Chapter 11

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Well, you know those other platforms? Another came down, and Alya was sitting on it.

We were an hour early to class. I was in the air vent with Trixx and Tikki, watching. I technically wasn't supposed to be here. But I was curious to see what was going to happen.

Just then, Nino came in.

"Hey Als, you okay? Your text to meet here early sounded pretty urgent," Nino said.

Alya was clearly uncomfortable, "Nino...something has happened. Something really bad...but really good too!"

Nino nodded.

"Alright, well here's the good news. Mr. Chu has invited me to begin training in all types of dance alongside Marinette. And when my training is finished, I'll be able to go to any college in the world, all expenses paid for! And...I've accepted!"

Nino smiled, and came and hugged Alya, "That's amazing!"

Alya smiled, but then it turned sad, "But...the thing is, I won't-" She got a bit choked up for a minute, "I'm so sorry, but I won't be able to help run Club Miraculous anymore...I won't have time with training and everything...and if I still wanna go on dates and stuff with you, I'll have to give it up."

Then, I watched as things started to go bad, "Wait, so you're just gonna give it up? Not even fight for it, Alya? Don't you remember all those hours getting the club ready? Or did that mean nothing?"

"Nothing? Nothing! Nino, that meant everything to me! But I have a real chance at an amazing future! But one I don't think I want you apart of if you can't respect my decisions."






I facepalmed. Awesome. How was I gonna fix this? I looked at Tikki and Trixx.

Trixx was growling, and Tikki was having to hold her back, "Let me at him! Let me at him!" She was saying.

I panicked, "Trixx!"

But, I was heard.

"What was that?" Alya said, turning around.

"I didn't hear anything," Nino said.

"Well, maybe you weren't listening."

"Ugh, I'm out!" can imagine how the rest of my day went...bad. Very bad.


"Rena! Rena! Rena!" The crowd cheered.

I smiled. Rena Rouge had just finished her dance at Club Miraculous. It had taken a while for us to come up with a name, but me and Alya were happy with it in the end. Rena Rouge was the perfect name for Alya.

Chat Noir sat by my side, his arms crossed as he whispered, "You're not seriously replacing me with a fox."

I giggled, "Never Chat Noir...We're adding to our group that's all. Though I think Rena will mainly dance by and me for a while longer, kitty."

"Well, that's a relief. At least you weren't replacing me with a turtle or something."

I just smiled at him.

Rena came over to our platform, "How do I get up there?" She called.

"Jump!" I called.

"Oh right..." She sat in between me and Chat Noir, "Still getting used to everything."

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