"Need a kiss too?"

"Dominic...what's after the kiss?" I looked up at him with a smirk keeping my arms around him. He grinned from ear to ear and laughed at my rolling eyes.

"I know I know! I just wanted to make you smile if only for a second. You're worrying already and we don't know what's going on yet."

"That's exactly why I'm worried! My wolf has been telling me what to do since we mated. She has been my source for answers and right now she is just as lost as I am. To top things off, I have a bad feeling that this situation is far from over. I had another vision but I couldn't see anything. I could only feel and it wasn't good feelings."

"You had another vision when?" He pulled back seemingly concerned.

"A little while ago. I've been having them all day. I saw something in Kayla and Jaxon's future and then I saw an upset crowd before everything went black and I felt an overwhelming need to cry." He didn't like that. I saw him tense a little as I said that but relaxed again as I tightened our hug. "Let's just go and figure all this out so we can both stop worrying." I gave him the best smile I could muster pulling him toward the house with my arms still around him. Playfully I bumped him with my hip, "We need to get you a shirt too so I can think clearly."

"You know you love this view! I'm surprised you didn't flip over me giving the girl my shirt." He bumped me back with his hip.

"I wanted to but like you said, I was loving that view!"

"Dominic! Jade!" We broke apart turning away from the house facing the direction of frantic shouting. Kenya and Braden were running toward us like their lives were depending on it but running unusually slow. As soon as my eyes narrowed on their expressions getting that familiar sense of horror and confusion other pack members appeared behind them running equally slow. My mate and I shared a look silently deciding to meet them the rest of the way already knowing what this is about. They've lost their wolves too. The entire pack has lost their wolves.

This is a nightmare or something extremely close to it. It was near dark in the open space that is our back yard with the entire pack, children included, standing there frantically throwing questions and concerned our way. We never got the chance to call Doctor Hemming because he showed up a short while later, his wolf also disconnected. In the little bit of time, we had to talk we've learned nothing. He can't explain how this has happened or why. It seemed pretty pointless for us to have a meeting when we have nothing to tell them but because they were all there and determined not to leave, my father suggested that we just tell the truth. That should go over well...

Kayla and Jax positioned themselves in front of us with both of them standing slightly to the right of where Dominic and I were. This was their wolves' doing; an instinctive need to protect us. That made me feel a little better about standing in front of a large group of people that were scared and confused but not much. The hum of many conversations buzzed through the air but as soon as Dominic raised his hand they all quieted down. He insisted on being the one to tell them.

"Everyone, we're aware that this sudden situation is terrifying and answers are definitely deserved. Unfortunately, we do not have any at this time." The entire crowd groaned their displeasure and Dominic held up his hand again. "We've just become aware of the problem as you have so there hasn't been enough time for us to figure out the cause and possible solutions. I ask that you please return to your homes and as soon as we know something you will be notified."

"But when will we get our wolves back?"

"What if rogues come? We'll be defenseless!"

"Do you still have your wolf?"

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