"can we go to your place?" jungkook finally asked, he started to see familiar shops and restaurants, knowing they were close to home.

"of course." taehyung said, before falling back into a nice silence.

they didn't talk while taehyung parked the car and they walked up to the nice loft apartment. the silence was only disrupted when taehyung opened the fridge and looked for what he needed, "so, i'm assuming yoongi is boring company."

jungkook was busy looking around the fancy place, personally liking the brick walls and big windows that overlook part of seoul. "how'd you know i was with yoongi?"

"i stopped by earlier, hoseok told me." taehyung was always blunt, and jungkook was trying to get used to this. but he did like the fact that the older came asking for him. "it was awful." the ravenette said.

taehyung chuckled and poured the drink into too mugs, "oh come on, that grumpy man looks like so much fun." the sarcasm was dripping from his tone and jungkook cracked a smile. taehyung came walking over with the two mugs, stopping just in front of the shorter boy, "there it is, i was waiting for that smile all night."

the younger boy felt his cheeks warm and tried to keep his smile was growing, he failed. taehyung just nodded his head over to the side, "come on."

the two walked towards the spiral stairs, which greatly excited jungkook because who doesn't like spiral stairs, only to be stopped by one of the windows. taehyung pulled it open and stepped out onto the metal flooring, "i hope you're not afraid of heights."

the same fire started in his chest as he pinched his eyebrows slightly. "i'm not." he was very determined to sound as serious as he could, but stepping out onto the fire escape was still a little nerve racking.

being on the top floor was nice, they only had to go up one set of stairs to reach the roof. it was somewhat clean and even a little table with two chairs were by the edge. taehyung walked over and set the two mugs down. "going up here makes me feel better, maybe it'll help you too." he said, taking a seat and grabbing one of the mugs.

"who says i'm upset." jungkook said. his arms were crossed over his chest as he looked over the edge of the building and down towards all the street lights. "tell me how your night was." was all taehyung said, knowing very well he was right and it would only be a matter of time until the boy cracked and this little attitude he was having would crumble.

"it was dumb." jungkook said. he wanted to keep it at that but soon all the words came bumbling up and he couldn't stop them. "they all treated me like a kid, i didn't fit in there and they were all scary and smoking stuff that smelled weird and i just- i wanted to go home." he dropped his arms to his side and sighed, everything was coming up at once. this time he didn't want it to stop. "everyone always treats me like a baby, like i'm a child who needs to be taken care of. but i'm not," he finally turned to face taehyung.

the older boy was just sitting and listening, his eyes staying on jungkook who was now pacing and just talking to his hearts content. "i know i'm younger and i know i'm not the manliest man but that doesn't make me a baby and i'm just so tired, so sick of being talked down to, like i'm below everyone-" his voice cracked and jungkook paused. he was not about to cry. no way in hell was he about to go on a rant about not being a baby and then cry after.

the boy looked at taehyung and felt his heartbeat quicken, their eyes locked and jungkook almost wanted to jump off the side of the building to get rid of that stare, but he also wanted to drown in those brown eyes.

"you're not going to treat me like that, right?"

taehyung had heard every word, felt the frustrating in each syllable as he spoke, and he felt angry at anyone who made jungkook feel inferior to them. taehyung stood up and it took two long strides before he was right in front of jungkook, the boy looking up at him with sparkling eyes and pink lips looking so pretty in the moonlight.

"the difference between me and everyone else," taehyung said, pausing to tuck a strand of hair behind the boys ear, "i never want to treat you like a baby jungkook." he said, noticing the way the ravenette winced at the word.

"because i want to treat you like my baby," taehyung said, his eyes never leaving those sad ones looking up at him. "fuck all it took was one day in that damn smoothie shop and i was hooked, you smiled and i knew i was done for." taehyung traced the outline of the boys lips lightly, wanting to kiss them, to bite them, to hold him all night and listen to their quiet breathing.

it happened so fast, like falling down the side of a snowy mountain, just wanting to look at that one pretty snowflake, but you leaned too far over the side, and now you're tumbling down without the strength or will to stop it.

"taehyung," jungkook was never good with words, he didn't know how to take the emotion filling his chest or the flutter of his stomach and put that into something that makes sense. "i don't know-"

"you don't have to." taehyung said, taking a step back and going back to his mug on the table. "we have all the time in the world."


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