes later. Liam had his head leaned back and his eyes closed. Not asleep, but resting.

Zayn lifted his head up from Liam chest. He tried to say something but only retched. Liams eyes snapped open and he grabbed into his backpack, trying to get a bag out while Zayn covered his mouth with his hand and gagged into it, spitting up some bile.

Liam opened the bag just in time as Zayn expelled his stomach contents. Liam wiped his hand and mouth with a tissue after Zayn finished again.

After that they finally arrived in Calais and once they were off the ferry they drove to the nearest service station where they took a 20 minutes break before driving to their hotel without any incidents.

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