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I can't feel my ass and my legs are asleep. Just great. i still have yet to find anything useful to use for my debate material. "I still have a couple of days. I've got time." Is my new mantra this year. Lets get up and find some food. I wonder if it's safe to walk on numb legs? Maybe I should stretch? And as soon as I begin to stretch I regret every word. My limbs start tingling a strong and painful tickle with every centimeter I move.
"Ow! My legssss! I can't!"
I'm trying to hold in my laughter and pain as I roll off of my bed but failing miserably.
"Are you okay?"
"Who is it?"
I can't control my pitch. And I hear a chuckle from behind the door.i
"Its Emery. Alright in there?"
"Fine! Don't come in...I'm uh indecent...yeah that's it."
Even though I told him not to he pushes open the door to find me half off the bed and gradually sliding down the side.
"It's not funny."
"No. Not funny at all."
His smile is evident but he's trying so hard not to laugh. The tingling feeling is almost gone so why not try and stand.
"You look like Bambi!"
Bad idea.
"Get out!"
Full on laughing he shakes his head and leaves. Suddenly I remember I'm supposed to be looking for a job.

Picking up my phone i check the time. Its late afternoon which only gives me about 2 hours of daylight. I am pretty hungry though. The diners only a block over so it wouldn't make sense to take my car.

Slipping into my dark denim jeans and plain white t-shirt I start for the door. But I've forgotten about my birds nest that I refer to as my hair and decide throwing it into a messy bun. It simple yet effective.

Leaving the building i feel the brisk air smack me in the face. I look up into the sky and notice the clouds have a light grey mixed with a shade of charcoal. Light barely peeking through almost as if the sun were trapped behind the clouds.

The streets are quiet and half empty but I recongnize some students due to the fact that they are wearing sweatshirts with sorority names.

It takes about ten minutes to reach the diner. On my way I notice the same guy that stole my seat in class the other day walking across the street in a red hoodie. And I've been caught staring. Yet again. I'm hoping he doesn't call me out on it.
Observing the structure of the diner it has this rustic old timey theme that makes you want to order a milkshake. When you open the glass door a bell jingles from above. I can already smell french fries from here. Looking around the diner is decorated with old red leather cusioned booths, gray aluminum tables, high bar stools seated in front of a metal counter top and large windows all around.
Even the waitresses are wearing old fasioned pink button up collared dresses. They're even wearing four wheeled roller blades. Talk about committing to the theme. I'm definitely not coordinated enough for skates much less balancing someone's meal while trying not to fall on my ass.

I take a seat on one of the empty bar stools and as a waitress glides towards me.
"Hey hun what can I get you?"
"Hi. Can I get a vanilla milkshake with a side of fries?"


To say that was the best milkshake I've ever had would be an understatement.
"I'll be coming back here real soon."
Sometimes I have this tendency to talk to myself. The local coffee shop is open maybe I should try there? But I realize I don't like coffee. I forge onward down the gray pavement. The sky is getting darker by each street and I decide that id try the nearby bakery before I turned back. Halfway to the shop something catches my eye. It's that dude from earlier and some guy in an alley leaning up against one of the walls.
In case you didn't know the alley near the college is notorious for having the best pot and worst drug dealers. By worst I mean outrageous prices. But if people here are dumb enough to pay that then that's on them.

There's an aroma of sweets and breads that cloud my senses. There were dozens of cookies, breads, cupcakes, and custard filled things you could literally try something new everyday. I see a tall woman behind a glass case. I explain that I have no prior experience and Im already bracing myself for rejection. After some time she asks me
"Where do you see yourself in the future?" Thinking about it for a second I could spout a bunch of bull but instead I give her the first answer that popped into my mind.
"Working here?"
She just smiles at me and has me write down my number.


I swear I might punch her in the throat. So what if I want to watch an Italian man bake cakes. I really don't understand why that's any of her business.
"It's a waste of time. Turn it off."
"Stop being such a bitch and while your at it you can get that stick out your ass."
Just as I'm about to rip her a new one I hear my phone start to ring.
"I'm calling about your add. I was wondering if your still looking for a roommate?"
I shouldn't be to rude.
"Um yea. We have to meet first."
"Yea, sure how about tomorrow?"
"Sounds good. See you then."
Crap. I'm pretty sure I forgot to ask her name.

I hope you guys like this chapter! Like I've said I'm editing my story so things are different.
Comment/Vote! Thanks(:
Tomorrow is Halloween(:What are you dressing up as? I'm going to be a Tiger! (Not a slutty tiger. Just a tiger)

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