~ Chapter 7 - The Park ~

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Daniel hummed softly. He'd found a park near the Detroit bridge. It looked gorgeous covered in snow, not too many people were around here. Just a few children playing in the playground, adults watching them from afar while talking to one another. He felt...a calm settle over his systems. He walked over to a bench, hands slipped into his pockets. His skin had somehow become paler due to the cold. His lips still held their pinkish tint. Which surprised him considering he expected them to be a disgusting blue colour. He sat down on the bench and sighed. 

Something had drawn him here to this one place. As if someone had tied a string around his wrist and all he'd done was follow it. But if he was honest. It was a little terrifying. Because he knew it hadnt been Kamski who had coded this place into his database. Kamski would have told him about it. Elijah Kamski had originally lived in Detroit until he moved to his villa at the outskirts of the city. So Daniel would say he knew it pretty well. He'd talked about one of his Chloe's having a coffee shop. He sorta explained the district in which his house had been placed. And the DPD. But not this place. Why did it seem so important?

Daniel sighed and tugged his pale hands from his pockets. Crossing them over his chest. Detroit looked even more beautiful up close. It made him smile softly as his LED was now flashing between yellow and red. A temperature warning popping up in the corners of his vision. He could tell his thermal sensors were working in overdrive to detect the temp in the air and then adjust his body temp to help combat it. He closed his eyes. A little girl sitting on the swings alone watched him with worry.


Connor sighed as he looked around the club. He hated jobs like these. Because he hated places like these. So many androids were awake now. And yet chose to work here because no one else would accept them. Everyone knew what the models involved in sex work were. And they all usually resided in this dump. No matter how gorgeous it looked or the pretty colours, Connor hated it. And he felt sorry for the androids who had to stay here.

Hank stood over the body, analyzing it. It was an android who had gone by the name Lillian. She seemed to have been awoken roundabout when the time when the android laws were put into place. One being, all androids were to be set free unless they wished to stay. She had been manufactured a year before that. They didn't have much on her besides how she was killed. He had tracked faint traces of thirium. So this may have been an android on android crime. The android stood and walked over to Connor, the man was leaning against one of the walls near a Tracy model in her capsule.

Connor sighed, he didn't dislike androids as much anymore. But he definitely disliked humans like the ones who owned clubs like these. It was...filthy in its own way. He sighed and wiped at his nose. The tip of it a soft pink due to the cold. It seemed like they were gonna get a snowstorm and soon. Hank smiled down at the detective. It was nice to just be by his side. Connor pushed himself off of the wall.

"Got anything?" Connor asked softly, eyes flickering to all the little containment areas.

"Yes, Detective. I believe it was another android that killed Lillian. The thirium traces lead out the front door though. Meaning we won't get another trace with all that snow." Hank stated gently, hands behind his back as he analyzed the room for the final time.

Connor nodded, looking over to Chris, giving the other male a nod. Chris sighed and watched as the two left. Hank following close behind Connor. The detective prepped himself for the outside world. Knowing it was going to be completely and utterly freezing to him. And yet Hank would barely even feel a chill. That did make him chuckle considering he knew Hank turned off his temperature.

Hank smiled down at the smaller police officer before holding open the door, a blast of cold air flew in and smacked Connor right in the face. The man groaned and quickly made his way out of the club and almost sprinted the last little leg before climbing into his car. Hank watched as he walked slowly behind with a small chuckle. Connor glared at the other, knowing he was walking slow on purpose.

"HANK! HURRY THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FREEZE MY BALLS OFF!" Came Connor's indignant screech.

Hank just smiled and shook his head before walking faster, reaching the car and climbing in. Connor huffed and muttered softly something along the lines of 'You're lucky I love you...' which caused Hank to chuckle and ruffle the younger detectives. Connor swatted at his hand before starting the car and driving back to the station in comfortable silence.


"Haven't found him yet...How is this kid so good at hiding his footprints?" Gavin muttered to himself angrily.

Colton looked around, a little more relaxed. His usually stone-cold face was set into a slightly warmer and friendlier expression greyish eyes relaxed and full of nostalgia. The park. It was one he and Connor had been brought to constantly when they were kids. Hell, they'd even visit it when they were teenagers. Colton sighed and hummed. A small upturn of his lips could be seen He had a feeling his new android friend would be here in order to take a look at Detroit. Even during the day, Detroit looked beautiful.

Gavin stood up to his full height - he was shorter than Connor and Colton - and turned to look at his partner. He and Colton had been here plenty in there time as partners. Whether it be to help Hank drag a rowdy  Connor home or to just look at the view after a harsh and horrific day as detectives. He smiled a little before his face returned to its usual scowl. Colton began to slowly walk around the area. Hoping to find his new android. Gavin followed, stuffing his hands back into his pockets and glaring at anyone who looked at him.

Colton did hate babysitting but maybe this android would make it easy on him.

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