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Even though Namjoon is the last person I wanna see, I was kinda curious as to what he had to say. It was most likely going to be bullshit, bur I was still curious.


"So, Mr. Kim, tell your version of how you met Seokjin." My lawyer asked him.

Namjoon smiled a bit. "He basically already told everyone what happened, why do you wanna hear it again?"

"We want to head your side of the story."

He rolled his eyes and looked away for a moment, then looked back at the lawyer.

"I've always gotten bullied, ever since I was little. If it wasn't about me being smart, it was about my clothes or be being poor." He said. "But finally, after years and years of everyone watching me get pushed down and beat up, someone stood up for me." He said with a smile. "Seokjin stood up to for me."

"What made you want to stalk him?" My lawyer asked him.

"I didn't do it right away." He said. "I left him gifts and letters to show how thankful I was...and to show that I really liked him."

"What kind of presents were they?"

"Jewelry, little teddy bears, candy, stuff like that."

"And the letters?"

"The first few letters, I just wrote about how thankful I was and that he was a hero." He said. "Then once I saw that he was accepting my gifts, I would write to him about how I thought he was pretty and that if I was his boyfriend, I would give him whatever he wanted, nothing crazy or anything like that."

"When did the stalking start?"

"Maybe after a week or so. At first, I would just follow him home, then after awhile, I just started following him everywhere." He said, as if it wasn't a big deal.

My lawyer nodded and was quiet for a moment or so.

"After being forced to switch schools, how did you find Seokjin again?" She asked.

"It wasn't very hard, he was still at home." He chuckled a bit. "He did go away to college for awhile, but I still managed to find out what college he went to. All I had to do was ask his parents, they didn't even recognize me, since I did look very different from the last time they saw me." He chuckled once again.

"So you're saying that wherever Seokjin was, you were there?"

"For awhile, yes. But then I got married, had kids, and a job. I had to move away from town, but still drove back to make sure I knew where Jin was at all times." He said.

"What obsessed you to kidnap him?"

"I always wanted to kidnap him, but I knew I had to do it at the right time." He said. "After my wife died, that's when I knew that it was time to do it. I planned every step. I memorized Seokjin's schedule, figured out the locks to his house, made sure he didn't have an alarm system, and went as far as to figure out his neighbors' schedules too, so I knew when they would be gone or asleep."  He explained.

"How long did it take to plan that?"

"About three years."

"Was it also in your plan to force Seokjin to be your children's mother?"

"I wanted that from the very beginning, even before marrying my wife."

"Did your wife ever know you were doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Stalking Seokjin."

"No, but even if she did, I wouldn't have cared. What was she gonna do? Leave me? I took her away from her family, she wouldn't have had anywhere to go, and there was no way in hell she would've took my children away from me, I wouldn't have allowed that."

My lawyer was quiet again, biting her lip and trying to think of more questions.

"Tell me about your childhood, Mr. Kim." She suddenly asked.

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head. "Oh boy, where do I even start?" He asked, mostly to himself. "Well, my father would come and go out of my sister and I's life, and my mother was a prostitute with a meth addiction. You can only imagine what my children was like." He said.

"Was there any abuse and/or neglect in the household?"

"Abuse, not really. Neglect, there was a lot of that." He said. "My mom would be gone for days at a time, leaving me and my sister to eat whatever was in the house, we were lucky to even have water sometimes. Me and my sister never had new clothes, we had to wear clothes that were too small for us or even had holes in them, it was embarrassing."

"When was the last time you saw your mother and sister?"

"When I was 20, she died of a drug overdose. My sister moved away from home as soon as she turned eighteen, I haven't seen her since."

"Do you miss them?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I hope my mother is rotting in hell, so no, I don't miss her. My sister, on the other hand, I'm sure she's not missing me, so why miss her?" He said.

My lawyer nodded and looked at the judge. "I have no further questions, your honor." She said, sitting at the table.


Hours and hours went by, other people being asked questions, and all I want to do is know what's going on and go home. I felt no sympathy for him while he sat there and told his sob story, there's no reason for anyone to be a fucking psychopath, and I hope the jury sees that.

Everyone was allowed to take another break, so I took this time to go outside and get some air. My thoughts were getting the best of me.

What if he's found not guilty? What if they just let him go with some form of warning? What if they think I'm lying? What if they did fall for his sob story?

Namjoon deserves to be in prison for what he did, all the proof is there and he admitted everything, so I don't see why he wouldn't be guilty.

An hour goes by and it was time for the results. I sat with my lawyer, not once looking at Namjoon. I could feel his stare burning into the side of my head, but I ignored it as much as I could.

"We come to a decision, your honor." One of the jurors said. "We find Mr. Kim Namjoon to be.." the juror paused for a moment, then looked at Namjoon.



I'm just gonna leave it here, on a cliffhanger lol. The results may not be what you think...or maybe it will, stay tuned in for the next chapter :)

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