14 | The War is Over

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Sorry I almost forgot to update today! So here it is! And also here are the twelve cookies for getting me to hit 6k views! :* (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)

You Guys are the best! I love you all! I am putting a warning that there are a LOT of feels this chapter, so get your tissue box ready! :*


Nico POV

"The war is over!" Percy repeated once everyone was in the hall. We were down to about ten people per house. 20 campers from camp half blood, and 30 from Camp Jupiter. It was upsetting, but being the son of Hades, I knew they all went to Elysium. Though, it pained me, I could feel them and hear the dying still. The cries were unbearable.

The crowd erupted in cheers. Then the doors burst open once more. The bodies of all the people that had died started coming through. The first body I recognized was the one none other than Ginny Weasly.

The twins and Ron ran to her. They were helpless. I felt her die in the beginning. They can't do anything now. Ron sobbed into her stomach while Fred and George watched in shock, glued to where they were standing.

"Come on! Wake up!" Ron cried, shaking his little sisters shoulders. Now everyone was rushing over to their loved ones that ha dost their lives.

I materialized next to Ron. I knew exactly how he felt, having lost a sister before too.

"It's no use Ron. She has been gone for a while now. Hold on. Do you have anything of hers?" I comfort.

"Yeah. Why?" I sniffled.

"I can summon her ghost using it for only a second. Give it to me." I out out my hand.

He reached into his pocket and brought out a heart shaped necklace. "She always wore it. It has a picture of our our family on the inside. The clasp b-broke one day, so I was going to fix it for her. I fixed it, but now I can never g-give it to her." Ron stuttered.

I took the necklace and laid it on the ground. I said a few words, and used all of my will power to summon her ghost. When I was about to give up when my power was practically all drained, she rose out of the ground.

"Ginny!" Ron ran to embrace her, but he went right through her. Harry and Hermione then ran up too.

"Ron, George, Fred, Harry, Hermione.... I am so happy to see you. Do not worry. I did not die a painful death. It was quick and short. I was hit with the killing curse. I felt no pain. I love you all." Ginny soothed.

"Hurry. You have seconds left." I warned.

They ignored me. "We love you too. G-goo-b-bye." Hermione stuttered.

"Don't say goodbye if it is hard. Say see you later. Or Hello." She waved and faded.

"Hello." I heard them all say under their breath at the same time.

"Ok everyone! We will have ceremonies tomorrow at Camp Half Blood! For now, enjoy a winning feast!" Everyone sat down, including me, and we started to eat. I could sense the tension and sadness in the air. It was unbearable to feel, so I got up and stayed in the hallway.

"Are you ok?" I heard a voice behind me.

"I'm fine." I snapped.

"Ok sheesh. I was just trying to help..." It was Leo.

"I'm sorry. The deaths, the sadness, the tension.... I-I just can't take it anymore. It is so hard." I broke down.

Leo came over and embraced me in a brotherly hug. He patted my back. I sobbed, remembering all of the deaths that filled my lifetime. It felt good to let it out finally, but it was also very painful.

I wiped my eyes. "Thanks.... For the help."

"No problem. What are friends for?" Leo said grinning.

I smiled. "So you do smile!" He pointed excitedly.

"Oh shut up." I pushed past him and went into the great hall.

When I was done eating. I went up to the Gryffindor dormitory. When my head hit the pillow, I passed out. For the first time in forever, I actually had a dreamless sleep.


So? Too many feels... I know... I am sorry. But I hope you liked! See you later! :*

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