🎈 UraSaka//うらさか 🎂

Start from the beginning

My heart started beating a little faster and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks.

Trying to hide it, I grabbed my coat and quickly stormed out of the apartment.

The snow on the ground made his smaller steps behind me more audible.

"Hey, it's slipping. Your- uh, my scarf."

Already outside, Urata stopped me. As neatly as I tried to wrap it, he was right.

"Heh, you're right."

I adjusted the scarf around my neck, while also wishing it was him doing it instead.

"You're hopeless. Hurry up and let's go."


"We're outside now, are you happy? We already wasted half the time because of your stupidity. You have 10 minutes left, decide quickly."

"Come on now, aren't you being a little mean now? Just appreciate the season for once. Maybe it'll start snowing again? That'd be so awesome!"

"That would seem like we're on a date."

"Aren't you the hopeless one?"

I was trying to be normal, yet him saying such things made me even more excited.

"I'm hopeless because I got carried away. And now I'm standing here with you."

"Why don't we walk, then?"

"Hah... fine. But where to?"

"Does there have to be a destination? We can just walk downtown!"

"I swear if we're gonna walk more than 10 minutes-"

"You could use it. You've been sitting in the same place for about three hours."

"I got it I got it. Look, there're some lights over there. Probably a christmas market. Wanna go grab a bite?"

"Oh? Of course! Let's go, hurry, hurry!"


"I'm hungry. Search something to eat you idiot."

"And why me? We can do that together..."

"Hah... Alright, listen. I'm sorry, okay? Don't sound so sad, geez."

"Oh? Oh? Did you just apologise? It really is a near-christmas miracle!"

"Shut up or I'll stuff your mouth."

"You're mean. Come on, you're getting hangry again. Just like last rehearsal when you yelled at Maashi."

"I did not-"

"You totally did. You refused to sing as well."

I'm sorry..."

"Wait, no! Ura, don't be, I was only joking around..."

"You were joking!? You little-"

"Couldn't you tell? Of course I was! Are you getting sensitive?"

"It's all your fault!"

"Calm down, calm down. We'll get food, eat, and you can continue your work, yeah?"

"... Fine. But you owe me for getting out here with you!"

"Uhm...you do realize you could've just said no, right?"

"You do realize that I said no a thousand times but you didn't stop getting on my nerves?", he grinned.

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