6 | The First Attack

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Hey guys! I got so happy when I saw how much good feedback I got from my last chapter, so I decided to continue right away! So this is for you my lovlies! You guys are the best! I can't believe I am actually at 2.47 reads already! THATS AMAZING! I love the picture I put up for this chapter! That's going to be a thing! I will find amazing pictures that can go along with the story and put them up for you to see! You may continue now! :)



I was starting to go head over heals for that girl Annabeth. I could also tell Harry was, but he just wasn't going to admit it to me.

As I fell asleep I couldn't take my mind off of Annabeth. That night I even dreamt of her. She was so god damn beautiful! Ugh why is Percy so lucky! I bet that if I prove to Annabeth that Percy really isn't that great she will choose me over him. It's worth a try!

I walked down to the great hall with the exchange students, Harry, and Hermione for breakfast. I tried to stay as far as possible away from the five death eaters. While I tried to stay close to Annabeth, which was hard because she was with Percy, who I am pretty sure is a death eater!

Again, I watched in horror as they scraped the best part of their food of their plates and into the brazier.

Here is a quick little summary of the day before the interesting stuff happened. Ok went to transfiguration and Malfoy was still scared of Nico..... Wait if Nico, Percy, Jason, Frank, and Hazel are death eaters, then how come they don't know Malfoy? I mean they are scaring the shit out of him! (Sorry I am just in that cursing mood) They are all probably just doing a whole ct to make it look that way.... But I am not really sure. I guess I will have to investigate this. Ugh! Now I sound like 'Mione!

I groaned and everyone looked at me confused. I blushed being embarrassed that is.

"Wow! You blush redder than your hair!" Leo exclaimed. I glared at him and he laughed. "Your going darker! Ha!"

Everyone was laughing now, including my two best friends, but honestly, they looked like they were forcing it. I gave them a questioning look and they just nodded their heads in the exchange students direction.

Oh yeah! By the way, this is at Lunch..... Percy tapped on Nico's shoulder and turned around towards Malfoy. What are they doin-? Just as I said that, Malfoy's cup exploded and water went everywhere, especially on Malfoy. When he got a new cup, the water in the cup floated up and danced over Malfoy's head. It was a ticking bomb waiting to go off. One of Malfoy's cronies pointed up and the second Malfoy saw it, it fell and soaked his face. He turned to Percy and Percy just acted like he was eating. When Malfoy looked away though, Percy continued..... Whatever he was doing......

The left wall to the great hall burst open. Well more like someone blew a hole through it with a giant two headed dog. Everyone started casting spells at it, but it was immune to it. The monster bit onto a Hufflepuff girl and Luna Lovegood. It started to drag the screaming girls back out of the whole, but before it could, it turned to dust. Then I noticed..... Where were the exchange students. I looked back over to where the monster was, to see all nine of them standing with long bronze swords at the ready. The Piper girl started trying to help the girl by rapping their wounds with a some cloth that Leo gave her.

When she was done, they were brought off to Madam Pomfrey. Everyone was gaping at them in awe and shock. That's when they noticed that they still had their swords out. Percy tapped the top of it and it turned into his usual golden pen. Then Jason tossed his sword in the air and it turned into a golden coin. Thalia's just disappeared, and Nico's black sword turned into his skull ring. Frank's bow turned into his bag, and Hazel just handed it to Frank, who somehow fit it in his bag. I watched as the others got rid of their weapons too.

"How did you do that! You should be expelled!" Malfoy shouted.

"For what, Malfoy? Saving our asses!" Harry stood up to confront Malfoy.

"No for having weapons on school campus, and for allowing that THING into the school grounds!" Malfoy countered.

"That's is and isn't our fault. It's our fault because these monsters are lured towards us to kill us." Percy explained.

"Yet it isn't our fault that the school's protective boundary doesn't hold back our Greek and Roman Monsters." Annabeth said.

At that the hall erupted into arguments, protests, and questions.

"That's not possible!"

"What are you?!"

"Go away! Your not welcome!" That's obviously from Malfoy.

"Greek and Roman 'Myths'?"

"That's impossible!"

"I know!"

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore roared.

Silence fell over the hoard of students.

"I think it is time for you to reveal yourselves, children." Dumbledore looked at the exchange students.

When he said that, seven giants, men and women, flashed into the room in a big ball of light.


There you go my lovlies! I just really wanted to update for you guys because you've been so awesome lately! So yeah.... And....... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I HIT OVER 2000 VIEWS! Love you all! Here are three more virtual cookies! These ones are blessed by the big three! (::) (::) (::) I WONDER WHO WILL GET EACH ONE! Bye bye! Thanks again!

Demigods go to Hogwarts: Percy Jackson and Harry Potter CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now