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We are still hugging when someone rings the door, I guess that SANA'S friends are here already...

-Y/N: You... You should go and open the door...
-Sana: Yeah, are you okay?
-Y/N: Yeah, I am... I just felt down for a moment... Thanks, for uh... Conforting me... (smiles)
-Sana: No problem... (smiles)
-Y/N: Well, I'm gonna get ready for my date... You, have fun with your friends...
-Sana: (nods)

I head to my room and change into my date's clothes, I look at myself and I have puffy eyes... Ugh, this sucks, how can I feel so sad because of my mom so suddenly?

Anyways, I don't have time for this... I  get ready and leave my room, I need to cross the living room in order to leave the house, I'm sorry for disturbing you Sana...

-Sana: And he's Y/N, he's the one who helped me a lot and the one who allows me to live here... (smiles)
-Y/N: Uh, nice to meet you (bows)
-Sana: They are younger than you...
-Y/N: I see, have fun tonight girls... (waves and leaves)

I don't want to bother them, it's better to leave and pick up Momo. I wonder how's going to be our date...

I talked with my friends a lot about Y/N, of course I didn't tell him cause if I did, he would had probably teased me...

-Dahyun: He looks nice... He's handsome as you said... (smiles) Are you going out?
-Sana: Uhm, no we are not, we are just friends (smiles)
-Chaeyoung: He looked as if he had cried tho... What did you do to him? (jokes)
-Sana: I didn't do anything, he has problems with her mother, that's all... (looks down)
-Tzuyu: And where is he going now?
-Chaeyoung: Yeah, I thought you said that he would stay at his room tonight...
-Sana: Well, I told him that I have a boyfriend and I dared him to get a girl... He has a date tonight (sighs)
-Dahyun: (shakes me) You are an idiot? How do you tell him such thing?
-Tzuyu: Only Sana unnie is able to do such a stupid thing... (laughs)
-Sana: It's not funny! I don't like this... I shouldn't had dared him... (frowns) Plus, the girl he's dating really likes him a lot since the first moment.
-Chaeyoung: You are having problems, if Y/N falls for her... Say goodbye to him (srughs)
-Sana: Well, let's talk about other topic, how are you guys doing? (smiles)

I'm heading to Momo's house, am I looking good enough? Aish, I just hope not to disappoint her...

I walk through Osaka's streets, until I reach Hirai's house. Do her parents know about us dating? I don't know how will they react...

I knock their door, and soon I'm greeted by her parent, Mr. Hirai... Oh gosh, he has always been so impressive to me...

-Mr. Hirai: Y/N! It's been a long time since you came around here... (smiles)
-Y/N: Yeah well, a lot of things happened lately... (smiles)
-Mr. Hirai: I know, I heard about your dad... I'm really sorry.
-Y/N: Thanks sir...
-Mr. Hirai: You know, you don't have to be worry about dating my daughter... My wife and I are really happy that you are the one dating her, you are like a son for us, and we want to make you know that if you ever need something, you can count with us (smiles)
-Y/N: Thanks a lot (smiles and bows)
-Momo: Dad! What are you saying to Y/N?! (worried)
-Mr. Hirai: I'm just telling him how happy I am about him dating you... (smiles)
-Momo: You are going to embarrass me this way! We better be going! (pushes me outside)

We start walking headid away from her house, she's cute when she's embarrassed. Her dad didn't say anything bad at all...

-Y/N: You are cute... (smiles)
-Momo: Y/N don't mess with me please... (blushes)
-Y/N: I'm just being honest...
-Momo: (blushed) It's so embarrassing for me! Let's talk something else...
-Y/N: Okay, then I'll ask a short but important question for today... Are you ready?
-Momo: Is that the question?
-Y/N: Eh? Nope (laughs) I was asking if you are ready for my question...
-Momo: Oh, yeah I am (giggles)
-Y/N: Good, here it goes... Which movie are we going to watch tonight? (smiles)
-Momo: Oh! I thought that I already told you... Anyways, we are going to watch that movie where the man finds that thing... (smiles)
-Y/N: What thing? I don't know which one do you mean...
-Momo: That one where he finds that thing (makes a circle with her hands) do you know that thing?
-Y/N: (laughs) How do you pretend to make me know what do you mean by doing that? Don't you remember the movie's name?
-Momo: It was something starting with "A"...
-Y/N: Oh, are you talking about "Aladdin"?
-Momo: (excited) Oh, that's it!
-Y/N: You know, you could had said that the thing he finds it's a magical lamp... (smiles)
-Momo: Ugh, you are right I'm an idiot... (smiles awkwardly)
-Y/N: (pats her head) A cute one tho... (smiles)
-Momo: (blushes and smiles)
-Y/N: Well, let's go... I want to be in a good spot to watch it! (smiles)

We start walking a little faster in other to get our tickets as soon as possible and sit wherever we want.

How is it that I didn't know about Momo being this cute? She's really awesome, maybe it's because I just looked at her as a friend and now I'm looking at her as a girl...

-Y/N: Do you want some popcorn?
-Momo: Why are you even asking? It's a total yes... (smiles) and some drinks too...
-Y/N: We can share in order to don't spend too much... Oh, and it's my treat today! (smiles)
-Momo: Sharing? (blushes) Thanks I guess... It'll be my treat the next time...
-Y/N: Nope, while you are hanging with me, I won't allow you to pay for anything... It'll be my treat (smiles)
-Momo: Aww... (smiles and clings on my arm)

Omg, omg, omg,... We really look like a couple right now! What do you think about this Minatozaki Sana?! Hey, why am I thinking about her so suddenly? Is she having fun? I hope she doesn't do a mess at home...

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