"I mean, you're not wrong." Aurora chuckled, realising that ninety percent of people in this class had standard black hair. "But," Aurora gestured towards his ear, "I noticed it last night, you've got a tattoo behind your ear?"

Biting down on his lower lip, Yoongi slouched back in his chair, crossing his arms over his slender form, "Ahhh... I guess you've noticed it." he sighed before sweeping the hair from behind his ear to reveal the tattoo, "No one actually believes me, but I was actually born with it." He chuckled, "Pretty crazy right?"

Aurora's eyes glued themselves to the marking. It was so bold against his skin so pale, a small black symbol of a crescent shaped moon. "I believe you."

Yoongi froze, eyes widening a little as he removed his hand from his hair, "You believe something like this?" he questioned, gesturing towards the marking on his skin. 

Aurora chuckled as she pointed to her eyes, "I mean... have you noticed my eyes yet?" she laughed, battering her lashes a little, "If I can be born with purple eyes there must be some crazy scientific explanation as to why you have the symbol of a crescent shaped moon on you." she stated, a smug smile on her face as she left Yoongi dumbfounded at her words. 

"I guess you're right" he shrugged, "By the way, I just thought you were wearing cool contact lenses or something." Yoongi chuckled earning a small pout from Aurora as she turned back to face the teacher. 

"Everyone seems to think that." She huffed, leaning her head against her hand as she propped her elbow up on the table. "From the moment someone meets me, they basically call me a fake." she frowned, earning a look of remorse from Yoongi.

Twisting his lips, Yoongi turned back towards the front, "You're not wrong." he sighed, eyes falling absentmindedly onto the blackboard at the front of the classroom. For as long as he could remember, Yoongi had always seen himself as an outsider, an abnormal among society. Starting with the obvious, he had a perfectly shaped crescent moon marking located behind his ear. Although most of the time it was hidden by his small strands of hair, people always ended up eventually noticing, assuming that it was some rebellious tattoo and that he was just some bratty teenager. Second to that, he almost never felt the cold. It was as if he was immune to the effects of the global cooling crisis, being able to walk around in a t-shirt like it was nothing. He felt odd, like an outcast. 

Noticing Yoongi's somber state, Aurora bent over in her chair, reaching for her backpack. She unzipped the material before pulling out her energy drink. "Here." she smiled, holding out the can towards Yoongi's surprised form, "Seeing as we both have to survive this boring lecture, lets share it."

Thin doll like lips twitching into a small smile, Yoongi nod, "Sure."


Stumbling through her front door, Aurora made her way inside her apartment after a long day of university lectures. Ever since she'd picked up that book from the library, she'd felt a weird sensation overtaking her, something drawing her back to the pages of that book. 

Letting her bag slide off her tired shoulders, she quickly shut the front door, keeping the cold night air from entering her apartment before she turned back to her bag. Kneeling down she unzipped the middle pocket of the bag, reaching inside to take out the heavy book she'd been carrying around all day. 

The soft moonlight from the open window illuminated the leather as she let her fingers glide along the surface, but she was quick to flinch at the touch, letting out a yelp as a sharp pain was sent rushing through her skin, "Fuck it's hot!?" she shout, shaking her hand a little before blowing on her fingertips. The surface of the book felt like a burning fry pan, hot to the touch. 

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