Part 4: The Lightning before the Storm

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— During this Week —

Gigi had been meeting up with Cole daily since she met him, often spending hours in his company. The Czar twin had yet to trust her, but it all came down to what was due to happen today.  

Georgia Rose exits the condo that had been provided for her, pretending to not notice the two spies that Cole set up to follow her everywhere. Apparently, he was very paranoid about the thought of being betrayed.

As she moves to get into her car, the brunette scowls, noting that it had been completely sandwiched between a soccer mom van and a large Range Rover. It was practically impossible to move it an inch.

Making sure no one was paying attention, Gigi casually rests against the Rover, looking around before violently punching the hood, creating a deep dent. Then, she marches to the side and pushes the car, flipping onto the sidewalk. 

Logan and Chris, the two in charge of spying on her, hesitantly look at each other as they watch the female vampire drive off. "That lady is crazy."

Georgia Rose drives through the gates leading up to Cole and Claudia's manor. The Czars, unlike Nolan, didn't give a crap about inconspicuousness and didn't mind flaunting their money, thus explaining their way too large residency. The brunette waltz past the guards that were already used to her reoccurring visits, thus letting her through with no issues.

Today was a very important day. Particularly choosing the day that Claudia was out of town, the gang initiated operation CUKMHTHLGEWTCUTTABMTACAHGSHSHCFTH. 

'Call up Klaus and make him tell his hybrids to listen to Gigi's every word so they can use them to their advantage by making them attack Cole and have Gigi save him so he can finally trust her.'  

Cole stands at his usual place in front of his study, chivalrously leading the female vampire inside and seating her down. He takes his regular space right next to her, pouring her a glass of red wine before they started talking. "You've gotten more comfortable in my company, Jasmine," he notes, intently staring at her. "Am I not intimidating anymore?"

"You never were," Gigi notes casually. "I've dealt with much worse."

The brunette remembers the crazy original hybrid that she regretted every running into again. She visibly shivers.

"Tanya's been doing her job extra well," Cole continues. "How come?"

"Kids feel the need to impress their elders."

"I have the feeling you don't particularly care about her."

"Why should I. Tanya is still a teenager, snapping at the small things and handling business childishly." 

Cole hums. "You know, you and I are very similar, Ms. Pierce."

"Wonderful," is her sarcastic reply.

"Exactly," he smirks. "I believe that with my strength and your brains, we'd be a force to be reckoned with."

"Well unfortunately your sister doesn't seem to particularly enjoy my presence, so I'll have to turn that down." 

The older vampire gets up and moves to stand behind her, setting his hand on her shoulders and directing her eyesight towards a painting. It showcased a young child, with blue eyes and coiled hair just like Cole. "Even though her body is older, her personality remains the same. Claudia isn't and will never be suited for this life. So what do you say?"

Cole slowly runs his hand down Gigi's exposed right arm, making her shiver before stiffly standing up. "We are already partners, Mr. Czar, I believe ther—"

Gigi is interrupted by loud banging on the oak doors. She jumps back, startled, getting her heel tangled with a string in the carpet that makes her fall. The brunette feels the impact for only a second when the older vampire picks her up, a dark look on his face. He furiously stalks over to the source of the noise, swinging open the doors with great force only to reveal the expected two hybrids who's names Georgia frankly forgot.

"What the hell is going on?" He snaps.

The two girls don't answer, lifelessly staring at the ground. When they do lift their heads up though, their eyes are a vicious gold color. Cole furrows his eyebrows but he doesn't move an inch, not affected. His composure breaks, however, when the two hybrids lunge at him. 

It all happens in mere seconds. Cole was easily restraining one of the hybrids by wrapping his hand around her throat, but another one pounced on him from he back, her jaw wide open. The male turns around at the last second only to see the girl being tackled harshly by Gigi, snapping her mouth a couple of times before her heart gets ripped out.

After quickly disposing of the other one, he turns around to face his supposed business partner, only to see her slightly losing her usual coldblooded persona. 

"Jesus shit," Georgia Rose grits out, wincing. She rolls up her sleeve to reveal a hideous bite trace, turning more purple each second that passed. "What kind of rabid fucking dogs are you keeping here?"

But Cole doesn't answer, his eyes fixed on her forearm. 

Obviously, Gigi knew what a fucking werewolf bite did. It wasn't exactly part of the plan, but the stupid hybrid had gone all out on her. She was just hoping Klaus had given Cole a little bit of his fairy blood in case this happened, because the last thing she wanted to do was go all the way back to Mystic Falls to inevitably beg the smug bastard.

"Am I speaking to a wall?" Gigi grows more frustrated. "Why the hell is this thing going blue?"

"Stay here," is his only answer before he disappears.

And stay she did, for four hours. At the beginning, she didn't really mind because Cole had everything you needed in his office, from wi-fi to blood bags to a bathroom. Plus, the bite wasn't even bothering her.

But just when the three-hour mark hit, it wasn't so nice anymore.

The brunette coughs heavily into the toilet bowl, staining the white marble red. She groans loudly, internally cursing the Czars. She remains this way for an hour, cradling her injury that was now spreading and turning her veins black along with occasionally vomiting blood. When Cole comes back, she's humming a song and forcing herself to keep her eyes open.

The older vampire tuts pitifully at the sight of her before hoisting her over his shoulder, taking her to a random guest bedroom and putting her down on the bed. Gigi mumbles something incoherent before rolling around, trying to find a comfortable position. 

Cole looks at her in amusement before taking her high heels off for her, twirling a small vial in his hands. Right as she's about to fall of the bed, he blocks her and forces her to drink the antidote. "Easy there, tiger," he mocks, watching as her face regenerated its previous glow. "You know, Jasmine, previously, I never would have trusted you. But you saved me."

"Yeah?" Gigi glowers, still a little weak. "If I would've known this would happen I wouldn't have done it."

Cole laughs loudly at her comment, pulling her up to her feet. "What do you say, partner?" 

"I say you owe me."

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