What's Going On?

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"So, how serious do you think it is?" Fenton asked her. Gandra was just leaning on the counter with her eyes glued on her phone.

"Hmmm...." She thought for a moment, not taking her eyes off the phone for a second, "I don't know. They sounded pretty scared. And for Scrooge Mcduck to be scared, I'm sure it's real serious."

The kids lightly gasped when she said this. What was going on? Why was Scrooge keeping a secret?

"You think so?" Fenton looked at his girlfriend with some concern.

"Think about it. Scrooge is this fearless adventurer. The only thing that scares him are the rising taxes and sea monsters eating his ice cream. This is a big deal. If they don't fix it right away then this can be bigger than the Shadow War. And we all know how that went," the kids began to get nervous when Gandra said this. Especially Lena. Was her dream a prediction? Was it gonna come true?

Fenton served two plates of food and placed them on the counter for him and her.

"Do you really believe that?" Fenton asked with worry in his voice. The kids leaned on the door harder and tried to peek into the kitchen some more.

"Not really, I'm just trying to scare the eavesdropping kids behind us," Once Gandra said this, the kids fell into the kitchen in surprise.

"How did you know we were here?" Huey asked in some shock.

"I know a lot more than you kids think," Gandra laughed a bit at the kids reactions, "Plus, I saw your guys reflections on my phone screen."

"Oh," the kids felt slightly embarrassed that they let themselves get caught.

"Shouldn't you kids be in bed by now?" Fenton asked them.

"I just got up to get a glass of water," Lena answered him. She walked into the kitchen and went to the fridge for a bottle of water.

"I couldn't sleep so I got up for a midnight snack," Louie walked past them and took out a pep for himself.

"Isn't a little late for a soda?" Fenton was confused.

"Yea," Louie answered like it was no big deal. He opened his pep and drank it.

"So..... Why are you two here?" Webby asked the question everyone was thinking.

"Yea, why did Scrooge all of a sudden want us to have babysitters?" Louie asked another question.

"Your uncle called me over to take care of you guys. Gyro said he needed to see Mr Mcduck and everyone else so it was a last minute thing," Fenton told them.

"I just tagged along since I didn't want to be alone in the lab with Gyro," Gandra added in.

"What's wrong with Gyro?" Webby asked her. Gandra finally set her phone down and thought about some memories she had of him.

"Let's just say we don't have the best..... relation," this sentence made the kids tilt their heads in confusion. Seeing she had to explain, Gandra sighed and began to explain, "Take last week for example. Gyro invented these handcuffs while Fenton and Huey were on some errands....."

Flash back to last week

"I hate you so much right now," Gandra mumbled under her breath. She was still wincing in pain from the cuff tightening itself onto her.

"Yea yea, and I hate you too now hold still," once Gyro finished applying the butter on her wrist, he began to pull once more.

"Careful! This thing feels like it's getting tighter with every second!" Gandra grunted in great pain.

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