9 | Camp Half-Blood

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Omg.... I HATE YOU RICK RIORDAN! DIE IN THE DEPTHS OF TARTARUS! Sorry..... If you have read the first two point of views in the BOO, then you should know exactly what I am talking about...... Moving on!

Ok I have got to tell you guys this! I just ate a strawberry smoothie for breakfast..... And it was so cold that I am sitting on a heater under ten winter blankets wearing two winter coats yet I am still freezing my ass off..... I can't even feel my fingers......

Also I think, remember the promise I made at the beginning of the last chapter I wrote, I should be done with writing this book by Friday! I am pretty sur because if you haven't noticed yet, the story is starting to pick up now...... I actually can't wait to finish because it will be my first successful full book! Yay! Also it's a lot of pressure to do this...... Especially when I am also writing a million other books along side this one.

I have also devised a plan! Every time this book goes up 1k reads, I will give away 12 cookies! Each blessed by one Olympian! But this chappy just because I am feel happy (hey that rhymed!) I am going to be giving away a mystery cookie! No one will know who it is blessed by. I could be the most minor of the gods or someone super special! But this time it will be different. Whoever wants it, you must comment on this paragraph the word SHAMEBULOCK only once and I will choose out of that list of people who will get the cookie! Since I really don't know any of you IN PERSON this should be a fair pick on who I choose. I will say who gets the cookie in this Monday's update! That would be on October 20th! Good Luck! :*

Earlier in my this book I gave you people's my info so you guys could send me covers right? Well now I need a cover for my new sci-fi book about a girl from another planet who is stranded here on Earth. Then I also need a cover for my PJO, HP, and KC crossover pick a path book! Please send in your covers! It would mean so much to me if you would!

Ok now that I am done announcing news, read on!


Hermione POV

When we apparated, I felt like it was the last war all over again. It was a complete war zone. What I assumed were Demigods, from ages 11 to 18, were dying left and right. I also saw what I thought were all Myths and Legends. Satyrs playing pipes. Nymphs using their powers. And monsters everywhere.

Even though wizard spells weren't working on the Greeks, Greek.... What was it? Celestial bronze wasn't working on the death eaters.

Finally, I regained consciousness so I actually started to take action. I whipped out my wand and directed as many spells as I could at once at all the death eaters in sight. I managed to successfully take down 10 death eaters. Thank goodness that they stayed down too. The monsters were quickly dying, as were the demigods.

When the camp noticed we were here, it was like they all of a sudden found this new burst of pure adrenaline. They charged the monster and death eater army and slashed through everything in sight. I watched amazed at how good they were at physical combat. Especially the nine demigods that I knew.

I shot one spell and instantly felt a sharp blaring pain throughout my body. I recognized it as an unforgivable curse. Crucio. I hadn't been watching my back as I usually do, and the one time I don't I become crippled. I wreathed and screamed in pain, hoping and waiting for the pain to subside soon. But the pain continued for what seemed like forever. Thankfully, the pain made me black out, but that may have been good to stop the pain, though, not good in where I had blacked out.


I watched, horrified, as Hermione crumpled to the ground and wailed in pain. I shot a quick harming spell at the person who had shot the curse at her. I ran to her side and cradled her in my arms. She didn't even notice I was there. After her wailing lasted for about five minutes, she stopped and must lated still in my arms. I held back a sob.

"No no no! She isn't dead!" I cry, unable to hold back the cries any longer. I quickly went to check her pulse. When I didn't feel it at first, I panicked, but then I felt a small thump under where my finger was pressed on her wrist. There is still hope.

A centaur trots up to where I was sitting on the ground. "Give her to me. I will bring her to the infirmary." I nod and lift her up. He takes her and gallops to the big house at the top of the hill.

I wipe away my worry tears to see Harry running towards me.

"What happened to Hermione?" He said, trying to hold back tears of his own.

"She was hit with the Crucio curse and blacked out. She is fine though, at least, at least I hope so." I explain.

"Goo-. Sectumsempra!" He shot behind me. I jerked my body around to see a man in a black cloak in a fetal position on the ground, covered in blood.

"Thanks mate." I pat him on the back and charge back into the endless fight.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the battle ended. We were down to twenty-forty wizards left in each house. Then the only demigods left were the nine we knew, and 30 others.

I saw people mourning over friends and family deaths all over the field. I had to avert my eyes from some of my friends lifeless bodies. I saw pretty much all of the demigods checking for pulses left in all of the people that littered the ground. I stopped when I saw Percy and Annabeth kneeling around someo- wait no. Something. They were sobbing. I then looked at what they were looking at. It was a boy about their age with a goatee. He had a shaggy hindquarters that looked like much of a goats.

I ran over. They were mumbling a name. Grover. Percy had mentioned him once before, but all he said was that they had been best friends since he was 11 years old.

They looked up. "He has no pulse. It's only a matter of time before he...." Percy trailed off.

Suddenly, Grover faded and turned into a golden essence. The essence sank into the ground and up sprouted a small plant.

Percy's mouth twitched upward into a weak smile. "A laurel. He always wanted to be a laurel when he died."

Even though I had never even met Grover before, he sounded pretty great from what Percy has told me. My eyes welled up with tears, but I blinked them away before they could fall.

As I started walking away, Annabeth started sobbing into Percy's shirt. Before I turned completely, I saw Percy start to rub circles into her back comfortingly.

"We must go to Camp Jupiter now." Chiron said weakly. "I will stay here and take care of the injured. Good luck. You are all very brave."

We all huddled back up into groups, smaller ones than before, and disappeared with 'pop'.


OK. I am so sorry you guys! I started crying this chapter. But there is more to come, so prepare yourselves. :'( I am still crying! Dammit! Why did I have to make this chappy so sad? Ok well I will be updating again tomorrow my lovlies! See you then! :'*

Demigods go to Hogwarts: Percy Jackson and Harry Potter CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now