"We need to go the ER!" (Kid Liam)

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(Its about Liam getting injured while learning how to ride a bicycle)

Harry: 26 years (Papa)
Louis: 28 years (Daddy)
Liam: 5 years
(there is no band)

Liam was the adopted son from Harry and Louis. They saved him from an abusive family and virtually saved his life. Liam was a shy kid and needed a lot of attention and a lot of cuddles from his fathers. He didn't really talk much.

One day they were sitting on the table and ate breakfast. Louis and Harry chatted about some works stuff, news and the plans for the day since it was sunday. Liam was silently eating like always, listing their conversation. He loved hearing his dads talking about random stuff. Then plopped an idea in his head. "Papa?" He spoke up. Harry and Louis immediately stopped their conversation about the latest soccergame, looking at his son. "Yes little one?" Harry said quickly. Liam seemed nervous "Can I.. Can I maybe.. Uhm.. You know.. Uh.. Ride a bicycle today?" He asked stuttering, he never wanted to go outside and do such things, but he wanted to try something new. He normally wanted to stay inside and play some board or card games or read some books. He was a pretty good reader for an 5 year old. "Did you ever do that before?" Harry asked frowning, he always was worried about 'dangerous' things. Liam shook his head slowly. "Okay Buddy, then we are doing this today!"  Louis said excited, he never was that worried about such things. "Are you sure darling?  Isn't it dangerous?" Harry said frowning, scared that Liam could get hurt. Liam started to regret that he asked, because Harry scared him a bit with saying its dangerous. "C'mon its not dangerous. I will take care of him" the older men answered, rolling his eyes a bit. Harry sighed "Okay. Be careful please and take a helmet.." he didn't sound really convinced. "I need do some workstuff today" he added. Liam was quiet again. "Yeah Yeah we are going to be careful okay?"  Louis said lifting Liam up from his chair and tickled his tummy. Liam gave him a small giggle, cuddling Louis.

Louis went outside with Liam and searched in their garage and found his old bike and a helmet. "Seems like we need to pump up the tires Buddy" Louis said and searched for an air pump. Liam didn't say a word and helped his Daddy searching, he suddenly was really scared about that thing and just wanted to go back inside and play cards with his daddy instead.

After around 10 minutes of rummaging in garage Liam pulled on Louis shirt pointing to the wanted object. "Ah there it is" Louis said and patted his sons shoulder, a bit sad that he wasn't talking but he knew about his past. He quickly started pumping up his tire and Liam stood silently there, watching his daddy carefully. 

After the bicycle was ready Louis  put on the helmet on Liams head, clamping his chin in the buckle. "Ouch! Daddy!" Liam whined. "Sorry Buddy.. Didn't mean to hurt you" Louis said, doing it more careful "My mother did that in the past too, accidently obviously" Louis chuckled a bit and went with him to the street, luckily there were they live weren't that much people so the street was nearly empty.

'I don't want anymore' Liam thought but was too shy to tell it Louis, who helped Liam on the bike, holding him so he doesn't fall. "Now start slowly stepping into the pedale" Louis said and pushed him slowly forwards, while Liam did what Louis had said. 'Maybe it isn'tthat bad' Liam thought as he felt Louis saving hands on his back. They continued this for around 10 minutes before Harry came to them and took a few pictures, smiling at his laughing son, who had now a lot of fun. But as fast as he came so fast did he leave again. As Harry was away Louis got faster with Liam, running next him, still his hand on his back in case he could fall. Liam was laughing.

After a while Louis slowly took away his hand from Liams back, he was now riding alone the bicycle. Liam was scared as he didn't felt the hands from Louis anymore. "You are doing great! I'm proud of you!" Louis said, smiling wide. "Daddy look! I can!  I can ride a bicycle!"  Liam laughed, getting faster. "Slow down Liam! That's too fast!" Louis ran behind him, starting to get scared. "I cant Daddy! I can't!"  Liam screamed, starting to sway, he was scared and started to panick.

Louis tried to run faster but he couldn't, a few seconds before he got him, Liam hit the kerbstone unluckily and fell. Louis froze in his movement, seeing his son landing on the ground on his side. After his body hit the floor, his head hit it hardly aswell. Luckily he was wearing a helmet. Liam screamed loudly while he was falling but as soon as he hit the floor he went silent, he was unconscious.

Louis dashed to him, kneeling down next to him. "Buddy hey.. I'm here.." Louis gently shook his shoulder. "Open your eyes please.." Louis was scared, tearing up. A few seconds later Liams eyes fluttered open, immediately filling with tears. "Daddy it hurts!!  Huuurts!!" Liam screamed, still in the same position he had fallen, on his  right side. "What hurts Liam.. Tell daddy please.." Louis tried to stay calm, knowing that Harry would be freaking out. "Everything!" Liam cried loudly.  "Okay okay okay Buddy..  everything will be alright.." Louis lifted him up carefully, one arm under the back of his knees and the other under his back, caring him bridal-style to the house. "Harry! Get the car now! We need to go the ER!" Louis yelled in the house, grabbing a few icepacks to cool his injuries.

A few sceonds later Harry came running down the stairs, putting some shoes on.  They went the car and Louis sat in back, with Liam laying with his head on his lap, knees angled on the seat next Louis. While Louis explained Harry what happend he slowly took of the helmet from Liam, luckily he wasn't bleeding. He carefully laid an icepack on his head, where he had hit the floor. "So you didn't hold him!?" Harry said loud and angry.  "Just a few seconds Hazza.. I'm really sorry.. I held him the whole time.." Louis said soft. Harry continued yelling at him. "Stop fighting!!!" Liam suddenly interrupted Harry, still crying. "I'm sorry.. I'm just worried" Harry went quiet and continued driving.

"I don't feel good.."  Lian mumbled, starting to look disoriented. "Are you gonna-" Louis got cut off from Liam, who starting puking all over.  Louis quickly grabbed his own jacket, which he had taken off before they got in the car and somehow caught most of the puke with it, so nearly nothing got on the car, but his jacket was ruined, but he didn't care at the moment. " 'm sorry.." Liam whimpered, scared that they will be mad, he still felt incredibly nauseous. As one of his father's answered it seem like their were miles away. "Harry hurry up please! He is drifting off!" Liam thought it was Louis speaking "Stay awake for me Liam. C'mon. Don't close your eyes Buddy." Louis shook him gently but Liam couldn't help himself. His head was hurting, his knee too and he couldn't move and feel his right wrist or hand.  He tried to stay awake but he couldn't fight against it. His eyes slowly closed, everything went black and silent, again. "No..  Not again.. Please.." Louis mumbled quietly, holding his unconscious son. "Not again?! Was he unconscious before?!" Harry was yelling and freaking out. Louis just gave a nod, crying a bit.


Liams eyes fluttered open slowly. The bright light was blinding him so his closed his eyes again. "Daddy...? Papa...?" he asked weak, starting to panick. "We are here Liam"  Louis whispered, he had a fight with Harry and both of them had cried. Liam couldn't hear who was talking. "Can you open your eyes for us please" Harry said softly as he dimmed the light. Liam slowly opend his eyes again, he looked around slowly, everything was a bit blury but he could see the lime-green cast on his wrist and the black splint on his knee. He couldn't remember what happend, the last thing he knew was how he was falling from the bicycle. As he moved a bit he felt the pain from his head, wrist and knee in the whole body. He whimpered. As he moved he felt something between his legs aswell, around his waist. He looked down and saw a nappy. "You had an accident Sweetie, the doctor wanted to prevent another one." Harry said softly as he saw Liams shocked face. "Okay.." Liam whimpered back. "Anyway Bud, how are you feeling now?" Louis asked concerned. "better.. But hurts.." Liam said, still really weak but with a small smile.

After a few days Liam could go home, he had enough from outside activities and were glad that his fathers stopped fighting about it.

After a few weeks he was back on his feets again and eventually ride his bicycle again, facing his fears. His dad were extremely proud of him.


1570 Words, maybe I will over write it later since I'm not fully satisfied with that.

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