Forgotten Feelings... (Prussia x Reader Lemon Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Everything replayed in my mind. Our seemingly silly childhood promise, it wasn't just a spur in the moment thing after all.


The meeting just seemed to go on and on, for ages. Everyone had some sort of dumb issue that needed to be resolved immediately, but that was the usual. Looking around the room, I spotted nothing out of the ordinary. England and France were at each other's throats arguing about some sort of dumb trade, China was trying to hand out food to the others and bragging about his country's culture and how the western countries needed to take notes. America was at the front of the room drawing a poor sketch of what was supposed to be a superhero to demonstrate his master plan to stop global warming. West was lecturing Feli as he noticed the young Italian dozing off during the initial parts of the meeting.

Nothing new.

But what caught my eye was a small group of countries that had moved off to the side during all of the commotion. There was Russia, Roderich and Elizabeta, Japan, and (Y/N). The four of them were politely chatting about "official" work when I saw Elizabeta look my way, catching my gaze. She smiled and motioned me over.

"Gilbert! Come over here!" she called out, while waving her hand.

I froze up. "What is wrong with me!?" I screamed in my head. "Why can't I move!? I am the awesome Prussia! I can't be nervous!"

Memories of my childhood came back to me. All happy memories of just goofing off and not having a care in the world. Every memory was an "adventure" I had with (Y/N) or all the funny games and pranks we did.


It was a summer afternoon and (Y/N) and I were pretending to be pirates in her backyard. There was a huge fort set up made from large sticks and branches that we had gathered, all covered with a white sheet that was tied to the support limbs. A homemade black flag that had a messy skull and cross bones painted on in an off-white paint flew proudly atop a sturdy branch secured to the front of the fort. Across from the fort was a small kiddie pool filled to the brim with water, and floating on the watery surface was a small raft crafted messily out of sticks and rope.

I was standing on top of the raft with one eye closed and my sword, which was another stick, stretched out I yelled, "Guardian of the treasure! Come out and face the captain of the mighty pirates!"

(Y/N) walked out of the fort and pointed her sword at me. "The treasure is mine! You'll have to take it from me, Captain Gil!"

She rushed at me. I jumped off my "ship" onto the grass and met her attack with my sword. We struck at each other playfully with the branches we called swords, until she pushed me back causing me to step backwards and slip on the grass and falling into the kiddie pool, or "the ocean". As I sat up in the water, I was greeted by the worried look of (Y/N).

"Are you okay Gil...!? I didn't mean to make you fall in the water...!"

She reached her hand out to me.

As the shock of the mostly cold water wore off, I took her hand and pulled her in with me. She gasped as the cold water immersed her and hit me lightly on the shoulder.

"What was that for!? Gilbert!!" she laughed.

"If I'm going down, then you're coming with me! No one gets the treasure!" I laughed with her.

End Flashback

As that last memory came to an end in my head, I looked at Elizabeta, my body still frozen and rigid as I was attempting to say any sort of response.

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