Chapter 25

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"How are you holding up?" I asked Chat Noir.

"Eh, getting tired. We must have been flying for five hours now!" Chat complained, but in good spirits.

"We've been flying for..."I checked my yoyo, "One hour, forty-eight minutes, and twelve seconds. We've still got a long way to go...But we can make things easier. You wanna take a break?" I asked.

"Well, considering there's nowhere to land, and we're short on I really have a choice?" Chat asked.

I smiled, then said, "Here, take this," I gave him the end of my yoyo.

"Arrivederci!" Then I stopped flapping I immediately began falling.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled.

"Tikki, power down!" I called. Then I was break dancing Ladybug again. I hurriedly grabbed out another macaroon and ate it. I'd used this transformation enough that I didn't need Tikki's help with it, "Aqua Tikki, Spots on!"

Now, I was back in a skin-tight suit. This one was adorned with black and red scales. My pigtails were much much longer and had glowing seaweed coming from them. My feet had flippers on them, and my fingers were webbed. Plus I had a belt of seaweed.

"You good up there, Chat?"

"Yes! Are you okay down there?"

"Perfect! I love the water! Alright, hold my yoyo tightly, and just relax!" I called up.

"What do you-WHOOOOAAAA!!!!!" Chat called, but I didn't turn around.

With the renewed strength of my water suit, and having used it many times before, I was swimming quickly, my yoyo strapped around my waist while the end of it was in Chat Noir's hand, pulling him along without him having to flap.


Me and Chat Noir switched off every so often. Sometimes he would pull me, sometimes I would pull him. But all in all, we made good time. When Chat Noir called down he could see land, we both sped up. Swimming and flying as fast as we could.

Then, I felt sand under my legs. After dragging my body onto the beach, I flopped down into the sand.

Chat Noir landed beside me, and stumbled a bit, his legs unused to working after a little over four hours of flying.

"I forgot how much I love the ground," He murmured.

I laughed and sat up.

"Tikki, power down."

And once again, I was my normal, breakdancing Ladybug self.

I stood, thankful the transformation had gotten all the sand and water off me, though my hair was a bit damp.

"Alright, let's go. We're gonna have to do more traveling, I'm afraid... We're on the edge of Georgia and South Caroline. I live-lived mid-Georgia. We have...umm...two hours of travel? We'll have to keep out of sight so it'll take a little more effort than just going across the ocean..." I took my yoyo and swung it around and around, then threw it, attaching it to...something. I'm not really sure what, but it felt like a building.

"Plagg, power down."

He was just his normal Chat Noir again.

"Let's go, kitty!" Then I swung off.

I heard Chat Noir's stick extend behind me, and knew he was following.


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