~ Chapter 5 -Brother...? ~

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Colton entered the bullpen, looking around for his older brothers android and quite possibly his brother. His eyes scanned it methodically, starting at one end and ending at the other. But there was no sign of the tall, grey-haired man. Colton huffed and walked over to Connor's desk. Looking down at him and sighing. He must have gotten drunk again last night if the sight that greeted him was any consolation. His brother was face down on the desk, breathing shallow and light. Colton always got a little worried when this was how he found his brother. Whether it be at home, in a bar or here at his desk.

Colton leaned against his desk and flicked Connor's ear. The man groaned, causing Colton to try and flick him again but Connor smacked the hand. But Colton was a very persistent man and wouldn't give up. He never did. Unless he believed that it was truly useless or a waste of time. Then he'd throw the towel in. Connor sighed and lifted his head, blinking a few times to try and get his eyes to focus in on the darkly dressed figure. Although he had a feeling he already knew who it was. Colton glared at Connor. Who inevitably glared back once he was aware of his surroundings. Colton's eyes clouded with mischief. Pissing off his older brother was a skill of his it seemed.

Connor groaned and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes before he heard a small chuckle escape his little brother. He peeked out from behind his pale hands. Connor smiled softly up at his little brother. Colton scoffed and smirked down at him. He pointed to his own desk and then Connor's.

"Seems our androids have managed to escape our eagle eyes." He chuckled, watching as his brother shot up. Looking around for Hank. 

"H-He...Oh yeah...He's fine. Probably with his new friend. The kid seemed pretty sweet, not gonna lie...Plus...He looked like...like..." Connor panicked slightly before he relaxed, eyes shifting to the photo frame on his desk.

Three boys were in the picture. Two taller boys in the back and a smaller boy in the front.  Connor and Nines stood in the back, he had been 16 at the time while Colton was 15. The smaller boy had just turned 11. He sighed as he looked at it. Colton settled his hand on his brother's shoulder. Sighing along with him. His face had taken on its usual blank look.

"He looked like HIM didn't he...It wasn't your fault Connor." Colton stated softly.

Connor stood and grumbled to himself, rubbing at his eyes. He leaned on his side of the desk. Pondering. Colton watched in silence, his brother had the ability to be smart. Clean. Social. And yet chose not too. He chose to interact with the same people. People he knew and liked. Keeping to himself otherwise. It did worry Colton. Even if he chose to keep that to himself. 

Connor looked back on the events of earlier and his internal deductions. Kamski had brought him here. And seemed highly unwilling to let the kid go. Odd enough for Kamski considering he had tried to get Hank to shoot one of his very first androids. But the kid was highly adamant on staying. Something wasn't right, he could tell that much. If Daniel was insignificant to Kamski, then he would have arrived on his own. Stated his own business... Much like Hank and Gavin had before their deviancy. And yet Kamski had accompanied him and had done most of the talking. He must have been something Kamski created on his own. 

Was Kamski that sick in the head to have created an android who liked like someone he and Colton had known from all those years ago? No...He seemed like an asshole but he understood grief at the very least.

"Someone is clearly fucking with us, Conn... Did you know he was assigned to us?" Colton asked, acting as if he and Connor were having a normal conversation just to keep the conversation a little private.

Even if the bullpen was empty.

Connor shook his head no, he had hoped Daniel would have been assigned to him and Hank. He wanted to spend time with the android. Learn more about him. Understand why he was created the way he was. He wanted to understand Kamski's relations to him and quite possibly what his coding was. Was he programmed the same as other detective/police assistant androids or was he different in an unseen way? He sighed and stood up, looking to his brother before huffing. Colton rolled his eyes.

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