Still, there was something that continued running through his mind.

‘I'm sorry, but it seems that my loyalty belongs to someone else now.’


“This time, we have three goals. Our main priority will be capturing Ichigo Ameno preferably alive,” Karasuma started by the time the official team was completed. “I don't care if he’s unconscious, barely breathing, or even mutilated. Just make sure he is alive.” 

Next will be making sure the reunion will go smoothly. We have received a tip from an anonymous source that someone other than Ameno is trying to recreate the bombing three years ago. Their main targets are probably the elite guests, Asano Gakushuu-kun the party's main sponsor, and Shiota Nagisa-chan.” Unknown to them, Irina eyed them suspiciously. There was something definitely wrong here. But, she immediately switched her mood, going back to her easy-going, flirtatious persona. Since Shiota-chan here was originally hired to guard Asano-kun, Isogai, Kataoka, Itona, and Ritsu will proceed on apprehending Ameno. Yukimura, Sugino, and Manami will take care of the guests.”

What about Nagisa-chan then?” Manami accidentally blurted out her thoughts but decided to disregard her shock and continued. “If she protects Gakushuu-kun, who will protect her?”

“I don’t need protection, Okuda,” the bluenette answered rather coldly.

Silence reigned inside Hades for a moment.

“Ahem,” Karasuma cleared his throat to get their attention back. “I think she is more than capable in taking care of herself. Now, I have a personal request, not as your Chief, but as a part of our family.”

“What is it, Karasuma-sensei?”

“Please don't do anything stupid.”



‘Oh, Okuda. Just one of the people I didn’t want to do anything with anymore.’

Nagisa kept quiet, yet her breathing was starting to get unstable.

“I know you probably resent me and the others, but I'd like to have my feelings reach you, because I can't keep it all to myself anymore.”

“Actually, right now I don't think I could bring myself to face you,” the bluenette said.

“Do you really hate us that much?”

“Nah,” Nagisa shook her head then placed her hands behind her, fiddling. “I'm just torn between caring, and not giving a single damn to all of you.”

Manami gulped. Nagisa's straightforwardness was new to her, and the latter clearly demonstrated how deep her resentment was to the Meijin. Just then, Tomohito suddenly entered the scene, adding to the tension.

“Now that's just mean, Nagisa.” He flashed a prideful grin. “What about what we have gone through the years? Would you just throw it all away?”

“I mean, we did share a unique and unbreakable bond, didn't we?” Akari inserted.

“Hey.” Yuuma’s arms wrapped around Tomohito and Akari as he greeted. “Are we celebrating an early reunion or something?”

“Shut it, ikemen-kun,said Megu who followed behind him.

The rest laughed at her retort, and the tension between them decreased. However, all good things don’t last long.

“Why?” Nagisa suddenly muttered.

The others looked at her with curiosity, but did not say anything.

“Why are we acting like this? Like there was nothing wrong? That we were still friends?” the latter asked.


“Don’t speak, Okuda. And you,” she threw a deathly glare towards them, emphasizing her hate. “Don’t you dare think I’ve forgiven you. I will never forget what you've done, even if we were old friends.”

“Stop acting like you're the only one who’s hurt here!”

Megu yelled, to which Nagisa answered with a mocking laugh.

“I'm not. But you killed me that day. The day you betrayed me was the day you killed my beliefs and my trust in you. Remember, Karma wasn't the only one you took away from me. You took away my freedom in the process. Now, I won’t run from you anymore. Because you are below me.

And that is my resolve.”


【 edited. 】

✔ from this unending abyss (The Assassin and the Trial)「 karmagisa 」Where stories live. Discover now