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Some days work is so slow I end up either cleaning the same window of glass about three times or get lost in my head. Today happens to be a slow day. I feel like I'm forgetting something. "May I have a hot tea please?" I'm broken out of my thoughts when the cutest little old woman speaks. "Yes ma'am. Do you have a preference? We have green tea, black, citrus and sweetened." I say while smiling. "Oh yes. Black please?" She says while taking off her scarf and smiling. "Great choice. That'll be two dollars even." She hands me the money and takes her seat as I enter it into the register. Turning around to start her tea I see Harry out of the corner of my eye leaned up against the counter staring at me. He stares to damn much if you ask me. I turn to face him "What are you looking at?" I question and his face turns smug. "You planned that didn't you? That whole show from before. With your mate." He accuses while pointing at me and taking a couple of steps closer. "Hey, I tried to warn you." I put my hands up in defense. "You did that to yourself." I chuckle and turn back around to grab a cup and lid. "But you did tell her those things." He says accusingly and I nod "Yes, but no one told you to hit on random girls at work." I point out with a smug grin and make my way out from behind the counter leaving an annoyed Harry with a damaged ego.
Looking around the shop and spotting the old woman on the far end I stride over and set her drink down in front of her. She smiles at me and I head back to the counter. The rest of the day goes by with a blur and before I know it my shift is nearly over.
Grabbing my bag and coat I head for the door. Just as I'm about to leave Grace emerges from the back of the shop and calls me over. "So I've been going over some things and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking some night shifts?" She asks me "I thought Harry took those?" I say confused and look over at Harry who looks equally confused. "Yea. I work nights." He says. "We see more customers during late hours and I need my best working those shifts." She gestures towards me and just as he's about to speak she cuts him off "And I already know what your going to say but I know all you do is flirt with girls. I get complaints." She says bluntly. "They aren't coming from the girls." He says under his breath and Grace just rolls her eyes. "So would you mind working later? You get better pay and it would really help me out." She asks and I nod "That'd be great actually and I wouldn't have to worry about rescheduling my classes." I say as Harry nudges me and I smile at her. "Great. It's settled then. I'll see you tomorrow night." And she heads to the back of the shop leaving me with a not so happy co-worker. " I'll see you tomorrow." I Mumble as I make a stride towards the door. I cringe as I feel a hand grab onto my bag and I turn around slowly. "Sup." I make the popping sound at the end. "Just curious. You go to the college down the street right?" He asks. "Yea. Why?" I question slightly confused. "Cool." Is all he says and I get an uneasy feeling. That was weird. I turn around slowly leaving the shop. As soon as I step outside I notice the dramatic temperature change from cool to freezing. Putting on my jacket as I head towards school I remember I was supposed to call the realtor this morning. Mentally face palming myself I pull out my phone and dial her number waiting for someone to pick up. "Hello. This is Sarah Patrick." I hear after the third ring. "Yes, this is Max Harrison calling in regards to the property on Pickford." I state. "Oh yes, Ms. Harrison. Did you have any concerns?" She asks. I'm assuming she busy do to all the papers being moved around in the background. "Yes. I was wondering if the property was still available? I was hoping to purchase said property." And the ruffling of papers cease. "That's great! Yes, it's still available. I'll print up some paperwork and set up a meeting to close." She states somewhat surprised. I know I had planned on renting but I really liked it so what the hell. Why not?
Just as I end the call and look up I see a somewhat familiar face walking towards me. It's Randy. Maybe if I ignore him he'll just keep on walking like last time. I can't help but stare at his tattoos. I spoke to soon. As he approaches I can see a smug smile play on his lips. "Enjoying the view?" He says while putting his phone into his back pocket. I just roll my eyes and ignore him continuing ahead and not glancing back.
Thank you for giving me 100 reads! I have a whole other love for you guys(: im adding a new character soon and I'm looking for ideas so comment if you have any. I might use your idea! Comment&Vote! Please and Thankyou!
- MuchLove

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