Chapter 14

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Adelie's P.O.V


"Do you like anybody?" Harry asked me. I didn't know how to respond, I actually don't think I like anyone.

"Urm, I -I-I," I stuttered. "I don't know, why?"

"Just wondering," he winked. I rolled my eyes.

"If you wink anymore your eyelid will certainly fall off," I teased.

"If you roll your eyes anymore your eyelids will certainly roll out!" He teased back.

"Whatever," I laughed. I started to walk away until he grabbed my hand. He pulled me straight into a hug.

"Sorry, you are very huggable," he laughed. He released me from his grip and I walked away.

"That was wierd," I mumbled to myself. Ok now that's wierd. I just talked to myself.

First I lost my memory and now I'm going crazy?

"What was wierd?" Sophia asked.

"Harry just gave me a hug," I sighed. She just smiled.

"Harry's got the hot's for Adelie!" she exclaimed.

"No! He doesn't! It was just a friendly gesture!" I defended. I'm pretty sure it was, anyways.

"Think what you think, fourteen year old, clueless, sweet, innocent little Adelie," she smiled. Oh right! I always forget I'm not fourteen!

"Shudup!" I laughed.

"No thanks!" she teased.

"Adelie! Come here! Quick!" Paige screamed. I scrambled to my feet and ran towards where she was.

"Oh my god! What the hell happened?" I asked, looking at the blood coming out of Niall's hand.

"We were playing football, and I fell on the sprinkler," he shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Um, no you are not," I sterner. "Come on, let's get that hand cleaned up."

I grabbed his un-bloody hand and dragged him to the bathroom. I felt something zap in my hand, but ignored it.

I wonder what it was though.


"Stop! It hurts to much!"

"Stop moving! It will be better soon!"


Yep, you are dirty minded. I was trying to clean Niall's cut, but he kept moving and yelling bloody murder.

"Aaaand done!" I said as I put a bandage on. "Now, was that so bad?"



haha done!

ok you guys! I am planning something with this book, and I need you to be someone's girlfriend!

Well, here's people I need:

Niall's Girlfriend

Harry's Girlfriend

Harry's childhood friend

Niall's Girlfriend

Zayn's Girlfriend

Crazy fan girl

Ok! Just fan me (if you not already) inbox me who you want to be, what you look like, etc. and you have to recommend this book to at least 3 people! ;)

See ya later!

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