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What does she need now? I really told her not to disturb us if it's not extremely necessary... Aish...

But well, at least I don't need to keep with the skinship with Momo. It's just uncomfortable, I think she sees me as something else than a friend.

But the the truth is that I'm just dating her because of my bet with Sana... Ugh, this wasn't a good idea after all... Anyways, let's see what happens now...

Sana🐿️: Y/N~ I feel from my bed, I can't get up... Plus, I'm really cold, why did you turn the air conditioning on? 🤔😣

Aish, how could she fell from her bed? She's really clumsy, but I guess that it is one of her charms that makes her really cute... Wait, Y/N what are you thinking? I have to answer her...

Me: I'm going~

-Y/N: Momo, I need to go and look for the glass from before... (smiles awkwardly)
-Momo: Just leave it already... (smiles) Let's hug again... (pouts)
-Y/N: I-I really need to go back up there...
-Momo: Can't you ignore the glass for your girlfriend? (pissed)
-Y/N: G-Girlfriend?
-Momo: We are going out now Y/N!
-Y/N: I see... Anyways, I really need to go up there... (smiles)
-Momo: What's so important from up there that you can't ignore?
-Y/N: The glass-
-Momo: It's not the glass, if you are not telling me, then I'll discover about it! (heads upstairs)

This is not good, it is not going to end in a good way... Oh gosh, I need to follow her, I don't have any idea of how are they both going to react...

I see how Momo enters Sana's room, now is when I die and this house turns into a battlefield... Someone, help me!

-Momo: You! (angry) I knew the glass wasn't the reason... Tch.
-Y/N: I can explain Momo, just let me-
-Momo: What do you want to explain me?! (angry) I'm your girlfriend, and you should focus all your attention on me!
-Sana: I feel and that's why he's helping me...
-Momo: I don't want to hear you! (pissed) Because of you, I can't enjoy my relationship with Y/N...
-Sana: It isn't even real! You are with him thanks to me! Im the one who dared him to get a girlfriend!
-Momo: Huh? Why would Y/N do such thing? Right, Y/N? (smiles with hopefully eyes)

I just look at her, I can't deny it, it's true... I'm just using her to win a bet. It has never been real, I don't like Momo, she's just a good friend of mine...

-Y/N: Momo I-
-Momo: Earned it, you never thought about me... I understand everything now... You can only have her inside your head... (sighs)
-Y/N: No, just let me-
-Momo: Don't even try to lie to me! (slaps me) You don't like me, you fall for her! I'm leaving... (leaves)

I just can see how Momo leaves my house, oh gosh what a mess! I really hurted her... I feel terrible right now...

Dad I'm really sorry, you didn't teach me to act this way... I don't know why, I just let this happen... I totally regret my actions! What can I do now?

-Sana: Y/N, I'm still at the floor...
-Y/N: Oh yeah, let me put you at your bed...

I carry her and put her at her bed again... I still can't understand how did she fall from her bed...

-Sana: (caress my cheek) Does it hurt? She slapped you really hard...
-Y/N: (takes off her hand) Im okay, don't worry... I'll go downstairs and I'll turn the air conditioning off as well...
-Sana: Why are you even sad? We both know that it was all because of the bet... Oh, now it seems like I'll be the one winning... (smirks)
-Y/N: I played with her feelings, of course I'm sad... I shouldn't be like this... (sighs)
-Sana: I think that this is the best thing that could happen, if you didn't love her it didn't make sense to be together... If you had waited more time, it would had hurted her even more... (smiles) Plus, you have to be with whoever you like...
-Y/N: I know... (sighs) I'll be playing the piano for a while...
-Sana: Why don't you play it for me? (smiles)
-Y/N: Why would I play it for you, you dorky? (giggles)
-Sana: Aw man, why do you always treat me this way? (pouts)
-Y/N: Because it's fun to tease you... (laughs)
-Sana: (grabs my arm and pulls me) You should mess with me...
-Y/N: Ow, how scaring... What are you  going to do? (smirks) You are a Shiba Inu...
-Sana: Wait, in which way do you think of me?
-Y/N: (blushes) W-What's that question for? (nervous)
-Sana: Why are you blushing? Do you think of me as my dog form? (pissed)
-Y/N: No I don't... (gulps)
-Sana: Then what's with your reaction? (confused)
-Y/N: I don't know why, but I thought about you when I hugged Momo! (looks down) I know, it doesn't make sense... Anyways, I'm leaving...
-Sana: You though of me? (blushes and smiles) Wait, don't leave~
-Y/N: I don't want to keep with this topic... (embarrassed)
-Sana: But I want to~ C'mon! (smiles)
-Y/N: I told you that I'm leaving... I want to play the piano and-
-Sana: (pulls me over her) I want you to explain me what's with that thing of thinking about me... Do you like me? (smirks)
-Y/N: H-Huh? Why would I-I like you? You are so annoying, clumsy and noisy...

The fact is that I love when she messes with me, it makes me feel that I'm not alone. And her clumsiness makes her really cute, is one of her charms... And about her voice, it's true that it is loud, but it's so damn sweet and I love it...

Gosh, I think that I'm starting to like one of my best friends... This is not good, it is not good...

-Sana: You are just like that as well! (pouts)
-Y/N: Really? It is because I spend too much time with you... (laughs)
-Sana: But we have fun this way, don't you think?
-Y/N: Yeah I do... (chuckles)
-Sana: So, if you think about me, do you like being this near from me? (smirks)

I then realize, I'm just on top of her because she pulled me... Gosh, this is not good... She smells really good, hey it doesn't make sense now...

-Y/N: I-Idiot, you pulled me... It's kind of obvious that you are the one who wants to be this near from me...
-Sana: That's just an excuse-
-Y/N: It is not... I don't like you... (laughs)
-Sana: I don't like you neither idiot! (pouts)

I don't even want to know where this is heading too... I'll leave everything to the future... Whatever that has to happen, here I am, I'm ready for it...

SAVE ME- SANA X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now