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Im sorry that I haven't been updating lately, I've been on Instagram alot, plus life is just weird right now.

Also, thank you getting this story to over 1k reads, this made me very happy, so I think all of you deserve a new chapter, possibly a longer one, we'll see :)


For the past week, Namjoon hasn't been yelling or hitting me, which was good. He would act very lovey-dovey with me and I would just go with it, go he didn't get angry. When he wasn't being lovey-dovey, he would either be in his office or at work. I hope this continues on, because I don't know if I can take anymore abuse from him.

The children finally went back to school yesterday, so now I'm just here cleaning the house and taking care of Jungkook. As I cleaned, I sang the ABCs song with Jungkook, which he was very good at.

"ABCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP.." I sang along with him, sweeping the floor.

"QRS, TUV, WX, Y and Z...now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me." I finished, earning some claps with Jungkook and him chanting 'again' over and over again.

Before I could start singing again, I heard the front door open. I peeked around the corner and saw the kids coming in, but they didn't look happy.

"Hey, what's with the frowny faces?" I asked them.

"Yoongi got into a fight." Hobi answered.

"Shut up, Hobi!" Yoongi shouted.

My eyes grew wide and went over to Yoongi and put my hands on my hips.

"Did you get into a fight?" I asked him.


"Yoongi, do you get into a-"

"I did, okay?! But it was because the kids were making fun of Taehyung!" He shouted, tearing up a bit.

I turn around and look at Taehyung.

"Is this true, Taehyung?" I asked him.

He nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Use your words, sweetheart, it's okay." I said calmly.

"Y-Y-Yes m-mommy." He said

I nodded and looked at all of them. "We'll talk about this later, for now, go get dressed in your after school clothes and go start your homework, if you have any." I said, before going back to cleaning the kitchen and singing the ABCs song with Jungkook.


Dinner time came around and all of us were having small conversation at the table.

"I got an A+ on my English test." Jimin said shyly.

"Good job, Jimin, I'm proud of you." I said. "Daddy is proud as well, he's just way too hungry to speak." I said, secretly looking at Namjoon, seeing that he was taking small bites of his food.

"I got to dance in music class, Mrs. Soo said I was the best dancer ever!" Hobi said excitedly.

"You are?! That's great, Hobi, maybe you can show me your dance after dinner." I told him.

"Okay mommy!" He said, then continued eating.

I nodded and smiled at all the kids who were eating quietly, for once.

I was about to start eating again, when all of a sudden, I hear Namjoon say something, something that almost made me choke on my water.

"Seokjin, will you marry me?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, I started coughing harshly, looking at Namjoon like he was crazy.

"E-Excuse me?"

Namjoon got up from his chair and walked over to me, taking my hands and helping me stand up.

"Marry me, Seokjin, I can make you happy." Namjoon said, before getting down on one knee. "Let's get married and move away from here, far away from here, and raise our beautiful boys together." He said with so much hope in his eyes.

I was speechless and looked at the children, who were equally as confused as me.

Well, except for Jungkook, he's too busy eating his food.

"Namjoon.." I started softly. "This is umm...this is all so soon, don't you think?" I asked.

Namjoon's smile quickly vanished, being replaced with a mixture of a hurt and angry expression.

"You're saying no, aren't you?" He asked.

"N-No no, I'm not, I'm just...don't you think we need a little bit more time to think about this?"

"No, I don't." He simply said.

I bit my lip and looked at the children, then back at Namjoon. I knew if I didn't do something quickly, he would get angry and lash out at me again. He's not taking any kind of no for an answer, so I have to say something, so he doesn't get angry.

"How about we talk about it tonight, after the kids go to bed?" I asked.

Namjoon got up from his kneeling position and looked at me. "Fine, we'll talk." He told me.

I internally sighed in relief, then sat down in the chair, continuing to eat.

Now the only thing I had to worry about is what am I going to tell him in order to change his mind?


This is short, but it's something, right?

Q: How do you think Seokjin is going to change Namjoon's mind about marriage and moving away?

Comment and vote!!

-Apryle ❤

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