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I'm actually on time for once. Maybe because I walked double time in order to evade you know who. Those Harry Potter books were too good. Don't judge me. Coming up to a large brick building with overgrown vines in some places and large windows that I actually like. Instead of the usual dark stuffy rooms that slowly kill your spirit the longer you sit in them. It's been maybe one or two weeks since I've been here. I think. I realize I have neglected this class for far to long. I'm not sure why i decided to take art. I'm not very good. I actually haven't really done anything. It's a good thing the teacher is chill so we get along pretty well. I wave hi to Mr. Yavasil and he gives me a smile as I enter the building.

Every time I walk through theses double doors and see the brightly lit room full of students either working on projects, or rushing to complete last minute details and all of the colorful artwork pieces that are splayed randomly throughout the room. Every time I'm here I get this feeling of inspiration and creativity that's hard to explain. Even the smell of the freshly wet clay makes me want to sculpt something of the same caliber as the Statue of Liberty. It's funny to me because I hate anything to messy or germy even. I take a seat near one of the windows. It's already warm in here and I know it's only going to get warmer so I figure I can open one up if need be. I start readying my station when a few other students walk in.

There's no seating arrangement which I like and all of the desks are positioned into a large oval shape. "Good morning." I hear from the person sitting next to me. I hadn't realized someone was right there. "Good morning." I say with a quick smile and continue pulling out different types of pencils. "Im Wesley." He says while holding his hand out. "Nice to meet you. I'm Max." I say while shaking his hand and then putting my bag onto the floor. "I haven't seen you in this class before." He says looking down at my bag and back at me. "Is this your first day?" He asks. "No." I give him a weird look. "Is this your first day?" I question before he points to where he's sitting. "Do you mind if I sit here." He asks. I guess I'm not getting an answer. "Nope." I shake my head not looking at him. "Your not much of a conversationalist are you?" He says and I turn to look at him when he starts laughing. Why is he talking to me all of a sudden? He's wearing an old green school jumper and a pair of beige khakis. I'm guessing it's from high school. "I started this class almost two weeks ago." He states while grabbing some things out of his backpack. "I quite enjoy it although I've been drawing for as long as I can remember." And he looks up at me before pointing to my pencils. "Can I borrow one of those?" He asks and I hand him one. "You sure do talk a lot. Do you always strike up conversation with random strangers?" I ask somewhat amused. "No not really. I mean I figured I would let you know that you have flour all over your left arm and a hair net hanging out of your pocket but j thought I might ease my way in." He says amused and as a matter of fact. "Oh. Thanks." I say while turning around to dust off my arm and grab my hair net to put in my bag. "Thanks for the pencil. Wha-" and he's cut off when our art teacher begins to speak. "Morning class. Today I've decided to give you a break. Let you guys spend your time brainstorming creative and intellectual new ideas for an upcoming fundraiser to help our arts program." He continues talking and using a lot of hand gestures.

By this time I end up zoning him out. It's not that I don't like him but honestly I'm the least likely person to come up with some miraculous money making idea.

Just as class is about to end I feel my phone buzz and I see that it's from that realtor saying she wants to meet up today at her office in a couple of hours. I make an alarm and make my way towards the dorms. About two minutes after leaving class I remember I had lent that Wesley guy my best shading pencil and rush to ask for it back. Those artsy types are savages when it comes to borrowing art supplies. They never fucking give them back. On my way back I spot his green sweater on the side of the an unfamiliar building. Walking up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder he jumps and turns around startled with the best most awful facial expression. "Fuck. You scared the shit out of me." And I can't help but laugh uncontrollably. "Oh..my...God....your face was priceless!" I say while pointing at him and trying not to drop my bag. "What are you doing here?" He questions. "You have my...pencil." I laugh almost out of breath. "It wasn't that funny." He says with an embarrassed look on his face and as I try to stop laughing. "No. Your right. I'm just easily amused. But I do need my pencil back. It costs like fifteen dollars." While holding my hand out. "And you thought I was going to steal it? I'm not one of those artsy monsters." He says chuckling taking his bag off of his shoulder.

"Are you Wesley?" Someone says from behind him and we both turn to look and I'm surprised when I see Randy. What is he doing here? "Yea." Wesley says. You mus-" and he's cut off. "What are you doing here?" He Nods in my direction and takes a step towards me. "Why do you care?" I say before Wesley steps between us. "This is my girlfriend." He says. I'm somewhat confused for a moment but recover and put a serious face back on. "Oh? He says with a small smile. "That's not what it seemed like earlier today." And I get a confused look from Wesley before my face turns red. "You know if you like me you might as well ask me out now. Don't worry about rejection. It's unavoidable." I say annoyed as I hold my hand out towards Wesley signaling for my pencil. He searches his backpack and places it into my hand. "Thanks." I say with a smile before glaring at Randy and turning on my heel. Theres something weird about him.

Remembering I'm supposed to have lunch with Marie I make my way as fast as I can to my room. She hates when I'm late. As I enter the building I'm swarmed with different types of smells from fruity to flowery and even men's cologne. It smells like a fairies vagina in here. Speeding up the stairs taking two at a time I walk towards my room door hoping she's not in there already. Just then my phone buzzes and I see the ID says Marie so I answer "I'm right outside the door!" I say loudly into the speaker and she starts laughing. "I was calling to say I was going to be late. The sweets shop you work at was packed so I'm just leaving now." She says and I inwardly sigh in relief. Harry must be having a hell of a time. "Yea. It's cool just don't let it happen again." I say in a serious tone. "Your fucking dumb." She says while laughing along with multiple other voices in the background and we hang up. She's probably drug dealing right now. I step inside to an empty room. Glad for the peace and quiet I lay down for a bit soaking in my thoughts before putting my things away. Just as I'm about to take off my shoes I hear a loud knock at the door so I stand up and hurry to answer the door. Upon opening the door I see Marie with a bag of food under each arm and a cup in each of her hands. She's skilled alright. I'll give her that. Taking each of the bags from her "Sorry, I had to kick the door. For obvious reasons." Giving her my best annoyed face and letting her in. "So guess who I saw today?" She says in a weird tone. "Queen Elizabeth?" I say jokingly while opening up one of the bags. "I wish. But no. I saw Randy." She says before taking a drink. "Really? Where?" I ask. "I was heading back to school and he was across the street talking to some girl." She looks over at me. "I saw him today to. He was lurking on the side of a building. He was meeting up with a guy from my art class." I say nonchalantly while taking a drink of the tea she got me. "What we're they doing?" I can see she thinking about something while unwrapping her sandwich. "Not sure. We mostly talked about why I was there." I finish and all she says is "oh" and we continue on talking about our plans for the apartment.

It's about four thirty and I'm waiting in what's her faces office while she ties up some last minute things. We've signed some papers and done all that legality mumbo jumbo. I've already had my family's lawyer over here beforehand to look over the contract. In all honesty we got the property for a steal and the tenant who's already living there can continue on living there. He's just been notified that there's new ownership of the property. Hearing the door open she walks in and hands me my copies of the lease and we part ways with a handshake and smile. It's time to move in!

Continue to read and getting that number to 150 so I. An update again! You guys are my motivation I hope you keep on reading(: Comment&Vote!
- MuchLove

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