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Maybe I should actually have a flat before I invite someone to move in?
We've decided to meet up in the quad for two reasons. Reason one being its public and she/he wouldn't be able to steal me and reason two being that its time for lunch.

As I make my may across campus I notice that the floors are littered with leafs of every color of gold, yellow, red and brown imaginable. The sound of leaves crunching underneath my boots with each step reminds me that fall is here. I take a minute to enjoy what I've ignored for the last two week as I close my eyes and embrace each gust of wind that is thrown at me. My phone brings me out of my reverie when I feel the vibration from a text. Apparently I'm late for the meet up and i should've been there 5 whole minutes ago. This person already sounds annoying AF.

Arriving in record time I look around at all of the black iron benches and metal crafted tables for something to let me know who it is I'm meeting. As I'm about to send a text I can't believe who I see with one of my flyers.

"What are you doing here?"
"For one it's none of your business and secondly thats MY flyer."
"Yea and obviously so are you. I didn't know that this was yours when I texted."
"I figured. So this is awkward...I'll see you back at the room."

❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂

On my walk back to the dorms i have an idea that now would be the perfect time to go out and find a part-time job. Id be gone four hours a day which would minimize my time spent with Kathy and who knows I might meet some new people along the way. I'm sure she'd have no complaints.

I was supposed to call my mom but I'm actually pretty hungry now that i think about it. So I'll hold off on that.
Speak of the devil.
"I need you to visit sometime this week."
"Yea I'll try and make it."
It's safe to say that it's something important or I never would've gotten a call.
Another call? Is this what it feels like to have a life? Then again it just Jen.

"It was her! She was sitting there with the paper."
I say trying to whisper while Kathy is in the bathroom.
"What happened? Oh, and your mom told me to tell you to call her."
"Nothing. I just left her there. Yea I talked to her thanks."
"So I know this guy..."
"Why won't you ever let me set you up? You haven't had a date in months."
"And I'm okay with that. I gotta go she's almost done and I don't want to answer any more of your questions. Bye!"
"Damn hermit!"
And I hang up before I can get another lecture.
All of a sudden there's a loud bang on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Your friendly neighbors! Can we borrow your microwave? You can use our hot plate?"
A hot plate?
"Ugh. Yea one minute!" Opening the door in front of me is a guy wearing only sweats and a girl in polka dot pjs. I didn't know we'd gone Co Ed?
"It's in the corner."
Pointing with my finger while Kathy exits the bathroom and heads straight for her bed.
"I'm Emery and this is Tasha. We're from across the hall. History majors."
"Nice. I'm Max and this delightful creature you see here is Kathy. You should be glad her retainer is in and can't talk."
She mumbles something that I can't understand.
"I'm undecided and she's a math major."
"Cool cool. Thanks for letting us in by the way. Most people are greedy assholes with their shit."
Tasha speaks up while rolling her eyes.
"Tell me about it."
We talk for a little bit after and I learned that Tasha enjoys basketball and beer pong. While Emery has a 4.0 GPA and says he's great at any sport which surprises me because he missed the trash bin twice.
"Can you please shut it. I'm trying to nap."
Says a raspy voice from underneath her blanket.
"It's 10:00 at night. Your technically not napping."
Poor Emery doesn't know what he's in for.
"Excuse me? Nobody asked Emerald for his opinion. So if you want to keep mooching off of my appliances you'll shut the hell up. Thanks."
"She's pleasant isn't she?."
He laughs.
If only she'd said that to Tasha my life would be complete.
"Oh yea did I forgot to mention she's a bit of a bitch."
And I hear Kathy dramatically groan.
"You think?"
And I usher them out with a smile promising to meet up sometime.


I'll attempt at updating everyday this week so bare with me if its updated late I'm still learning the basics. I just wanted to give a S/O to my first follower. Your amazing, much love. -Authors_
I've been editing so some things may be added or taken out. Sorry.

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