I jumped at his sudden action, and leaned away from him slightly, bumping Sasuke unintentionally.

"Y-Y-Yes?" I answered, not sure what to say.

"I'm so sorry! I thought that.... I'm sorry!" he said, bowing his head.

"I-It's fine K-Kiba-kun. We were trying to look identical," I said quickly. He sat back down, his mood obviously improved.

Sasuke nudged my shoulder gently, and I scooted back to where I had been sitting before Kiba's surprising outburst.

"So Hikari-chan, what do you enjoy?" Sakura asked.

"Pardon?" I looked at the pinkette beside me.

"For fun, ya know? Do you have any hobbies?"

"I...I don't know.... I was either doing stuff with Miyu or I was doing housework...," I said, biting my lip slightly.

"Well do you enjoy shopping at least?" Ino asked, joining in the conversation.

"Shopping? Like for groceries?" I asked, confused. The two stared at me.

"Clothing shopping of course!" Sakura clarified.

"I've...never been clothing shopping. Miyu always did that...," I said. The two girls looked at each other in shock.

"We're taking you shopping," they said together, their voices stern to show they were very serious.

"If you haven't been clothing shopping, then where did you get your top?" Sasuke suddenly asked, and I glanced at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well 'the twins' would never wear something like that. So where did you get that?"

"This was my mother's.... Miyu had packed some of my parents clothes when she thought they were still alive, and the clothes just came with us...."

"It definitely suits you!" Naruto piped up, and I looked over at him. He wasn't looking at my face, and it took me a second to see where he was looking.

"Naruto!" Within moments Sakura was standing and hitting him over the head. I giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

"Wow Naruto, I didn't know you were into girls who are older than you," I teased.

"Sakura-chan!" he whined, rubbing the bump on his head before looking at me, this time my face, "You're hardly older, you're only thirteen."

"About that, I'm actually seventeen," I said, smiling awkwardly. All of the genin kind of stared at me.

"How...but until today you seemed like a normal thirteen year old," Ino said.

"You hid the distinguishing features, right? Things puberty would change, like your chest and voice," Shikamaru asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I hid my more... obvious features... and talked in a higher voice. Being on the short side definitely helped, though I am still taller than Naruto and Sakura," I explained.

"Hey hey hey!" Naruto suddenly started yelling.

"What, dobe?" Sasuke snapped.

"Uresai, teme. We never got to see Hikari fight!" he said, making everyone think about it for a second.

"And you were always holding back so that you and Miyu appeared identical in skill as well," Sakura said.

"So when Dosu fights you in the final round, no one will have any idea what you are like to fight...," Ino said.

Identical Lies (A Naruto Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ