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Will she like it? What if it doesn't work out? These are all of the questions running through my mind as I lead Marie to the loft. I spent the last couple of days scrubbing and arranging that I'm nest of stress and nerves. "I thought we were going to the mall?" Marie says while fishing in her bag for her phone. "Well I llied." Now thinking about it I did actually want to go to the mall. "Do you need help? Maybe your not doing it right." "Yes." And it comes out clipped. "Thanks for the input." I add afterwards not trying to be to bitchy. "I'm just saying. It doesn't look like you know what your doing." And apparently she doesn't care. I can see her tinkering with her phone through the reflection of the white pane of glass, rolling my eyes even though she can't see me. "Yea" I huff under my breath and then kicking the god forsaken door. "You sure you kno-"
"Yes I know the code it's just not working!" I say while trying my hardest not to flip out on her and pulling my attention back towards the keypad. I start mumbling to myself over and over with each entry of the numbers as if it would actually accomplish anything. "You sure thats the right combo?" She asks again for the thirty-eighth damn time and I give up smashing my fingers against all of the buttons.

Suddenly the door swings open to reveal our somewhat amused neighbor. He seems alright from the whole two minutes we've talked. "What are you doing and why are you assaulting my door?" He looks at the door trying to hide a smile and then from me to Marie who just stands there averting eye contact. "Oh, you know just testing out the security system"I say while half smiling and I can already tell he knows that it's complete bullshit. "and it's OUR door." Motion in a circle. "Oh. Do you know the combo? Should I write it down for you?" Smirking and sticking his hands in his pockets. What is it with everyone today? I my help the built up annoyance and aggravation that come spilling out. "God! I know the freaking combo! I typed it in a bazillion times!" I practically shout as I shove past the guy that looks like he's been caught in head lights and the curly haired girl standing on the porch laughing.

"And this is the living area which is where you know you live." Making my way over to the recliner that swallows you whole. "I like it." I'm pretty sure if she didn't she wouldn't say anything and the fact that she knows I'm on my last nerve despite her pitiful apology that she gave with a huge grin trying not to laugh. "That's it? No comments or complaints?" I ask hoping for something other than a shrug per usual. "There's no rooms."
"Well Ms. Marie you are a woman of many words aren't you?" Before trying to get up and failing leading me to roll off the right arm. Trying my best to not sound tone def I let out a "Ta-Daaaa!" before pulling on a dangling string and releasing a white sheet that cascades down the center of two beds making a thin cotton wall. At some point I turned into one of the 'Price Is Right' girls pointing and making hand gestures towards the sheet and beds. "A large cotton sheet, two twin beds which are optional, on top of an elegant view." And walking over to outline the frame of the windows. I'd be really good on the 'Wheel of Fortune' show. Marie just stares for a minute before stifling a laugh and walks over to touch the sheet. "Your dumb. But not annoying." She says while smiling.

Marie's POV
No matter who you are you love moving into a new place or even just spending the night in a hotel room. Who the hell knows why but I love that shit. I could tell she was still annoyed but it's not my fault she can't punch in some numbers. I get the grand tour followed by somewhat of a show at the end highlighting a cotton sheet. We end up just chilling on the couches talking about nonsense. "I'll get you the rent and other money later today." I should get a job considering I haven't been selling as much. "The stuff was pretty cheap and rent is free the first month so no worries." My phone goes off and I see a blocked number that I don't answer. "Still." Damn I'm starving. "How much was all of this stuff?" Now thinking about it I haven't given her any money so how the hell did we get a place? "Damn it!" Surprised I look over at her and she's trying to flop off of this fluffy ass chair and again my phone starts to go off with another blocked number. Before I can ask her anything she's up and sprinting towards the coat closet grabbing her tattered rather satchel bag thing. "Class."
"Always late." She knows that I'm making fun of her but still try's to mug me. Doesn't she know Shes about as intimidating as a fucking squirel. "Shut up." Is all I hear before the door slams shut.

Thinking to myself trying to concoct a plan to get my name out there and build a client base I have this amazing idea to have a party...

Max' POV
Fuck. I always knew I wouldn't have an 'A' or even a 'B' but come on a fucking 'D' isn't what I had in mind. "Needs some work." Is all Barnes says. Coming from the seat next to me I hear a whistle and not the whistle you get from walking by a bunch of perverts or someone trying to get your attention but the one that indicates you did something bad. Of course the sound came from the seat next to me and in that seat is Randy in his stupid pants with to much tattoos. "Like you did better." Annoyed to wits end I stand to leave before I break a book on his head.
"Well, I did and maybe you should spend less time at the bakery with that pretty boy and more time studying." I know I shouldn't look but I can't help it and when I do I can't believe he scored an 'B' in one of the hardest classes which he rarely even atten- wait how did he know I work at the sweets shop? "Gotta go. As much as I'm having fun looking at the expression that's on your face-that I took a picture of might I add- I do have a life." Before processing anything I'm patted on the head and he's striding down the steps. "Picture?" Why couldn't someone nice have sat next to me? Maybe I should sit somewhere else next time. Yea. That's what I'll do.

It's a surprisingly fast shift and I don't notice that it's nearly nine. But somehow it's not as interesting a time without that annoying floppy head of curls that is an expert at getting under people's skin. It's a surprisingly fast shift and I don't notice that it's nearly nine so I pack up and head out to my car across the street. Maybe I should think about changing up my hair? "Hey!" Stopping dead in the middle of the street I look around to see a tall figure walking towards me. Sighing in relief to see that it's not an axe murderer or mental ward escape but just Randy. "Wow how lucky am I? I get to see you twice in one day." Speaking somewhat sarcastically but somehow I don't really mind. He's wearing a black hoodie paired with gym shorts, his hair is messed up in some places and he doesn't have any piercings in which makes him look younger. "Yea, lucky" he says as he approaches slightly out of breath "just saw that you were walking alone. In the dark."
"Oh. Well I was just walking to my car." Motioning towards my red Prius "well you usually walk so I thought you might want some company." He's acting strange. "Maybe nex-" "You drive a Prius? That's a vagina on wheels." And there he is! "I'll talk to you later." Walking away I see him rub the back of his neck and I think he's going to say something but he just turns around and walks away.

Surprise, surprise the damn keypad worked. I knock on what's his names door. "Hey um" "My name is Myles."
"Sorry. Just wanted to apologize for earlier. Don't mean to yell. So yea."
"Its was pretty funny. Your about as scary as a chipmunk." I know he's trying not to laugh but it's still just as annoying. "Well bye." Waving back as I walk up the stairs. First thing I hear as I walk in is "How do you feel about a party?"
"Are we going to one?" I ask while putting down my bag. "No. We're throwing one."
"Since when?" "I thought of the idea about two minutes after you had left." For a second I thought about turning down this idea but Marie seems enthusiastic about it and since I first met her she hasn't shown more interest in anything other than music and drugs. It'd be hard to imagine her dancing or even being anything but serious. "So when's the party?"

I know it's been a while since I've updated but I guess it's been writers block? I'll try and update more often. Comment/Vote! Thanks guys!|

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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