Twenty: Her again?

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Following her last bargain with Klaus and that whole situation with the white oak stakes and Finn's death, Gigi was determined to spend as much time in her own house away from people as possible.

It definitely wouldn't last for more than two days, seeing as how she was constantly needed for help thanks to the Salvatore brothers and their walking, living gold-mine named Elena Gilbert, but it was worth a shot. The plan was going over-all pretty well, until somebody knocked on her door late at night.

"Who in the ever living hell?" She muttered angrily to herself, struggling to free herself from the thousand blankets she was wrapped in and knocking over her laptop from her lap in the process.

"Gigi, are you there?" A masculine voice that she didn't quite recognize follows after another knock, making her groan loudly. She drags her feet over to the door, swinging it open and looking on in confusion.

"Who are you?"

"Am I really that forgettable?" The tan boy flatly questions.

"I've known a lot of people in my life, you don't particularly stand out," she dryly replies, not quite sure who she stole that comeback from.

"It's Tyler," he reveals in annoyance. "First ever hybrid ring a bell? Klaus snapped my neck in gym?"

"Oh yeah yeah yeah," Gigi nods enthusiastically. "What the hell do you want?"

Tyler scratches his head in embarrassment. "I need somewhere to stay the night and Caroline said you could, um, help out."

"The boarding house is literally unlocked and has about a hundred empty rooms– ugh you know, whatever, just get in."

The vampire turns on her heel, heading back towards the living room and leaving Tyler to lock the door behind them and follow her. He follows her in plopping down on the couch, accepting the drink she poured him before sighing at her curious gaze. "What?"

"Why didn't you just stay at Caroline's place?"

"Her mom didn't let me."

"Liar," she immediately says, shrugging at his exasperated look. "Not a very good one, too."

"I just–" he starts before pausing. "Klaus drew a picture of her."

"And?" Gigi frowns in confusion.

"And she kept it on her nightstand," he exclaims, "You'd think the guy didn't literally ruin my life! Now he's making moves on my girl! And she's not doing anything about it!"

"Hold on there, chipper," the brunette interrupts in amusement. "Klaus draws a nice picture of Caroline, Caroline keeps it because it's nice, and somehow you blame here even though it's in no way, shape or form her fault?"

Tyler scowls. "It's just fucking creepy. He's creepy!"

"Are you really creeped out or actually intimidated because somewhere in that tiny wolf brain of yours, you think he could actually steal Caroline away from you?"

"I'm not intimidated," he argues incredulously, "I'm not–you are not helping me here Gigi."

She shrugs. "I'm not trying to. I'm just showing you that your frustration against your girlfriend is completely unjustified."

"Ah shit," Tyler sighs after a moment, gulping down his drink. "It's just... this is all so fucked up. All kinds of horrible shit keeps happening and yet everyone just cries for a day and moves on to the next tragedy. It's not normal. I mean, does anyone even remember Mason anymore? I was turned directly by Klaus, but no one seems to be against killing him until they know that they're descended from him? What the hell is going on and why am I the only one concerned by it?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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