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Classes have really been kicking my ass and it doesn't help that I've put off homework till the last minute.

As of right now I am major-less which isn't great and I should really get on that. It's becoming an issue. And speaking of issues I have Kathy and her daily criticisms in my ear about my priorities. She actually tried giving me fashion advise. Apparently she doesn't own a mirror or anything with a damn reflection.

If It came down to it Id end up punching her in the throat. Yea, it sounds violent but that's because it is.
"All I'm saying is you need to get it together. Stop procrastinating, stop partying, stop-"
"Can you please just shut t hell up. It's none of your business and I hate your stupid fucking skirts."
"Your such a bitch."
"Oh well."
She just rolls her eyes. That's it I'm going to look for a new place, put out flyer and an add online with specific criteria. I could live on my own but screw that.
I've seen Nightline.

As I open the door I see heads snap up. Que the stares. There's a bunch of green and red post-its everywhere stuck to the top of seats. The hints of red and green everywhere really make the walls look bland in comparison. In my opinion the entire room could use more color.

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Harrison."
I've made a habit of coming in late from time to time. We've become well acquainted.
"Mr. Barnes. How's the wife."
I say while making my way to my seat. I notice he's combed his hair today and its not the frizzy mess of curls it usually is.
He might be able to pull off a sweater vest.To bad he's a total dick or he'd be somewhat attractive.

There's a new guy. Has short dark hair, one to many tattoos but what's more important is that he's in my seat. I guess he can sit there.
For now.
" I'm sure you've all been wondering why you have a sticky note attached to your seats." Quickly sitting next to him I pull out a sheet of paper and pen.
When class is dismissed I check my phone. A text from Jen and another from an anonymous number.

Saw your flyer around campus. Interested.

I set up a date and ignore the other messages from my mother. All of a sudden she decides to actually communicate.

❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂

I sigh and toss my book to the foot of the bed and groan in frustration. Fuck me I need a break. I'll make plans to go shopping which is probably a bad idea because I need to focus on homework but I'd much rather go out.

"Why do you own this car? It's kind of bug looking."
"Keep talking about Gretch and you'll walk home." I say in a stern tone while patting the dash of my car.
"Oh you know what I mean."
"Yes Jennifer but I quite enjoy my car thank you very much and it didn't cost as much as a house unlike yours."
Laughing we head into the shop. I'm not nearly as fashion Davy as Jen but I can't help to love all of the clothes in this place.
"What are you trying on?"
She asks through the dressing room door.
"Just some jeans and romper."
"Ugh. Why always jeans? So what'd you think about Seth?"
I get a good vibe from that dude and I think he'll be good for her but I don't want her to know that right away.
"He was okay...I mean he kind of walked funny."
Trying in to hold a laugh she starts yelling something in a high pitch voice that may or may not be English and we both start laughing.
"Your mom asked my mom to ask me if you'd want to ll take a trip?"
"Not really."
"Okay. I don't get why she just doesn't ask you?"
"Because that would require effort on her part."

I hope you like this chapter I've been editing chapters 1-5 in case there's any confusion. Comment&Vote! Thanks guys!

Oppoite Ends (On Hold Due To Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora