~ Chapter 1 - New Job ~

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He looked out of the car window, baby blue eyes scanning anything and everything in order to try and understand the world around him. Kamski smiled softly at the android next to him. One of his best works he believed. Even better than the GV700 and the HK400 in his eyes. He looked out of his own window as the car continued its journey. They had only just arrived in Detroit, the city which had been liberated by androids. Humans lived together with  the Androids, some chose to stay with their owners for fear of others while some chose to stay with their original owners because they had been kind even when they weren't deviant. While others chose to break free of he bonds that had once kept them in one place, choosing deviancy and freedom over a life of safety. It wasn't perfect, but they all managed it. 

Thanks to Markus and the DPD ground rules had been set into place for both species. Laws for human crimes had been replicated for deviants/androids and a few new ones had been added here and there. It was a decently functioning law system for once.

Kamski sighed, he didn't care about what the androids chose. As long as they were happy then he was too, he'd created them after all. They were much like his children in an odd sort of way. The Mark I Chloe along with the DS100 sitting next to him were his most prized creations. Chloe had been the first to past the Turing test in front of the public while the DS100 model had been the first android to have been created with feelings as a general setting. He understood deviancy, he understood human emotions such as anger, sadness, happiness, joy and so many more. He was a work of art in the eyes of Elijah Kamski.

The android turned his baby blues toward the human passenger, smiling softly at him. Kamski was a kind man. Just highly misunderstood in his opinion. His eyes looked to the smile on Kamski's face. He'd seen it directed his way multiple times while he was staying with the male, as well as having Chloe's directed at him too.  He had observed it as pride? Almost like a fatherly smile while Chloe's smile was that of a dear friends. The android smiled at the thought of her, she had been kind when he had first been brought to life. She had helped him understand his surroundings, the world around him and his purpose. Even if he believed it to be an incredibly odd one. He sighed softly in thought.

Kamski heard it and turned to look at the android. A little worried, he gently patted the androids leg. He jumped, looking to Kamski, smiling shyly as his cheeks tinged blue.

"Are you alright? We can still go back home if you aren't quite ready." Kamski stated softly, eyes flickering back to the front of the car for a moment.

The android sighed before looking back out the window, he was quite unsure of what he was feeling. Fear maybe? Anxiety. He was anxious about his placement. Kamski had him added to the DPD database which initially meant he now worked for and with the officers there. He'd had a small talk with HK400 or better known as hank. The man had told him it wasn't as bad as it looked and yet he was still terrified. It was all so new to him, his creation hadn't been that long ago but then again neither had Hank's before he began working at the DPD.

"I'm fine Elijah. Just a little nervous. It's my first job after all...I'd like to make it work although there are so many variables I have to take into account. Anyway...How long till we get there Elijah?"He stated softly back, eyes flickering back to the world outside.

The tall buildings matched with the beautiful blue sky was mesmerizing. Different. He'd only been able to see the faint outlines of the buildings in Detroit. And it was nothing in comparison to being up close to the giants made of glass and steel. Elijah chuckled at the awe in the other's eyes, finding it rather adorable. He knew DS100 would be nervous. He'd never taken the android far from home. Meaning he had expectations, but more than likely unrealistic ones. He just hoped these expectations wouldn't ruin anything for the android.

~ The Android Born Human ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang