IX. Resolve

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“...yes. If you accomplish this without a hindrance, I would gladly recommend you for a promotion.”

Gakushuu laughed incredulously, as if someone just underestimated him over the phone.

“Are you doubting me? Remember, I made you who you are today. And anytime, I can take all of it away. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a warning. It’s a threat.

He turned the call off, sighing in despair. If only he did not get involved in this affair, he would have continued his search in peace. He doesn’t know why, but it seemed that he trusted Karma more than he thought, entrusting his personal matter, and all.

He stopped signing his paperworks for a moment when his phone vibrated. He simpered and smiled, reading the contents.

project:SALUTATION Floor Plan & Trigger Location

https//: frmthsnndngbss.krng.au

He could still remember why he ended up on the position he is standing right now. Why he ended up signing a truce with his rival and the sister he never had. Why he chose to gamble his life rather than staying on his planned out career.

It all started with them, the E-Class. But, it first emerged with Akabane Karma, who was his lifetime rival, and Shiota Nagisa, who had a close resemblance to the girl he first loved and lost. Alas, it was not the time for his story to be told.

His trance was broken when his phone rang.

“Hello, this is Asano Gakushuu speaking,” the strawberry blond answered.


“Karasuma-san? Is there a new mission for me?” he asked, although he has a slight view on what it is all about.

[Actually, it’s for the Meijin, and for Nagisa-san.]

“Let me guess, it’s connected to the Ameno-Kaneki Bombing three years ago, and you want me to convince Nagisa to reconsider. Am I right?”

Karasuma sighed in defeat. [I knew nothing could slip past you. Would you be so kind to lend us a hand? I just want all of this to finally end. You know, to give them  a peace of mind.]

He always wondered how everyone else would react if they learn that Karma was alive.

“I won’t lend a hand,” Gakushuu said nonchalantly.

[What? I don’t understand—]

“It’s because you won‘t need my help convincing her anymore. By this time, I can deduce that she will be on her way to the agency and carry on the mission.”

[That is kind of reassuring.]

“However,” the young Asano cut off once again. “Her trust on her team might become a different story. The fear of another betrayal is difficult to ward off, especially at such an environment.”

The ravenet cleared his throat and spoke. [I see. I will take that into account and will see you in an hour.]

“Yes, Karasuma-san.”

Before he could end the call, Karasuma followed. [Tell me, Asano-kun. Your loyalty still lies on your service, correct?]

Gakushuu was taken aback for a moment. “Honestly speaking, I don’t know anymore. However, one thing is for sure. I don’t do treachery.” With that, the call ended.

✔ from this unending abyss (The Assassin and the Trial)「 karmagisa 」Where stories live. Discover now